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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    If they are going to edit the season to be all about one player, then that player better at least make it to final tribal. No one else really deserved it. Liz made one move ~to save Flick ...who turned on her the VERY NEXT VOTE, just like George said she would. So her one move was a bad move. I also don't give her credit for ousting George, as Matt was equally on board for that.

    Liz was still the best of the three, though, in that she won immunity at the right time and is a much better speaker than Matt. I'm guessing that is where her being an Olympian and having to analyze and speak about her performance in invterviews and such came in handy. 

    Gerry learned a lot about the game from his mentor George ...about how to be the perfect goat. I wonder if Liz or Matt told the jury that Gerry actually wanted them to vote him out so George could stay! 

    The only positive thing about the boring finale is that David remains the real king of Survivor AU. He was equally, if not more, crafty and manipulative as George, won immunities when he needed to, and at the end got all the votes and had the jury laughing at his shenanigans. Take a seat, George! And please, let's not see him again unless it is a true all stars season. 

    David didn’t get Moana’s vote. 

  2. I actually think both Liz and Matt had really strong opening statements.

    Gerry handled final tribal council poorly, but I think he had something of a point when he brought up the huge age difference and lack of commonalities between him and the rest of his tribe. I mean, come on, Ben and Gerry being perpetually on the outs of the OG heroes that had the meat tray alliance plus Paige and Flick running the show? I’m not sure that’s a coincidence. Plus, you’re telling me Ben wasn’t smart or social enough to want to learn more about the others? Having said that, I do like Shaun and know where he was coming from 

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  3. It’s not his fault, and he’s played phenomenally, but I’m so burnt out on two full seasons of George getting twice as much camera time as the others combined. Having said that, I don’t think a final 3 was put in place specifically to help him this season.  I think the show has wanted a final 3 since All Stars, but Lee quitting (for more than understandable reasons) in AS and Chelsea’s medivac in BvB threw a wrench in those plans.  

    As much as I love Shonee, Matt voting her off the jury was the best thing he could do. Though I still don’t know if he can win unless George is out at 4 and Liz totally bombs final tribal council. 


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  4. 5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I wonder if it's going to end up where the survivors are far from the original flight path but not as far from civilization as they thought. If the theory that the symbol represents some sort of underground tunnel structure is true, there has to be a road nearby. You'd need all kinds of equipment and materials to build something like that and Dead Cabin Guy couldn't have flown them in on his puddle jumper. 

    There might be something to the “not as far from civilization as they thought.” Didn’t Tai find running water in the form of a stream or river last season? With running water, there has to be some form of civilization somewhere!

    • Like 4
  5. On 7/12/2020 at 7:38 PM, kieyra said:

    Any theories as to why this episode is missing from S6 on Hulu?

    I don’t know how valid this is, but I’ve read on Reddit that the wife (Brittany) was pissed at her husband (Brandon) for having cheated on her. And as revenge, Brittany signed Brandon up for this episode. Brandon might have threatened to sue World of Wonder, which might be why the episode was removed. Though that doesn’t explain what kind of case Brandon had if he signed a contract… 

  6. We knew absolutely nothing about teen Shauna’s family life last season, so it was at nice to hear a little bit more about it from her scene with dead Jackie. Hope we get to meet some relatives of Shauna and Misty this season, whether as their teen versions or as their adult versions. 

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  7. Are we assuming that Crystal and the other two teens are also part of the plane that the main Yellowjackets crashed in? Or are they also lost in the woods from a totally different scenario? 

    Whoever is playing adult Lottie? Really good find, given the resemblance between her and teen Lottie!

    Hoping Kevin (old best friend of Natalie and present day detective) from last season makes at least one more appearance.

    That poisoning on Jessica Roberts from last season was fatal, right?

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  8. 1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

    So since Josh played his idol, wouldn't Sarah have been able to take it?  Or did she have to wait for the votes to be read?  I can't remember the exact details of how that advantage worked.

    I think she would have had to play the advantage as she cast her vote, therefore predicting whether someone would play an advantage that same tribal. But she only gets the advantage if she survives that same vote.

    • Useful 2
  9. I hate hate hate when people lie about their jobs (except for if you’re a cop), it just screams “I want attention” to me. Not even for moral reasons, but because what’s the point? You’re just having to be guarded the entire time because you can’t reveal anything personal about your life. 

