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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. I feel awful for Jackie. She was sidelined from the beginning with her Champions tribe in season 3 and got medivacced with no confessionals this season.

    Anjali had Chrissy upside, so I’ll miss her.

    While it was entertaining, I don’t think it made sense for anyone except Simon or Jordie to want to go forward with the vote.

    Rogue can go fuck herself with that racism towards Nina.

    Despite how much of a focal point Liz seemed, I don’t think we’ve had a confessional from her yet?

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  2. Of course Bananas yearns for the good old days, as it is was before his buds Evan and Kenny were banned from The Challenge, and it was before people could see on repeat how much of a douche he was to all the women (minus Johanna and Paula) on The Island. And let’s be honest, he had no business becoming the fixture of the Challenge he ended up being, as I find him as charismatic and entertaining as a doorknob. Gimmicky isn’t the same as entertaining.

    However, I do agree that the BB main crew in Fessy and Kaycee are beyond bleh. 

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  3. The pacing of this season has dragged since Michelle and Jay were eliminated.

    Does Fessy’s charisma just not translate on screen? Other than being tall and conventionally attractive, I’m not getting the appeal.

    I think Bananas is the only person left in the competition that hasn’t yet seen an elimination this season? I’m not exactly a fan of his, but that’s impressive. Plus, I thought he looked so good in those glasses.

    Jordan’s argument to Tori, no matter how he tried to spin it, basically amounted to “you want me to do something that I promised would do but I don’t like your delivery behind it? Well, I’m just not going to do it now simply to spite you.”

    Loving Horacio!

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  4. 6 hours ago, aghst said:

    No idea, maybe residuals?

    Never watched the show, don't know how much he was featured, whether they rerun episodes a lot so that residuals can even be a big deal on that show.

    He has done the Challenge after his TM appearances didn't he?

    If it was a big payday, he might be less likely to come to The Challenge.

    I don’t remember when he did Teen Mom, but he’s been on the past few seasons other than the current one (Total Madness, Double Agents, Spies, Lies and Allies)

  5. I wish at least one juror would just flat out admit that they liked Gabler more than Cassidy. Because the reasons cited for not voting for Cassidy (Gabler beating Jesse in fire, the Ellie boot)? Were not nearly as much done by Gabler as they’re claiming. Cassidy put Gabler in fire, and I’m sorry, but fire is not a move. Even if it was, Gabler had no agency in being put in fire. The Ellie boot? Wasn’t that more facilitated by Sami more than anyone, plus, Gabler had no risk there since he was already immune that tribal council. The best they could come up with a move was from pre-jury?

    I think it’s perfectly valid for jurors to vote for someone based solely on relationships/likability, but why they can’t just say that as their primary reason? 

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  6. 18 hours ago, rhbhaddict said:

    According to wikipedia both Cassidy and Gabler each voted incorrectly only one time.   Cass voted Ryan when Jeanine went out and Gabler voted Ryan when Dwight went out.  I keep hearing Cass never voted wrong.

    Cass at least knew where the vote was going when Jeanine went home; she wanted Ryan to get some votes in case Jeanine successfully played her shot in the dark 

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  7. I don’t understand why the F4 immunity winner is expected to remove their guaranteed shot at final tribal council to essentially peacock to the rest of the jury.

    I’m convinced most of the men on this jury didn’t want to see a woman win. Either that, or production did a horrendous job at highlighting Gabler’s game.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Fretful said:

    Yay!  So much strategy, double-crossing, and social game.  A telenovela indeed.

    I think Jesse might have just cost himself the game.  If he uses his idol to get himself to 4, he then HAS To win immunity to get to 3.  And. as Jeff said, he's the only one who hasn't won immunity.  It will be interesting to see who they vote out at 4.  Karla would be the obvious choice, but she's a bit of a challenge beast.  

    They’re not voting anyone out at final 4. The individual immunity challenge winner brings someone with them to final 3 and then the other 2 compete in fire-making to see who grabs that 3rd spot.  

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  9. I don’t buy the Owen and Karla broke the challenge narrative the show was trying to spin. I think it was just getting too close to dark, which would have fucked up the timing of the next tribal council.

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  10. 2 hours ago, millennium said:

    To the point that he's become obnoxious.   His one-man campaign to rebrand himself "Nelly T." won't save him either.

    What was it, just a season or two ago, that Devin watched from a deck as Nelson worked out and made jokes implying how empty-headed he is?  Nelson had to have seen that when it aired, yet here's Nelson lining up to be Devin's pawn this season!   I never liked that "young bucks alliance" (Cory, Nelson, Hunter) but they were useful idiots in terms of comic relief.   The dearth of stronger players these last couple seasons has allowed Cory and Nelson to gain more influence than they have earned, making for a less interesting show IMO. 

    I want a scene where Fessy pinches himself and asks "Am I really on the show this season?" or questions whether other people can see him.  

    They're either phoning it in or suffering serious setbacks due to the physical liabilities presented by their partners.   It's fine if Aneesa prefers to be built for comfort than speed, but don't come on a show where speed (or at least an attempt at speed) is a basic requirement.   I like Aneesa but she brings nothing to her team competitively, strategically or politically.    Then you had Veronica being self-deprecating about the size of her tush, but it arguably hurt them in the Elimination (although Veronica did give it her all).   I would put Bananas/Nany, Kaycee/Kenny, Devin/Tori and Fessy/Moriah in the phoning-it-in category.   We know why Devin and Tori aren't trying that hard but what's the excuse for the other three?   The passivity even seems to extend to their in-house activity -- Bananas reclining in his bedroom when things are going to hell outside?

    I listen to the podcasts (Death, Taxes and Bananas, The Official MTV The Challenge podcast) and the hosts/guests keep saying this season is full of mind-blowing twists ... where are they?

    I watched some of Season 30/Dirty Thirty following this week's show and was struck by how much more I prefer the old-style Eliminations where the ring is smaller and the camera angles tighter.  There's a greater sense of immediacy and tension.   These arena-style Eliminations put too much distance between the viewer and the players and also the spectator gallery.

    I don't get it either.   Didn't she win the Final in her rookie season?

    I think her relationship with Kaycee has instilled in Nany some inflated sense of credibility.   Nany/Kaycee is much "bigger" than either of them ever were individually.   And her friendship/partnership with Bananas only furthers it.   Nany almost won a Final once, but she quit one of the pit-stop challenges (riding a stationary bike in frigid weather) allowing Laurel to beat her by mere minutes in the final tabulation.   Nany's one of a few players who seem to confuse longevity with ability (Jemmye's another).

    P.S.  The brief Wes flashback was a sore reminder of how much fun he brings to the show and how it suffers when he isn't there.

    I don’t think Jemmye has any illusions about herself as a competitor  

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  11. 10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Are they still doing that?

    I didn't think this episode's family segment was too much at all. Noelle and Sami didn't even cry and Jesse and Owen were pretty tame. I don't have a problem with the family segments but they're definitely usually way more overwrought than this one.

    Sia gave money to Drea last season, off air. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Scatterbrained said:

    So, the chess master was really just a pawn in this game, and the queen (Karla) can move in any direction.

    According to previews, Ellie’s parting words “See what happens when you trust Gabler?” seems to come into play.  I guess we shall see.

    Also, the steal a vote was used totally incorrectly.  She should have stolen James vote in order to ensure his exit.  She and Owen are lucky others helped them out.

    I think Noelle was afraid of the possibility of James having an idol, as I assume she has no idea where Coco’s idol is. And that if she were to steal his vote, he could play that theoretical idol on himself.

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