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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. Uh Cody, after being in the sun for an hour and a half, it’s absolutely possible to be completely dry.

    I believe the 43 cast saw the pre-merge of 42, but filmed 43 during the airing of the post-merge of 42.

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  2. Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

    Tall Middle Eastern guy.  The "pet cremator."

    Cody is the mullet guy.

    Now, what's the deal with this boat?  Not another Jackson situation, is it?

    We don’t think it’s a “one contestant for each tribe goes to an island to play prisoners’ dilemma situation?”

  3. I know a lot of people think that Tyson and Angela are nothing but bitter cakes, but they’re absolutely right in that a production team that essentially makes up rules on the fly isn’t one to be trusted.

    And most of the mainstays on the flagship show (i.e. Bananas, Devin) have an incentive to not get on production’s bad side by not saying anything bad about them.

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  4. I think she might do well in the tribal portion, because I can easily see Cody, Dwight, Justine and Nneka being some combination of annoying/too much of a challenge liability. Noelle and Jesse are the only ones I don’t see being early targets on their tribe.

  5. 3 hours ago, twilightzone said:

    Taylor isn't going to be mad.  She's in the F3 and will be the last girl standing.  It's no secret that Monte doesn't like Brittany.

    She and Monte and Turner are a worthy F3.  It's not like last year where Big D and Azah floated and got dragged along.

    Was Xavier’s game really THAT much better than Azah’s? Other than Alyssa, Xavier didn’t have many relationships with people outside of the cookout, and even Alyssa had considered ditching him for Tiffany and Claire at some point .

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  6. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I've lost so much respect for Taylor. Not that I begrudge her a little showmance, but with Monte? He's the one who started the whole bully ball rolling towards her at the beginning of the season when he ran to Paloma and told her what Taylor said to him. He's been mostly awful to her and he's a smug asshole. I don't know if she understands what he did to this day, I hope when she gets home someone fills her in.

    And yeah I'm glad she won HoH but she will probably do whatever Monte tells her to do, which means putting up Turner and Brittany. I just hope Brittany wins Veto and Monte goes up because that last thing I want to see is a Turner/Monte F2. 

    I was actually hoping Brittany would win HoH - not because I like her but because the other three's heads would explode, and I would enjoy watching them all squirm.

    I don't get why these people are always SO BAD at the tiebreaker question. Don't they know how many minutes, even approximately, the Veto comp lasted? It's just 60 times whatever that number is. Both Brittany and Taylor were WAY OFF. I think the answer was one thousand and something? Meaning the comp lasted between 16 and 20 minutes? I would have guessed much longer but I didn't play it live like they did, and Taylor guessed 400 something and Brittany 2700. Can't either of them do simple math?

    I don’t think Taylor has heard what Monte said about her earlier in the season. I’m also thinking/hoping she’s just horny

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  7. I thought the final was an absolute mess from start to finish.

    What was the point of flying Ben to the start of the final when he had already been medically DQ’ed?

    Desi got shafted, big time.

    I’m not entirely convinced production gave Angela a heads up that stopping a specific leg of the challenge meant that she would be DQ’ed from the whole final. Why else would she have not just sucked it up?

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  8. It doesn’t sit well with me that Michael, the gay guy, was someone that the other men never thought was worthy enough to be a “bro,” whether that be his exclusion from Oasis in week 1, the pound in week 3, or from Turner’s/Monte’s relationship. Am I crazy for thinking this? 

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  9. 47 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

    So many conversations today and I have no clue who’s going this week. Brittany has been beating everyone down with long talks and they’re taking their toll on her recipients who are also beating themselves up for blowing veto and what could have been an easy elimination. Alyssa’s been crying and playing the “but I’m so adorable and non threatening, keep me” card and it’s worked thus far but I’m sure she’ll be ok with crying her way to jury this week for at least 2 weeks of privacy with Kyle. Turner hoping Monte sticks to his promise of not putting him up. And Taylor being her usual likable self and Monte may just keep her because she’s stressing him out the least. And then there’s production who I think wants Alyssa to win because she’s half of their golden couple and would be their consolation victor after they lost Kyle so who knows what they’re telling these 5 in their DRs. The target is going to change a 1000 times before eviction and that’s entertainment. 

    I actually wouldn’t hate an Alyssa win as much as most people would, but Alyssa has gotten practically no content other than her showmance with Kyle and her clueless moments. So I’m not all that convinced she’s production’s favorite.

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  10. 6 hours ago, millennium said:

    I'm mildly infatuated with Angela although her fealty to Tyson is a turnoff.  TJ seemed hugely relieved that the daily didn't end without at least one person completing it.   I don't think I have ever seen him so effusive in his praise.   

    I don't like this show, however I'm still savoring Leo's absence and the fact that he acted like such a crybaby after his elimination.  I was listening to Bananas' podcast earlier -- Death, Taxes and Bananas.  He and Wes spent the latter part of the program discussing The Challenge USA.  Both seemed annoyed that Leo had badmouthed the show after his departure.   From what I gather, Bananas had Leo on as a guest recently.  Either on the podcast or elsewhere, Leo apparently suggested that the production team conspired against him, switching the Elimination to Hall Brawl at the last minute because they wanted him off the show.  Apparently Leo also complained about the living conditions, the edits, etc.   Wes and Bananas credibly explained why it was all just sour grapes.   It was pretty interesting to hear their take on Challenge USA and their feelings about not being a part of it.  

    Bananas has been the Challenge darling for almost a decade, so doesn’t he have every incentive to not say anything bad about production?

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  11. 1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    Monte is in a bad position as to any F2 jury vote, save Brittany who has zero shot.  To me, his smartest jury move is to evict Turner and be able to claim he took down the best competitors when it counted most.  Never mind it is by far the best game move to even get to the F2.

    Good on BB to enforcing a rule.  Maybe it will help keep the hamsters from flouting house rules going forward.  Ironic that Monte blew the comp while he was ball-involved. 

    I actually think Monte beats anyone remaining except for maybe Taylor. Big threats went home on Turner’s HOHes, but not really of his own doing. Besides, I don’t know who would be a vote for him over Monte or Taylor (except for maybe Kyle or Alyssa). Indy and Jasmine blame Alyssa for their evictions, so I don’t know who’s voting for Alyssa. And I don’t think anyone is voting for Brittany in the end.

  12. 39 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

    Sounds like an ego thing. He wants to be memorable and take risks instead of being boring or safe. That’s why he’s winning comps he doesn’t need to win just so he can beat records. As a watcher, I’m good with the drama. 

    I like Michael, but all 3 of his HOH reigns (assuming Terrence goes this week) ended in predictable results. He’s really not all that risky as an HOH.

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  13. 3 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

    In my opinion Michael and Brittany's purposes for wanting a final three with Taylor are not that pure. They know not many people like her in the jury. The only locked vote she has is Joseph. Would Indy or Jasmine EVER vote for Taylor? No way. Two sure votes against Taylor are very important and they count a lot and I think they are the reason Michael and Brittany insist on a final three with Taylor.

    Brittany and Michael likely don’t know this, but I actually think that Indy and Jasmine left the house with somewhat positive thoughts about Taylor. Granted, I’d think they’d easily vote for Michael over Taylor in the end, but Indy and Jasmine could vote for Taylor if Michael isn’t there.

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