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  10. I do think the analogy Gerry used was inapplicable to his current situation.

    The only thing I can think of for Gerry, Matt and Liz is that they’re hoping it’s a final 3 and that George stands no chance at winning the final immunity challenge. But even then, it’s way too risky. 


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  11. Carson gloating about voting out Helen didn’t sit right with me. Other than him wanting to be the smartest person in a room, I’m still not sure why she was voted out over Sarah, who I have no issues with. 

    • Like 11
  12. 18 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Grant and Jonna got to the chains last, so they had the hardest puzzle. The hardest puzzle was closest to the shipwreck and the bell. Everyone else seemingly chose the easier puzzles and they were further out. I question whether these were actually more difficult or easier in any significant way.

    On the flagship show, they have. Final Reckoning was shot in South Africa. I'm unsure if it was specifically in Cape Town. However, only Johnny, Nelson and Tori were on that season.

    They also went to Capetown in the Inferno 3, which I know was over 15 years ago.  Fascinating to see a young Johnny Bananas there 

  13. On 3/9/2023 at 9:42 PM, Lantern7 said:

    The word of emphasis for Nelson: "Heart." No, really. "Heart." I would have gone with "Audacity" or "Needy Greedy." Once again . . . . we could've had Fessy in there. He hasn't won a title, but he's gotten further than Nelson. Maybe he couldn't find the right turtleneck sweater to wear in South Africa.

    Looks like the teams are just the pairs, and that the uniforms are just dressing. It would be interesting if they had to compete as the nations they represent or drafted by, but pairs work better.

    Wes' word was "Strategy." Uh huh. Look how far that's gotten him. I hope Zara likes plunges off cliffs, because that's probably what will happen to her.

    Good mission, though I think it was better to play than to watch. By the way, is Teege running the show now? Or will the other hosts rotate duties?we'll be

    I'm not sure about ending the episode before Grant & Jonna's decision was good. I'm dreading that we'll be getting alternating episodes between missions and the Arena. I must be stuck in the past, because I miss the days where everything was wrapped up within thirty minutes.

    Ah, BMP will find a way to blow it. Maybe we'll get a 200-hour finale. Are there corn mazes in South Africa?

    At least Nelson has placed second in a final. I don’t think Fessy has done that just yet.

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/9/2023 at 12:01 PM, MMLEsq said:

    Also dipping my toe into the shallow end of the pool:  I found Kiki's face very distracting.  Like, really-obvious-plastic-surgery distracting.  If she's had plastic surgery or some procedures on her face, I'd love to see the "Before" picture because I'd wager it might be better than the "After" picture.  YMMV.

    I enjoyed that as well.  Off the top of my head, I think they said that Kaycee's main skill was "Social" or "Sociability" or something like that, which surprised me.  I would have thought her main skill was "Strength" (which I recall is what they had for Tori).  


    For whatever reason (or no reason), I just assumed there'd be a whole bunch of countries involved.  Not just four.  I was also surprised to see four people from each country, which is something they failed to mention during the airing of The Challenge USA.  I thought the group of "Legends" (is that what they were called?) was an interesting mix of "old school" and newer challengers.  I'm just happy that there was no Aneesa or Veronica.  I may be in the minority, but I could do without Wes.  His ego knows no bounds.

    I don't know why they bothered having four hosts.  They could have taken the salaries of the three hosts other than T.J. and added it to the prize winnings.

    Finally, can someone explain the timing of when this was filmed? 

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    Coming off the latest regular Challenge season and its reunion where Amber announced her pregnancy,

    I'm trying to figure out if this was filmed before the last regular Challenge season, or between the last regular Challenge season and the filming of its reunion...


    I’m not a Kaycee fan, but she is both strong and social. She manages to fly really under the radar in her seasons, and only sees elimination rounds when she chooses them to get a skull (to qualify for a final).

    There must be something that doesn’t translate on screen, as I find her as compelling as a dish rag.

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  15. George is playing phenomenally, but I think he’s misreading both Hayley’s subtle chipping away at his game and Liz’s loyalty to him after the Shonee vote. 

    The meta part of me is wondering why the others don’t vote out George, if for no other reason than he’s a screen time hog.

    While I think that Matt, Gerry and Simon can only win against each other in a Final 2 or 3, I’m intrigued at the other four’s winning potential.

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