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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 38 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

    I really like Azah but I hope for an X win. If he loses against Deref or Azah it will be sort of embarrassing. I know I always say the winner always deserves to win, but the weird CO situation seemed to invalidate this in my eyes to some extent. I can totally see X winning without the CO, but Deref and Azah? No way. 

    Err, I think Xavier would have been in trouble without the Cookout. Sarah Beth was tighter with Kyland and Tiffany, and Christian and Alyssa were working with Claire and Tiffany before Christian was evicted. Where else was Xavier going to go without the Cookout?

    Azah at least was close to Britini, Claire and DX.


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  2. 23 minutes ago, tealeaves said:

    A vote is  vote.  Big D could care less.   Azah is NOT going to win Part 3.  She is not a strategic player and she won't cut X.  She had her chance and she blew it.   

    And X has not pissed off the jury like Paul did.


    I'm not so sure she's keeping X if she wins part 3. She knows she can't beat him in the end.

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  3. I really hope the editors do a better job in future seasons with giving everyone at least some screen time. As much as I love Hayley and thought George played well, it was fairly obvious that Flick wasn’t making F2 with disappearing from the edit for like 1/3 of the merge.

    The first 1/3 of the merge was the George, Hayley, Dani and Emmett show, and we barely  saw anything from Georgia, Chelsea and Gerald during their time on the show. For being a good storyteller and having a fascinating dynamic with George, we also saw far too little of Wai until like final 7,


  4. We saw surprisingly little of Derek X and Sarah Beth. I worry that with Derek X getting practically no air time, that the show wants Derek F to be AFP.

    I did love Claire's bisexuality and the cookout discussion!

    Kyland's argument with Derek F was infuriating. "Why can't you pretend that I'm nice?" Good fucking god.

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  5. I’m not crazy about Berna, but why was CT itching to get rid of her? Is it because he doesn’t want his partners to think for themselves or have agency? Because she does seem like a great competitor, and as much as I don’t like the Amber hate, I think her strategy of throwing her under the bus to Kaycee was pretty solid. Plus, with her connection to Nelson comes Cory.

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  6. 2 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I feel like Jeff could have just changed to "come on in" without making a big deal out of it.  I have disliked him and his sanctimonious blathering for years, so I admit to fast forwarding the first bits of his "Hey I'm Jeff and I'm back" intro where he was talking directly to viewers.  Did he say anything about the vastly different racial/ethnic makeup of the contestants this year?  I don't think he said anything about this directly to the contestants, did he?  If so, I missed it.

    If he didn't feel the need to say "wow, look at how many racial and ethnic minorities and gay people are amongst all of you"... then why did he feel the need to say about "come on in guys".  Also, I thought he said they were going to discuss and vote.  One woman initially said to not change it and he was fine.  Then the next day, Ricard pontificates and Jeff is all "I agree, it's changed" without even voting.  If he was just going to change on his own anyways, why the whole exercise?

    On the Blue tribe, I really like Danny.  Don't know any of the women yet.  I really dislike Naseer and his "OMG they were looking for idols".  They had a four hour task and they got the task done.  It was a physically grueling task, and per Naseer, if they needed to take a break, they were required to sit on the beach and not do anything strategy or game related?  Whatever.  I was really hoping Blue would lose so they could vote him out.

    I do feel that the yellow tribe made a mistake in voting out Abraham.  While as Evie stated, it sucks that women always get targeted first, particularly, the older and less physically fit, the fact is that this game is still partly a physical competition.  I don't think being a woman makes you automatically "not strong" and I don't think being older necessarily makes you "not strong".  There have been examples of women and older people who are not viewed as physical liabilities.  Janet the lifeguard from Tommy's season is a prime example.

    What I don't understand is why if you know you are auditioning for Survivor, why you wouldn't want to try and get yourself into better physical shape.  I would think you want to be at your best before you go to the casting call or make your online submission.  If you don't want to be viewed as the physical liability, then there would definitely be things you can do to help yourself.

