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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. I know Wes has his fair share of detractors, but I’m surprised the non-vets weren’t willing to work more with both him and Amanda this season.

    Wes is one of the few vets that likes working with the rookies, and Amanda seemingly has nobody but Josh in this game. Targeting them seemed pointless from a Survivor standpoint. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Cherry Styles said:

    That was a lot! The piggy thing was funny, the josh thing was alright, the kayak looked stupid. 

    I like Cam, but I'm not a feed watcher. So Why do they not like him? 

    Izzy would stay on the block to save Cirie?! Like what?

    Cam refuses to take in any new information and thinks he knows everything. 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Who was nominated?  20/20 Snuck in and I missed it!

    Felicia and Izzy.

    Was Felicia actually singing in her sleep? Or was that a night terror for her?


    • Like 1
  4. Julie needs to frame the news of Cirie and Jared to the evicted houseguests differently.

    With Reilly, Hisam and Red, they all initially thought she was referring to a showmance or game alliance. Yet she hasn’t changed her delivery/messaging!

    • Like 3
  5. 42 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Unfortunately, I think Meme wants her alliance to remain in tact until F8/7 and then she thinks she’s going to be able to win comps and make moves. This was Cory’s plan as well. And Cameron’s. And Matt’s. And Jag’s. Hopefully, these people realize that’s not a good idea but outside of maybe Cory, I don’t think they do.

    Agreed about Meme. Plus, I think Cory and America individually did really try with Meme in the first couple of weeks of the game, but she didn’t give them much of anything. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Fucking Bowie Jane and For Real For Real, which is one of Cirie’s many alliances but I can’t fully remember who is in it.

    I think (?) FRFR is Cirie, Jared, Felicia, Izzy, Cory, America, and one of (or maybe both) Matt and Meme?

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  7. The word people use to call someone intellectually slow is I believe what this R word is referring to

    No way Red would have picked America to play in the veto. He hates her arguably more than anyone else.

    Ugh, this is reminding me of Beast Mode Cowboy and Amber from BB16.  

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  8. Poor Bowie Jane and Meme are getting purpled to no end.

    I’m still baffled as to why the Kirsten eviction happened when Luke had been expelled earlier that week. 

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  9. Sadly I don’t know if Jared being in the top 4 means it’s rigged. The episodes have protected the ever loving shit out of him, and I feel like most voters won’t be feeds watchers, and so won’t know what a misogynist he is being. 

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