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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

    1) Old Tina can’t come to the phone but Old Tina is hogging the line. Tina enjoys nominating people and voting for people to go into elimination and expects people to suck it up and take it but she couldn’t handle the same treatment handed back to her. Interesting…

    2) Cohutta did not exist in this episode

    3) I was hoping Tina went home because I like Melinda so I’m not mad at Tina quitting.

    4) I liked the daily challenge and elimination. I thought they were very creative… and exhausting.

    Kendall didn’t exist either in this episode. Why haven’t we seen her this season?

  2. 12 hours ago, himela said:

    What bothers me a lot is that players who have stayed in the game more than Shan (Heather, Erika) have gotten maybe the tenth of the time that Shan got. Sure I know that Luvu never went to tribal and that Heather and Erika didn't have to show any game play before last episode, but still they deserved more exposure in the episodes. It's what I don't like with the American survivor's edit, they only show people who make moves and/or create some kind of drama. Even Sidney who left pre-merge had more air time than players who made the jury and maybe even the final tribal council. On Australian Survivor all players get some kind of air time and we get to know things about them. Shan did not deserve the winning edit she got at all. She was strategic but she made various serious mistakes.

    I’d actually argue that Australian Survivor, as much as I love it, is even worse with its purple edits.

    We’ve had one player make it to a swap without getting a single confessional the entire season, and multiple players go several episodes without a single confessional, including their boot episode. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Agree that there is much more to Erika than has been shown. Good on her for leading the vote split. I was sure it was going to backfire on her. Personally, I would have kept my head down and followed Sandra’s “anybody but me” philosophy. 

    I do understood and don’t blame Erika for the vote split idea. Erika had a legitimate reason to believe that, had they piled votes on Shan and Shan played her idol, she would have been the one that Erika and Lianna voted for and Fike out with something like 2 votes.

    Danny must be playing so under the radar if he as a former NFL player is the one person whose name hasn’t even be considered as an option. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, xfuse said:

    Why is he bringing it up now and now it's an issue when at the time he said he didn't have an issue. 


    Towards the beginning of the video, I inferred that he ultimately retired from The Challenge at least partly because this issue was still bothering him. He probably figured that if he were to keep bringing it up while he was on the series, he would torpedo his chance of getting cast on future seasons. 

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  5. 13 hours ago, kassandra8286 said:


    But so much better for the viewers!  Reem was the only entertaining thing about the EOE that season, lol.

    I still snicker about her greeting to WarDog: “We’re like oil and water. Water is over there, so roll over.”

    • LOL 3
  6. TJ can shove it with his shaming after the mission. I have been waiting for years for someone to say “let’s see you try this mission yourself,” so Tina went up in my estimation for that!

    Ryan, Casey, Jasmine, Melinda, Jodi, and Tina still look the same! 

    • LOL 1
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  7. I know Amanda has never made it to a final and doesn’t have a great elimination record, but is she really any worse of a competitor than someone like a Nany? I don’t think anything she could have said or done would have made Cory and Nelson happy, and I was totally on  her side this episode.



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  8. I can’t tell if Bettina was the recipient of a good edit, if Emy just wanted to be the last rookie standing, if Emy invents reasons to dislike people, or a combination of all 3. The Bettina hate felt…off, to me.

    • Love 3
  9. Did I miss why CT seems to dislike Bettina? In a confessional this week, he said that if she were to choose him as her partner, he would make sure it’s short-lived.

  10. 2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    JD was an idiot and had his paper with the advantage sticking out of his underwear so everyone could see it. the guy has cargo shorts with massive pockets and he stuck the paper in his undies so that it could be seen above the button on his shorts.

    Or JD wanted everyone to know he had found an advantage because he wanted people to know he was a gamer.

    I am leaning towards idiot.

    Shan can treat JD like he is one of her kids because he is willing to allow it. That is how he is used to responding to authority figures, meekly. to be fair, he is young enough that he might not be comfortable enough saying "I am an adult, treat me with respect" because he seems to be pretty recently out of high school. I don't blame Shan for acting that way toward JD, it gets results.

    I suspect she booted Brad over JD because she knew she couldn't control Brad as easily as she could JD.

    I am fine with how Shan is playing. She clearly has social skills because the only one on the green tribe not kissing up to her is the one womans name who I cannot remember even though she seems pretty cool.

    Genie is the other woman’s name.

    This is such a good position for Shan. She has Genie and Ricard distrustful of each other and JD in her back pocket .

    • Love 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, millennium said:

    Devin will die of advanced dehydration before he gets anywhere near the reputation Bananas has built.  

    I’m still mystified as to how Bananas built that reputation in the first place, as I found him more attention-seeking than I did entertaining.

    • Love 5
  12. On 9/22/2021 at 4:14 AM, himela said:

    I watched Survivor Australia Season 6 and I will have to say this:

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    The winner was someone who was actually voted out and gotten in again after one competition between two people. I find this ridiculous. She did play a good game but everything goes to garbage when you are voted out. George, who was a trully worthy winner, was ROBBED. Such a disappointment from Australian Survivor.




    Admittedly I am a bit biased because I love Hayley, but everyone in the final 4, with the exception of George, had been voted out that season. And Wai had to be saved by a "half of the tribe will be safe and leave tribal council" twist. It's well-established that there are at least 2 non-elimination tribal councils per season, so while I don't like the non-elimination episodes, I don't think George could have used that argument unless he was willing to slam production.

    I also think that the most ridiculous twist this entire season, the one vote that led to Baden's exit, screwed over Hayley. How was she going to navigate a vote where only three people, and then one person, actually had a vote? 

    George did play quite well from the post-swap onwards, but his pre-swap game was an absolute disaster, and he had to rely on Cara to save his ass. 



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  13. 1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

    Poor Abraham. The reason he got voted off last week was because he targeted Tiffany for being useless, and everyone else took that as evidence that he was playing too hard. I hope he had time to put up a big I TOLD YOU SO banner before Voce arrived at pre-Ponderosa.

    But had Tiffany really performed poorly in the premiere episode challenges?


    Also, Voce in his interviews has said that the Abraham boot was a sound decision for the rest of the tribe.  

  14. 1 minute ago, JayDub1987 said:

    DereF's answers were the word vomit I expected them to be. Gah, I don't know how anyone can even remotely like the guy. Narcissistic dimwit who lives in his own alternate reality.

    I know Claire didn't get a question. Who else got left out? I took a bathroom break.

    I don't think Tiffany got a question either.

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