    I would have voted out Tiffany easily, because as was pointed out, she didn't seem to contribute much.  It will be interesting to see how this team performs next time.  Until the game of Survivor changes, the older and out-of-shape people (both men and women) will always be viewed as liabilities at the start of the game.  If they really want to change that mindset, then they should have started this season with a non-physical task.  Like a memory challenge.  And not just the typical puzzle pieces because "women are good at puzzles".  I would have included a memory challenge or a puzzle like the triangles. 

    I was disappointed that neither team chose the triangles.  There didn't seem to be a time limit on the triangles so I would have had each team member do it individually, then they all compare notes.  Instead, it was "take the two strongest guys and fetch water".  Would have been interesting if it had been dictated that the team had to consist of one man and one woman.  I think Voce (I am thinking this is a last name and not a first name?) should have voiced his opinion more, but I guess he didn't want the "this guy is too smart let's vote him out" concern.

    My most disliked person this year is Rickard, so I was greatly disappointed that he was not even a target.  I'm not sure how Genie escaped any discussion, or how the team seemed to decide that it was Sarah or Shan because they lost the puzzle.

    My favourites in the cast are Danny, Shan, JD (I like his earnestness and love of the game), and I think her name is Lianna (young black woman on the yellow team).  Rickard, Evie and Naseer can leave any time.



    He looks terrible.  He's never looked more old.  I read an article before the premiere in which he states that he's going to have a bad mullet after two seasons.  Did they not bring a hair and makeup person for Jeff with the production team?  How is this season any different?  I assume the crew does COVID tests and passed quarantine, so you would think they could have done as in EVERY SINGLE PAST SEASON and brought a hair and makeup person.

    If the point was "we are living in a COVID world" where people don't get their hair cut professionally as often as they used to so we purposely didn't bring a hair and makeup person... why?  TV broadcasters still get haircuts.  Or, do like most of us did during lockdown.  Is there nobody amongst the production crew that can cut everyone's hair?  Or how about ordering some $30 Conair or Wahl clippers from Amazon and doing it yourself?

    And he looks even worse when you solve the rebus and enter that "game within the game" website.  It looks like he filmed these bits after the show ended, and he has never looked more old.

    Yes, but if he had, all three of them would have lost their vote.  I wonder if Danny is going to get a notification when he goes to Tribal that simply "you chose to protect your vote, so your vote is safe" or if he is going to be told that at least one of the others risked their vote and got an advantage.

    I think it was Xander that was spinning it as how "the tribe" would get an extra vote.  How is that going to work?  Like the whole tribe gets an extra vote to cast against someone from another tribe?  It made zero sense and I was surprised nobody questioned as to exactly what that meant.  He made it clear he was playing for the entire tribe and people gushed in appreciation that he made a good decision for the team.

    If it makes you feel any better, unless the dynamic changes majorly with the green tribe, I don’t see Ricard lasting too much longer. I think it’s clear he’s on the bottom of that now five-person tribe. With Shan seemingly in a great position, JD not having received a single vote, Genie’s name never even coming up in conversation, and Brad only really being taken seriously in terms of a threat by Sara, I don’t see a reason for them to want to keep Ricard.  

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  7. In this interview, why does Kyland think that Tiffany would have been a worse representation than Xavier of the winner of the season? She was no more selfish (arguably, less so, as her own individual game would have been better had she stuck with Claire and DX) than anyone else in the cookout other than Azah!


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  8. 3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    This morning I woke up imagining the various F2 options in my head. (You know you watch too much BB when...) 

    1. X and Azah. An elegant and dignified couple. X wins, Azah comes second. I'd love to see this. 

    2. X and Deref. Eh, okay I guess. X wins, Deref comes second but is positive he was robbed. 

    3. Deref and Azah. The gong show option. Imagine if a full season of masterful and brilliant gameplay results in Deref or Azah winning. (I suspect Deref would win, only because for reasons unknown to the rest of humanity, most of the jurors really like him.) 


    DO the other jurors like him though?? I don’t see a world in which Derek X, Claire, Tiffany and Hannah don’t vote for Azah over Derek F. And I think Britini was close with both of them so she could go either way. I guess I could see Sarah Beth and maybe Alyssa voting for DF?

