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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. Drew is incredibly lucky that Emily voted with him and Austin. The arrogance to outright reject an alliance is pretty astounding to me. 

    Why is Julie under the impression that Sifu could have the Reba idol, when she knows that Austin is the one who has it?

    I kind of like Kellie, but how does Katurah looking for an idol equate to Katurah being sloppy? As if most of them aren’t looking for an idol.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Could be worse! It could be Mr. "I laugh at the thought of someone asking me for an alliance!" Drew.

    I wonder if players aren’t allowed to choose someone who has already been on a journey. I think Drew went on one in the second episode.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    I hate only showing the top 3 times.  I want to know if Felicia finished or timed out, dammit.

    Speaking of that, someone mused on Twitter that production only shows the top 3 times because the show did Matt dirty during the music comp, and I know this must have happened this summer, but I have no recollection of it.  Can anyone remind me when that occurred so I can look it up and see what they meant?

    I think it was either week 2 or week 3 veto 

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  4. On 10/22/2023 at 4:42 PM, GenerationX said:

    With the notable exception of Kaleb, this is the most unlikable cast in the history of the show.

    kind of like Kendra, Dee, J. Maya and Julie. And Austin and Brando also seem fine. 

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  5. Production couldn’t have been bothered to give Chanelle a confessional after she finished and placed 2nd? Or shown whether Michaela was medivacced or actually made it to the the finish line? Come on now! 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, DrBriCa said:

    The LuLu-heavy focus of the early episodes is definitely a factor, though I also blame that initial "OMG we're all September babies!" moment in the premier for the original Belo girls. It kind of blended the three women, until it became "the one who's so over Bruce" and "the other two." I believe Kendra is the one who talks the most about astrology, and Kellie is the one who was debating in an earlier episode whether she would swing with the Belo boys or the Belo girls had they gone to tribal before the swap. Brando's been very quiet since the first episode.

    I would say the editing for Reba favored the guys, but that's more because Drew and Austin were finding all those advantages/idols, which necessarily showcased them more. Drew also seems to love talking for the camera. Julie & Dee were almost always shown together pre-swap, so it's been hard to distinguish them other than being a duo. J's only notable moment before tonight was the segment highlighting her long big toes.

    I think Dee was the one with the long big toes segment. J, sadly, had 0 notable moments before tonight.

    Dee got a decent amount of airtime last week, vocalizing in multiple confessionals that she and Julie are working with Austin and Drew but don’t fully trust them. 

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  7. Wonder who Probst is going to blame in casting for two people this season having quit.

    It won’t be Adam Klein, whose clients of Brando, Brandon and Kaleb haven’t quit, despite the fact that Probst has no respect for what Adam does.

    Can the show stop purpling Brando, please? 

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  8. I actually like Cory though I think he’s played fairly poorly since the Jared eviction. But he has been nominated before, by Jared during the initial Cam eviction. Granted, Jag won veto and took Cory off the block, but still.

    I do wonder if Cory would be getting this much disdain from both fellow players and fans if he were more conventionally attractive. 

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  9. Oof Sabiyah. I admire her ballsiness in just putting that thing in the fire, but she got overconfident there. 

    Why did production not give a lick of airtime to Sean during tribal council, on a tribe of 4?

    And why does the majority alliance on Reba not like J. Maya??

    Finally, some Survivor players aren’t threatened by there being a lawyer on the cast. These days, I think of that profession as being oversaturated more than a threat in a game!

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  10. Jeff was ridiculous for bashing Adam’s services. I don’t see how it’s any different than working with a coach who helps you in interviews for “regular” jobs. Maybe he’s pissed that Adam knows what casting is looking for, when he previously wanted that criteria to be more elusive?

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Ellee said:

    Cieri can’t volunteer to go, can she?

    Any possibility that Matt/Jag/Cory/America end up keeping Cam?  It’s no surprise to anyone that Cieri wants to go.  Maybe this will be the way she gets what she wants, gets paid, and BB still has a storyline of ‘competitors’ vying for the title.  And, Jared ‘has a chip on his shoulder’ for voting his mom out with said competitors for other reality shows they can all get on. 

    I don’t see Cory voting to keep Cam. Cory knows how much Cam hates him.

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  12. I hardly think Brandon and Hannah “took someone else’s spot.” They applied for the show and went through the same level of pre-game Ponderosa stuff as the other 16 contestants.

    Whether you like them or not, challenge performance isn’t the end all be all of a player. Otherwise, casting would just pick 18 athletes/gym rats.

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  13. 3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    I felt bad for Brandon. To have a dream for so many years, and then fail at that dream so badly, must be a completely demoralizing experience. But good on him for trying.

    That said, I don’t blame the other Lemons for voting him out. They have a dream too, and it doesn’t involve letting a Brandon-sized anchor drag them down.

    As I said last week, I’m glad for the super sized episodes. But I really wish the editors had spent a little more time watching Australian Survivor’s 90-minute episodes. There, the early emphasis is on characters and relationships, and by the third episode I have a very good grasp on who the players are. Here, the early emphasis remains on challenges and advantages, and I still don’t recognize many of the players. I’ll take what I can get, but they’re not using the extra time to it’s best advantage and that’s a bit frustrating.

    Err as much as I like Australian Survivor, I’d hardly consider it balanced in the edit. Production  usually purples/gives practically no screen time to at least 1/4 of the cast. 

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  14. 30 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    How is Cirie doing on BB?

    She was killing it for the first 40ish days but had a couple of her close allies get voted out. 

    Now she’s doing reasonably decently. Not a power player or with a ton of allies, but not many people’s targets. 

    Sean, did Brandon really fuck up the puzzle in the first immunity challenge? Or did he just not get a ton of time on it because of his performance in the wall portion?

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