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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. Just now, wallflower75 said:

    Then it gets interesting, because the vote will then come down to Tori and Lindsey...and Jonathan gets to flush out two idols.  (Remind me, does anyone have a clue how many advantages Drea has at this point?)

    Drea has 4:

    Knowledge Is Power


    Extra Vote

    Hidden Immunity Idol

    I think there's a non-zero chance Drea asks MaryAnne for her idol.

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  2. 1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

    Oh, Ponderosa where are you?

    I don’t think they are doing them this season. I heard the main camera person got COVID during that time and they didn’t have enough coverage or time to film it this season 

  3. 3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Have any of the contestants spoken out about the season or how it was edited? The way it was presented, you would think they only had dedicated cameras on the guys and Sam. And that Jonathon spoke mostly to the guys at tribal. 

    The whole season was off for me. I remember early on there was a talking head from Jordie in which he spoke about wanting to "collect scalps." I could not believe they would air that.

    I only listen to RHAP podcasts for Australian Survivor coverage, but here is what I’ve heard so far from exit interviews and from recap episodes with Shannon Guss:

    - Chrissy and Shay were eviscerated at final tribal council (mostly by Jesse, Jordy and Jordan) and no matter what their responses were, it was always about “but what moves did you make?” Chrissy started crying when talking about final tribal council to Shannon.

    - Sam and KJ were treated kind of terribly at Ponderosa by the three men mentioned above. KJ had good reason to not fully trust Jordy when he didn’t even bother to tell her that he allegedly wanted her in his long-term plans, and he just claimed that it was irrelevant. 

    Hoping that Shannon does some deep dives with Sam, Chrissy, KJ, Mark, Josh, Jordy, Shay, and maybe some others


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  4. 2 hours ago, DrBriCa said:

    Yeah, that kinda bothered me with the rest of the tribe complaining. Snorkeling at the surface wouldn't require too much arm/shoulder movements, nor would the fishing unless he tried spearing some shark that started putting up a fight. Swimming in a challenge would require full shoulder rotations, which would be dangerous just 10 days out from a dislocation. I think the better determination would be seeing how he swims whenever they had to get to the water platforms before Jeff gives instructions and/or swimming back to shore at the challenge's end (i.e. was he swimming then with full arm motions or just some dog-paddling to protect the shoulder?).

    Speaking of challenges, I've noticed that Jeff always seems to look down at the sand with his revised "Come on in!" He must really miss adding the 'guys' at the end...

    I can't remember the last time (if ever) that we've had a 3-tribe season go to the "merge" with equal numbers. Although Omar still has a missing vote that he risked, so there should be an odd number of votes next week unless Drea or Maryanne use their extra votes already.

    It will be interesting to see if/how they decide to do an hourglass twist. Jackson's early departure left them with an even number at the "Merge," whereas last season they had 13, leading to Erika as the exile. With an even 12, there's no clearcut way to single one person out.

    They had 12 at the “Merge” last season as well.  It was down to Naseer and Erika in terms of Exile, and the winning team of 5 chose to send Erika to exile.

  5. I wonder if either of the following factored into Chanelle's vote for Mike?

    1) Hai and Lydia asked Chanelle to vote for Mike to test her loyalty to then (and then voted out Daniel on the re-vote once she showed that bit of loyalty)

    2) Daniel playing his SITD and becoming safe, leaving someone other than Chanelle herself as someone who would receive at least one vote.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Nozycat said:

    Although she seems to think she has played a great game.

    Yes I am hoping for a Shay win too.  I think the other 3 have coasted through the game.

    I like Shay as a person, but other than win challenges, I can’t think of much that she’s done right.  Chrissy at least has built great social bonds, always on the right side of the vote, and never been a target

  7. 1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

    Damn, that was some talking head of Jonathan.   I felt sorry for him and his brother.   And I like him more than ever talking about wanting to do acts of service for his tribe. 

    But what the hell, Omar and MaryAnne.  What’s so bad saying they are a tight 4?

    I think Omar and MaryAnne are worried that if all 4 of them make the merge, Jonathan's comment will make them targets because why not try to split a tight alliance? 

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