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    Derek F and Azah are still around for two reasons:

    1) They were part of The Cookout.

    2) The two guys running The Cookout (Xavier and Kyland) don't consider them annoying (like Tiffany) or possible comp threats (like Tiffany or Hannah).

    Without The Cookout protecting Derek F and Azah, they both would've been gone a month ago. Maybe two.

    I do think Azah could have been okay for a bit with her relationships with Claire and DX, but I think DF would have been out a while ago.

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  10. I can’t tell if Genie was trying to throw her vote on Ricard in case Sara or JD went for the dice advantage and were kept safe, or if Genie was just that out of the loop.

    I think Sara looks like Drew Barrymore, and Brad looks like Jerry Seinfeld in the face.

    I totally thought Sara was making it far pre-season. So much for that theory 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    I interpreted it more as Azah being thoroughly sick of Tiffany's shit but being too nice to just tell her to shut the hell up. The only reason Tiffany even made it this far was everyone wanting to keep The Cookout intact. Well Tiff, you did it. Now enjoy your sixth-place finish. Nobody will miss either your smug arrogance or your ratty-ass hair extensions.

    I think Tiffany, at the very least, would have been in a better spot than Derek F or Xavier without the cookout. Who did either of them really have other than Britni or Alyssa, respectively? Tiffany at a minimum had Claire and DX, and even Alyssa and Christian before Christian went out. 

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  12. I'd respect Xavier, Kyland and DF if they were to say that they thought that Tiffany and Hannah were playing good games or were jury threats, but I genuinely think they want those two in particular women out because they can't stand the idea of losing to a woman. Kyland at least has put in a lot of work in the house, but what have Xavier and DF done this season? Xavier and DF (and likely Azah) would have been out long ago were it not for the Cookout, and Xavier lost a battle of wills and arguments to Sarah Beth of all people during the week that Whitney was evicted. Hannah had to put in work with Christian and Alyssa to save herself. 

    I don't understand why the show is protecting DF in particular so much. For as annoying as Tiffany might be, I think she did want to try to squash whatever beef she may have had with him, but he wasn't interested in doing that. And he has had this "these women must gooo" mentality since pre-jury. 


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  13. On 9/2/2021 at 6:23 PM, SG429 said:

     I don't necessarily think it was done on the fly - it could (and should) be part of the original game design. Did the design require that someone be saved at this point? Would production chance it on 3 unlucky smashes and no one saved? Or would that whole drama then just be edited out?

    I have the opposite opinion and think the urn twist was done on the fly. I think that Chelsea’s medical evacuation indirectly caused it. Had the medical evacuation not happened, I doubt that we would have seen any more non-eliminations, but I think they needed to fill the 24 episodes with something else. Since season 3, we have had 2 non-elimination twists per season. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, JayDub1987 said:

    So happy that we can expect Tiffany and her "I'm a bad bitch" attitude to be out of here soon. I love controversy and manipulation on my reality shows, but her false sense of superiority just irritates me to no end. I guess Kyland figured that he's returning the favor by "giving her a hand" out the door. 

    X has played the puppet master role throughout this whole thing wonderfully. Hoping he wins. If he doesn't, I'd be good with Hannah pulling it off. Just please, please, please, ANYONE but DereF. 

    I know Tiffany rubs some people the wrong way, but I would argue that Kyland and Xavier have a much higher sense of superiority. I do think Kyland sometimes has good game instincts and did work his ass off on Sarah Beth, but what exactly has Xavier done this season? Tiffany was the one who formed the structure of the cookout. 

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  15. Err, even though I don't think much of Da'Vonne as a player, Cody decided to bash her pretty hard on his podcast yesterday. He claimed that she was not at all a factor or motivation behind any of the member of the Cookout forming, which I know isn't true, and he said it with a fair bit of contempt.

    I don't blame her for being pissed and tweeting about it, especially when Cody essentially won last season by having Derrick and Paulie set up a boatload of pre-gamed alliances for him.

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