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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Here are some things I heard tonight while trying to brush two very uncooperative dogs (who, if this were the BB house, would most definitely be on the block right now):

    Ky and Alyssa spent a long time talking about the shortcomings of other HGs. Derex has no social skills. Hannah is too analytical, and also naive. They are smart, but they’re not street smart like Ky and Alyssa, who can read people like a book because they’re the awesomest. Derex should have played Survivor, because even though Ky has never seen it, he knows its not a social game. You just have to be good at comps.

    Alyssa told Ky she’s annoyed by Tiff and Claire wanting to talk strategy with her all of a sudden, when they never have before. Tiff is also talking to Azah out of nowhere and what’s up with that? Because she has never seen them talking before. Tiff must be getting desperate. Tiff has also been dictating all of Derex’s moves, because he’s just her puppet.

    Tiff told Azah she knows they’ll be coming after her first, once it gets to six. Azah thinks Ky will be the first target. Tiff warns if any of the guys make it to the end, the girls don’t stand a chance.

    Hannah asked Azah to consider whether keeping Derex might be better for their games, because he can help them advance better than Claire can. Azah said she would consider it.

    Deref complained that he’s been doing all the work and taking all the risks for the CO while the rest of them just “sit there and look pretty”.

    X, Hannah and Alyssa talked about who they thought would remain friends beyond the game. X thinks he will stay in touch with most everybody. He doesn’t think Brent will want to talk to any of them.

    Hannah asked whether X would feel bad if an ex started dating someone better looking than him. He wouldn’t care. Alyssa doesn’t know if she would because it’s never happened.

    What exactly does Derek F think he’s contributed so far?? He’s the one person left I find unwatchable, and I’m irritated that the editors are throwing Tiffany under the bus to prop him up during the episodes. 

    • Love 7
  2. I don’t like how those in the bottom half of the rankings from America’s votes will be priced out of competing in the other two high roller games. If you only get $50 BB bucks for the next 2-3 weeks, you don’t have enough money for the Chopping Block Roulette or Coin of Destiny.

    • Useful 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

    I think there's a 30 minute window first thing in the morning, right after my giant cup of strong dark roast coffee, when my brain is firing on enough cylinders that all this High Roller stuff makes sense to me. But the rest of the time, forget it. 

    So 4 of them played tonight to get chances to bet on the upcoming veto. What does this even mean? Betting on who wins? I guess. Or who plays? And then there's something something Second Veto. What? 

    And then there are two other powers that various people may or may not use, or bet on or something, which may or may not change the course of events. So many variables! 

    It was fun to watch the joy of the people who got $100, but I'm not sure Deref should have blabbed about it. I felt bad for Claire "winning" $50 because I like her, but I admit she's coming across as extremely bland in the episodes. 




    From what I’ve gathered, this week’s high roller game involves individuals deciding if they want to spend money to bet on someone to win the POV. Each individual who plays has to pick someone unique, after it’s decided who is playing in the veto competition. If that individual correctly picks the eventual POV winner, that individual wins POV, too. So if I chose you as my winner pick for the veto competition, and you win, both of us have the POV.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Don't mind me, just slipping in some thoughts halfway through my watch.

    I loved Tiffany from the jump, but she's losing me now.

    1.  DON'T SHOW EVERYONE HOW SMART YOU ARE.  Did anyone else have major flashbacks from when Michaela in Millennials vs. Gen X spelled out the whole entire game, using rocks instead, and Jay IMMEDIATELY voted her out for being too smart?  Now I know this is a thing, white people voting out Black women for being too smart --- but --- BE CONSCIOUS OF IT!  Hide your intelligence!

    2.  Getting mad because nobody responded with a "good morning".  Oh god.  Flashbacks to a certain coworker like this before Covid.  I can't.  I cannot.  I'm not a morning person.  There is a certain type of person who will scream GOOD MORNING at me every single day for 1 year straight even though I've made it politely clear I'm not a morning person and I was always running in (sneaking) into the office late and I very very rarely say it back.  Oh ... god.  Meanwhile I'll work with some people 5 years in a row and they never scream "Good morning" at me, but we love each other all the same, you know what I mean?  They just "get it".

    I feel really really bad pointing this out but after several weeks..... Derek F seems to go a bit dyslexic when he has to say "I sadly vote to evict".  Poor guy :(.   Julie finally pointed it out this time.  

    I know this isn’t a Survivor thread, but the Michaela vote out made ZERO sense in my mind. All for what? Trying to gather numbers so she, Jay, Will and Hannah could have the majority at the merge? That seems basic enough, and why Jay voted her out for that was beyond me. 

    • Love 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

    So, is Hannah in The Cookout, or not?

     I see no reason why she shouldn't be (Kyland is biracial, too), assuming that it's essentially a race-based alliance.  But every time the show spotlights the members, either by naming them or doing quick cuts to show them on-screen, she's omitted.  And yet, Xavier never once considered her for nominations.

