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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. I don’t understand why some people here were turned off by Hai at tribal council. He has one solid ally on the chopping block, so why wouldn’t he do whatever he can to prevent her from going home? I saw nothing malicious or entitled from him. 

    • Love 7
  2. 15 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    It was all in his attitude...I got this millenial entitlement vibe from him.  Things  have to be his way and he's not changing because  he's a special don't you know, the big bad high principaled vegan snowflake. My read was he was acting like it was all personal against  him. Maybe I'm wrong...but that's my take on him and it made him come off as a whiny creep.

    You got all of this from Hai refusing to flip on his closest ally? What exactly is entitled about that? 

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  3. 18 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Okay well...three episodes in I finally have someone to hate and root against....

    That little vegan creep.

    Thanks to him and "I'm not changing my vote" my favorite player Jenny who I wanted to go deep into the game is gone.

    If not before hand I hope he becomes the first casualty of the merge.

    And to close this vote out will also be tainted by "what might have been" if they had allowed the contest to continue in the water. Maybe the other tribe would have been so spent that they blew the bag toss.

    The whole episode leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

    How is Hai a creep? 

    Hai was closer to Lydia than he was to Jenny; why wouldn’t he choose to keep the former over the latter? And this is coming from someone who was super bummed to see Jenny go.

    Daniel is the one who flipped on Jenny. Why not direct your wrath on him? 

    • Love 11
  4. 12 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

    However, she had the same option to lose her vote or gain an extra vote at the beginning of the game. She chose the safe play which left her vulnerable tonight.

    But choosing the risky play would have lost Jenny her vote, given that Drea and MaryAnne chose to risk their vote.

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  5. Josh is pissed that KJ has agency, especially when he’s voted for her multiple times? What are we missing here?

    I know Sam annoys a lot of people, but I thought her reads during the season were spot on, and I’m a bit ticked that Mark wouldn’t listen to a single thing she had to say since merge.

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  6. On 3/15/2022 at 9:18 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    And did she really think it was OK to apply for that other program or whatever it is she did without consulting him? Equal red flag. Maybe they're even now lol.

    I slightly disagree, as applying doesn't guarantee an acceptance or a committal to the program. The purchasing of the lot, however? Different story.

    Surprise we didn't see Olivia in the finale.

    • Love 3
  7. Tori is certainly doing everything she can to seem as unlikable as possible, even in her confessionals. When she started with feeling bad when Zach was voted out, I totally thought it was going to in the direction of “because he trusted me and we were initially close.” But oh no, it’s all about “he gets food and I don’t!” 

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  8. 1 hour ago, WearyTraveler said:

    But one presumes David can do the simple math for his so called plan, right? He saw how the other tribe voted out his daughter, so he knows first hand there's deception and betrayal going on. His early paranoia almost took him out of the game after his daughter was voted out. So, why is he sticking with the 4? 

    Chrissy not knowing the game explains her play so far, but I am not arguing she should know how to play the game. I am saying that IMO the way she has played so far doesn't make her a winner in my eyes, so I don't have a reason to root for her.

    She's in the best goat position, then. Not a winner.

    I can envision a scenario where Mark and Josh go out at 4 or 5, leaving Sam, Jordan and Chrissy in the the final 3.

    If too many jurors feel burnt by Sam and/or wonder if Jordan ever had any agency or did anything in the game, I can see Chrissy winning. Long shot, but not out of the realm of possibility. 

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  9. I actually think Chrissy might be in a better position than a lot of us realize. I think she has some individual relationships with people like Josh and Sam, and hasn’t been a target at all since the merge episode. Plus, I highly doubt Josh and Jordan will want to sit with Sam and Mark at final 4 (or vice versa), which could leave Chrissy in a swing position at 5.

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  10. One thing I’m not crazy about is when players try to lie to the audience. So Tori saying in a confessional that she was annoyed that people were thinking she was looking for the idol, when that is at least partly what she was doing, was irritating.

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  11. On 3/9/2022 at 7:47 PM, TVbitch said:

    It never ceases to amaze me how 4 or 5 people always get drug along to end by staying in line and following the orders of the power players, and they somehow think they will not be betrayed and/or will have some kind of shot in front of the jury, if they do make it to the end. Jonathon was practically begging them to wake the hell up! (Maybe Johnathon is sick of Sam too! :D ) 

    This is why I respected the hell out of Amy for trying to shake things up during her boot episode, even if she wasn’t the target that week. She knew there was no breaking up Mark, Josh, Jordan and Jordy, so what did she have to lose?


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  12. 1 hour ago, Cornhusker12 said:

    This is spot on! And beyond that, the main type of superfan they bring on nowadays is the "wow I was just on my couch watching my hero Jeff Probst and now I'm in the outdoors for the first time in my life!" type.

    Don't get me wrong, I loved Cochran, I appreciate the "fish out of water" element with those types of superfans, but we rarely see superfans anymore like Rupert or Malcolm or Kim - people who were not only big fans of the show but actually go in with the belief that they have the skills to win the game.

    Most people seem pretty likable so far but, I mean this in the most harmless way possible, this is the most awkward/nerdy personalities I've ever seen in one cast haha.

    Rupert is likely never winning Survivor

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  13. I don’t think the women actually had the numbers to get rid of Josh at the final 12.

    Even if KJ, Michelle, Mel, Shay and Chrissy vote together, it leaves the men plus Sam splitting their votes 5-2, making it 5-5-2. On the revote, Mel still goes home. I think Josh is intelligent enough to purposely split the 7 votes 5-2, rather than 4-3.

    Though why Dave thinks he’s anything but number 7 in that alliance is beyond me…

    How did Josh spin Jordy’s news about Mark’s idol as not wanting to trust Jordy, rather than not wanting to trust Mark? 

    It’s crazy that Mark and Sam are the only two remaining players who haven’t had a single vote cast against them so far this game?

    • Love 2
  14. 4 minutes ago, himela said:

    It is something new for Australian Survivor to not show all players. I guess they have written comments from viewers through the years not remembering all the names and not caring to get to know people who get voted out soon and/or have no impact to the story.

    I think the 5 guys + Sam want to show that they are true to their allliance and they didn't have to manipulate and lie too much to get to the end. Australian Survivor used to be too much into mateship and integrity.

    Sadly, the uneven editing has been this bad since season 4. 

    While I want to be more impressed with someone like Josh, he’s had practically no content for all but one episode of the pre-merge, so I can’t consider him a serious winner contention. 

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  15. Facially, he looks like a cross between Adam Klein and Donathan from Ghost Island. I do feel that, since her is on a tribe with Romeo, that only one of the two of them will be able to make it past the first few votes

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