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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. Ugh, felt badly for Benja and Jodi, who never even got to answer a trivia question. 

    Ahh, so this is how Amber finds out that she’s pregnant. If she ever returns to The Challenge and the Vacation Alliance still shits on her, I’m going to be furious. She did Kaycee a huge favor when she owed her nothing. Speaking of pregnancy, does the Challenge medical team not test for it before the players fly out to location? First Melissa, then Liv, then Natalie Anderson, then Bettina, now Amber?

    Did I space out and miss what exactly happened to Ben that led him to be medically unfit to continue?

    • Like 4
  2. On 4/17/2023 at 12:20 PM, SummerDreams said:

    So I started watching this season last week and I'm once again disappointed by the edit and the time each player gets. It's really frustrating that we don't hear some people talk unless they talk about Carolyn and Yam Yam, obviously Jeff's favorites this season. There were people who were voted out and we never found anything about them. I'm spoiled by Australian Survivor that has almost double the days of the game and almost double episodes and we get to know ALL players really well. I find it really disrespectful for people who went through all the casting, the preparation, left their families, their jobs, were left there starving to create a show for you to make millions out of, and you don't even dedicate 20 seconds to let them talk about their life, what they do, what they feel.

    I understand why people like Carolyn, I don't dislike her but, without being her fault, she takes time from other players and I don't like it.

    And don't get me started with the real and fake idols.

    I love Australian Survivor but we don’t get to know all the players really well. They purple the ever living shit out of some of them. Last season, what did we know about David, Fraser, and Sarah? 

    I do agree about the fake and real idols. Way too heavy-handed by production. 

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  3. I’m listening to a podcast where Kevin Alves, who plays young Travis, is interviewed. I didn’t even think about this until he mentioned it, but he said his character feels some guilt in eating Jackie, partly because she might still be alive if he hadn’t gone in the attic with her. Obviously it’s a stretch at best to blame yourself for that, but I totally forgot about that perspective from Travis

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  4. Why has Natalie not yet left Lottie’s compound for good? Fear that Lisa will tell Lottie? Morbid curiosity? 

    I couldn’t get a good look at Tai’s GPS/Google Maps. Where do we think Van lives exactly?

    • Like 7
  5. I have no clue where she stands in this game, despite the fact that she has officially made the jury. It’s odd to me that we’ve seen virtually nothing from her 

    • Like 4
  6. 1 minute ago, millennium said:

    Tough break.   Since I am only just now starting Challenge: World Championship I have stayed away from everything Challenge to avoid being spoiled and hadn't heard.  Any word yet on what caused the accident?

    Nothing has been confirmed from what I can tell 

  7. 6 hours ago, millennium said:

    I'm late to this but was relieved to discover the show has a much better vibe than Challenge: USA.   It's not just the addition of the vets (although they are always welcome in my home).  The international players all seemed to have decent personalities.   A far cry from Tyson, Angela, Leo, James, etc.

    re: Kiki.  Plastic surgeons need to stop performing that cheekbone augmentation that makes people look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.   I don't know how they can take the Hippocratic oath and then do that to people.  The lips too. 

    Can we please please puh-leeeeze get rid of Nelson and Kaycee?   They bring nothing to The Challenge.

    Surprised by the ages of some of the international players.   Claudia, now eliminated, is 45.

    I think we’ll be rid of Nelson for a while. He got into a horrific car accident several weeks ago, and there’s a chance at least one of his feet/legs might be amputated 

  8. I assume present day Tai was caffeinating herself to death to try to prevent herself from sleepwalking/committing any more atrocities that she does when she’s in her fugue state? 

    I just realized that Jeff wasn’t in this episode at all. Don’t know what to make of that, if anything. 

    • Like 8
  9. Something was off about the way they showed Matthew’s medical evacuation. We don’t get to see the moment that he either decides to leave or that production officially pulls him from the game? We don’t get to see his own tribe’s reaction to him leaving the game? 

    Danny, with how well he’s played on his green tribe, wasn’t smart enough to hide the bromance in front of Carolyn? Didn’t see that one coming  

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, LadyChatts said:

    I wish Bearded Matt would bow out.  Give someone else a chance.  He's going to be worthless in this game if he sticks around.  

    He annoys me, but they’ve got to be nearing the merge phase, at which point, who cares how he’s performing physically?

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