    I suppose it's possible that the show has forgotten she's in the House, but still…


    Derex isn't annoying me yet, but I can feel it coming.  Every move he makes is over-calculated and most are unnecessary.  Bending to Frenchie's whims to backdoor Travis in Week 1, not throwing the Week 2 Veto when the last thing you want is a rep as a comp beast, and now he's thrown two comps in two days, and blatantly orchestrated the results of the Wild Card, all to try and terminate one of his own teammates?  Sheesh.  Take it easy, "genius".

    And all because of a "danger" (winning might give Brent safety) that was clearly miniscule.  If the Week 1 Wild Card decision was different from the Week 2, the odds are very good that Week 3 will also be different.

    It would serve him right if Whitney won Veto, took Brent down, and all of a sudden Xavier realized that his renom choices were the three Queens, three members of The Cookout…and Derek.   Try to talk your way out of that one, mastermind.


    Xavier also fell a bit in my eyes.  You're gonna try and claim Brent as a pawn when he already told you to your face that nobody would believe that?  Sheesh.  And don't think your "clever" speech about how nominating Brent ensures that "the person" you're targeting goes home.  He can see through that, too.

    All so unnecessary.  Just say that the Aces are the only team that hasn't had anyone nominated yet and name two of them.  Easy-peasy.


    Azah obviously made a mistake volunteering as a pawn (NEVER volunteer as a pawn!) but I can see why she did it.  Britini had, however inadvertently, implemented basic Pawn Strategy last week:  be devastated enough to earn sympathy.  I don't know why X couldn't have refused to put her up, but said he'd look into other, non-Britini alterantives.  But it seems he doesn't want to vary from his chosen path, no matter what.

    There's "keeping it simple"…and then there's just being stubborn.  JMO.

    I think she’s kind of in the Cookout but Azah and Derek F don’t really include her in a lot of things. It’s a bit puzzling, as I think she’d be more loyal to that alliance than to most other alliances she’s been considered for! Then again, Derek F hasn’t really made much sense with most things he’s done this season.

    • Love 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

    Didn't like Frenchie's idea to tell everyone they were safe, but I'm all about busting up showmances. He's sealed his fate early, which really goes against his "student of the game" claim he made. Ah well. We're still early enough in the game that I have a few people I like, so losing Frenchie early won't ruin much for me.

    Are Alyssa and Christian actually a showmance though? Or just something Frenchie made up because he didn’t know why else to nominate Alyssa?

    • Love 4
  7. That whole “giving Aneesa her props” felt forced to me, because you just know that the cast is going to not want her as a partner yet again when she appears on her next season.

    • Love 4
  8. 3 hours ago, aghst said:

    Daily was great, people steeling themselves to have the floor taken out from underneath them.  Puzzle must have been more complicated than it looked.  Everyone got the letter but apparently there were patterns that they had to match up.

    The elimination, it's an old one, featuring strength and stamina but it was fairly matched.

    Katie volunteers for the elimination, maybe she's playing a "fair game" as they say, because she didn't compete.  Volunteer a second time and you know she didn't mind if she went home to hubby and baby.  Not only that, she gave up in the second round to rest up but she didn't last in the third round either.

    But she takes someone down with her, now that it's a double.  LT says he's not scared but like Cyrus, they're not being too strategic, which may be why neither has won.  Not even sure if either has made the Finals.

    LT says the other males are relieved.  Well they were relieved Katie didn't pick them but I don't think they were too concerned about LT as a competitor in the Final.

    Gisela is worried about Kendal and she should be but if the Final has any kind of distance running or climbing, she's not going to be able to run with most of the other women, let alone Kendal or Kellyanne.

    They keep saying $500k but that's the total prizes right?  It's not half the prize that people assume they're going to get?  So the winning male and female would likely split it, as Double Agents just did and some of the total prize would go to the second place finisher, like maybe $50k to split between the second place male and female?

    It is a shorter season than the Double Agents but imagine if they expanded it and doubled the prize money.  I think some of the regular Challenge competitors may want to come over to the Seniors Tour, or maybe do both the regular and the All-Star.



    Syrus has won before and made the finals in the Inferno 

  9. 19 hours ago, Jillibean said:

    That's by her own report. A lot of people who no longer get called, for a variety of reasons, still claim they get called. I mean, Jemmye claimed she got called every season even though it was clear she'd give a rib to get back on the show and jumped at the chance to be on All Stars with basically no notice. Cast members know production isn't going to publicly say "No, we didn't call him/her." I highly doubt Camila got called after her Champs vs Stars incident and I don't think she'll ever be called again. She was already an insurance nightmare for the CvS thing, and her Dirty 30 outburst is even worse in the context of the heightened awareness of racism. Jordan also claims he wasn't given a sit out, but I think it's quite apparent that he was. And Rogan was getting "dental surgery" on the day of the reunion last year. 


