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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. I don’t think Chrissy has an idol. I thought Croc went home with it in his pocket, and didn’t transfer it to anyone before his torch was snuffed.

    So Mel goes to fire and the editors still can’t be bothered to give her a single confessional?

    I actually didn’t think Amy’s plan was so terrible, but she totally misread her bond with Shay, Mark and Nina. She was definitely next on the chopping block after Mel, so what else was she going to do? Wait her turn only to be picked off right after?

    • Love 2
  2. On 2/14/2022 at 9:54 AM, UnikornRainbowz said:

    What a disappointment. The whole season sucked. I watched because I have never missed a season, and this show done3 Jump3ed the Shark. The shov3ed in your face wokeness about did it, but I decided to watch. Mistake. Not one likeable person this year, and the most insufferable winner in ages. What really burns my craw is how this show has messed with the merge feast.




    I tune in for the show, and merge feast is so satisfying as a watcher to have this episode. Now they even have to earn a merge feast? 



    I did find that a lot of the players this season could be irritating, but how was Erika one of them? 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

    Why was Jay suddenly targeted over David? Jay seemed less plotty than David and Amy.

    Plus he was pretty ☹️

    Now to work out who's who amongst all the other Js: Jordie, Jordan, Josh, Jesse. 🤷‍♂️

    I think Sandra, Sam and Mel (or is it Michelle) thought that Jay was the least likely of the "throuple" to have an idol played on him by Amy.

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  4. 1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

    So, Sandra is the queen, correct? Ugh, I wanted her gone in Episode 3 just so I don't have to hear it every five minutes, along with her I'm so vicious shtick and fake giggle. What does she even bring to the tribe that they want to keep her besides being a Survivor celebrity. She's already sitting out challenges or being drug through them. 

    She’s sat out of only one challenge so far, as many as the uber athletic Sam.

    I know she’s overexposed, but I still love her. 

    • Love 4
  5. 4 hours ago, himela said:

    Finally we will get Survivor where you actually get to know the players even if they are voted out in the first episodes. And Gosh we will surely see the winner in the first six episodes, unlike Probst and Co's ridiculousness.

    Ehh, Australian Survivor isn’t great at letting us know all of the players either.

    I can think of at least 4 that were pretty purple last season, all of whom made it to at least the swap, if not further.

    • Love 2
  6. 46 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    I think people realized that many times those gestures are nice but also self serving. I think that you probably get more out of doing something like giving up your spot for someone then giving up a chance of immunity when you have an immunity idol. 

    And then suggesting that you would use the idol to help someone when they know you are not going to is not going to help you. 

    I think there is a balance between being nice and obvious jury management. 

    I am listening to Xander's 90 minute interview with The Specialists. He has such a different take on how things played out then what we saw. 

    He doesn't get why people didn't like all the advantages at the beginning because it made it harder for people to hide and float. He doesn't seem to understand that he was seen as a floater. I am only 10 minutes into the interview so it should be an interesting listen. I am surprised he has not done a RHAP interview.

    He has done one with The Purple Pants podcast, an offshoot of subset of RHAP. Brice from Cagayan hosts that one. Haven’t yet listened though.

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  7. I think the deep dives give players a chance to explain their thoughts and rationale at each vote of the game, as the 10-15 minute exit interviews don't leave that much time.

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  8. I’m about two hours into the deep dive. Other things covered not mentioned above:


    - Ricard really liked Sara but had to let her go to appease Shan.

    - Had he not won immunity at final 12, he still thinks he would have made it through that vote and that Shan would have played her idol on hmm.

    - He doesn’t know why Luvu always wanted Erika out towards the beginning of the merge.

    - During the emotional aired conversation between himself and Shan at final 8, Shan told him that they could come for each other at final 7, which was the next day!

    - The vote flipped on Sydney quite easily at final 12 because someoneconvinced him and the others that Sydney was playing double agent and knew about the knowledge is power advantage, which makes no sense in retrospect. 

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  9. 14 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    I'm sorry, but on New Year's Eve, the cops have nothing better to do than to look for people who are merely drunk, rather than looking for people potentially driving drunk or actually causing a scene?? 

    This reeks of "we're bored and we need to meet a quota" to me. 

    • Love 3
  10. Something that bugged me in Total Madness. Mattie had the whole house supporting her when she slut-shamed Ashley, but Ashley had everyone hating her for calling out Mattie’s DUI. Only one of those is an actual crime that impacts other people!

    • Love 5
  11. 1 hour ago, NYGirl said:

    I'm watching Australian Survivor on Paramount Plus right now and I'm loving it.  First of all the full theme song and cast pictures at the beginning which really hypes you up!

    Most of all no twists and advantages!  There are maybe 2 idols in play and they don't follow people looking for them.  In fact you don't know who has them.  They are definitely not the focus of the game at all.

    Each episode is an hour and they flesh out every single contestant.  The host says lots of the same things Jeff says and reads the votes different every week so you don't know who's going home.

    It's just like the old days and I'm loving it!!

    While I do prefer Australian Survivor to US Survivor, there are always multiple non-elimination episodes per season. And the editing is arguably even more imbalanced than in the American version, in that a lot of contestants per season get purple edited. 

  12. Why was Priscilla not there? I actually was more impressed with her than any other rookie this season.

    Kaycee keeps saying that she doesn’t trust Amber, but she never says why. Wasn’t Amber doing everything to try to work with/protect Big Brother on both of her Challenge seasons? Something is…off with Kaycee, and I haven’t forgotten how she gaslit Bayleigh.

    I’m not crazy about Emy being considered by the show as rookie of the year and wish the show wouldn’t keep trying to make her happen.

    The Fessy love amongst most of the cast (minus CT, Amber, and Amanda) still baffles me. 

    • Love 5
  13. 21 hours ago, millennium said:

    Big Easy has way too much swagger for someone who not only let down his whole team during that infamous near-death scene but also FLAT OUT QUIT one season, leaving Camila high and dry and out for blood in the middle of an elimination.  Camila was sent home, robbed of her chance at winning, because Big Easy QUIT.

    Big Eric's greatest effort in The Challenge is the way he's constantly trying to steer his narrative, i.e., his exploitation of Aneesa in this final, which is probably why he keeps referring back to his famous fish-out-of-water impersonation, like it was something that happened beyond his control.   Notice he never hearkens back to his famous quitting scene.


    I think at least some of this has to do with the show wanting us to forget that Camilla ever existed, and flashing back to the quitting scene would have gone against that narrative. 

  14. I know CT is great at these things and I generally like him, but I wasn't crazy about him claiming that Emmanuel has coasted. Emmanuel had been in more eliminations than literally every other male except Kyle and has won more dailies than Nelson. He could have just left it at "Emmanuel is a rookie and unlikely to call me into elimination." 

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  15. 7 hours ago, himela said:

    If Xander, Erika and Heather are final 3 (two goats who were not even shown until after merge) and Xander wins it will be the right choice but it will still mean that there's got to be a way to solve the goat problem. It's becoming ridiculous. One strong player and two goats. I cannot.



    I'm not so sure Xander wins in that scenario. Other than hold on to an idol for the merge, what agency has he actually had? The bluffing with the idol move at the Sydney vote was Evvie's idea. Tiffany is certainly not voting for him to win based on her exit interviews. Erika at least played a key role in the Naseer, Shan and Danny votes.

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