    He made quite a bit of noise after winning TM about possibly retiring, but I think he basically said then, and is still saying now, that he's not sure one way or the other. He seems to have a lot of projects going on at the moment that he clearly is prioritizing over being on the challenge. I think he would probably do another if the conditions and timing were right, but the days of him doing every season are clearly done--assuming he isn't on this one (and all signs indicate he isn't), it will have been a full year and a half of him not participating in a challenge, which is the longest stretch he's ever had by far. And I can see the all star version being far more attractive to him at this point due to the shorter filming time.

    I've come a long way on Johnny. I used to loathe and detest him, then started to feel like he was growing up around FR and sided with him on a few things, which was shocking to me(though he still managed to lose me with some of what he said and did that season). At this point I do see him as a happier, more fulfilled person--at least some of what drove me crazy about him in the past was his defensiveness and unwillingness to admit any fault, and he seems much less defensive now. I appreciate that he's acknowledged that he used to be really terrible. And I really didn't even dislike him on TM.  I attribute a lot of it to Morgan. She seems to have been a really positive influence in his life. His show also seems to have evened him out. My armchair analysis is that in the past Johnny was super ambitious and had a lot of bravado but was clearly insecure, angry, and quick to lash out at any narcissistic injury. He seems genuinely happy now. If you don't loathe Johnny with the fire of a thousand suns, I recommend checking out some of the reaction videos to his first look segments that he did with Morgan last year on the First look youtube channel. They're honestly cute together. 

    I think you can get called for initial availability but no be ultimately cast. 

  10. 13 hours ago, xfuse said:

    I recognized Kendal. To me she will always be the girl who was walking along the beach not caring instead of watching the challenge that was going on.

    I didn't recognized Jemmye or KellyAnne.

    I thought that was Cameron who didn’t watch the challenge way back in the day?

  11. On 3/6/2021 at 9:24 AM, Eolivet said:

    Fun fact: Michele dated both Jay and Wendell. The latter was made uncomfortably clear during the last season of Survivor. I continue to find it interesting that Michele was rumored to be on Challenge 33, and then she and Jay were dropped days before departure. And I'm sure they won't bring up how Michele's buddies (including Wendell) conspired to get Natalie to lose Survivor 40. But I hope Natalie remembers that and smokes all of them.

    Michele was also defying COVID protocols in the early days of the pandemic, so she'd fit right in with Josh and Kaycee.

    I thought that Michele dated Pete from the Survivor: Philippines, and not Jay?

  12. 42 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

    I figured TJ didn’t reveal the whole game plan because someone like CT wouldn’t have been incentivized to go hard on round one, knowing his partner would never be able to cut it in round three. It logistically had to come down to partnerships at some point because it’s not like they could have a male/female winner from two different teams. If they hadn’t planned to make it a partner thing, they probably would have done it the way they did in WotW1, where your success or lack thereof determined whether your partner could compete in the next round. After listening to some of the cast’s patreon recaps, I think we give the producers way too much credit for potentially manipulating things on the fly. It doesn’t really sound like that’s something that happens. 

    I think Gabby versus Nany might come down to who chokes more. Nany’s issue in eliminations has often been mental toughness, and it seems like Gabby might have a similar vulnerability. Nany has more to prove, though—has she EVER won an individual elimination? I can’t think of one, and she’s done, what, ten seasons? I mean, Josh has won an individual elimination after four seasons. Josh. 

    Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

    Nany has one a couple (one in Battle of the Seasons and one in Rivals III), but her overall record is pretty atrocious. 

  13. I feel like Theresa should in theory be a great contestant for The Challenge, but she has always rubbed me the wrong way and annoyed the everliving shit out of me. Her only elimination wins that I can recall were against a checked out Camilla in Free Agents and against Nany (who isn't good at eliminations herself) in Battle of the Exes II. I feel like she buys into her own hype a lot.

    • Love 1
  14. 13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I don't think Ted said anyone said it directly to him. I do think he said he had heard people were calling him names and then specifically mentioned Clay.

    Sabrina said an older man on her season called her a slur to her face and I'm assuming it was Tarzan since there weren't any other 'older men' in her season. Except I guess perhaps Troyzan. 

    Plus, Troyzan seemed too woke to say that.

    22 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    That is a lot of circumstantial evidence.  I honestly do not recall why Barry was voted out (They just started posting season one on YouTube and I have started watching it again and the Barry vote was one I was interested in because I remember liking him but for the life of me I don't remember why I like him.) but calling anything to do with voting Moana out racist seems suspect to me.  She was one of the biggest targets in the game, she along with David were the key shot callers of the season.  It would be foolish not to target her.

    Saying he is racist because of what part of the country he grew up in is a generalization.  It would be like saying any white people from the American south automatically hate black people, or any black person from South Central Los Angeles automatically hates Koreans.  That is far too broad of a brush to paint. 

    Now I obviously cannot defend anything about people having personal interactions with him.  All I am saying is I am not so quick to call someone a racist, I need hard facts before I taint someone with that word.  And the thing is I am not even a Nick fan during either of his seasons I was team Matt Rogers, Moana, and David through and through.  

    Plus, I didn’t enjoy watching Moana, so it’s possible that those not in her alliance didn’t enjoy playing with her. 

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