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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Yea, Helen going because she's 'too smart' felt a little icky. I think Carson chose Yam Yam and Carolyn because he thinks he's smarter than them and was probably threatened by Helen in that way. I am not a fan of Carson. I was really hoping Carolyn and Yam Yam would turn the tables and get him out but it wouldn't have worked anyway.

    I am not letting go of my bad vibes for Kane entirely yet but I liked him in this episode. Brandon being so affronted by Kane voting for him was annoying. And if he really didn't believe he was getting any votes then he's an idiot.

    I loved Claire's reactions to Matt/Frannie but I wasn't a fan of her saying that it was going to hurt Frannie. I mean, typical but gross.

    I already borderline hate Matthew. On the flipside, Carolyn is emerging as a fave.

    Danny is giving me Tony vibes but like no where near as annoying and awful lol.

    The Claire thing. I get the sense that she want to keep Frannie, and that she’s more worried at how the showmance will impact Frannie than how it will impact Matt, who I’m not convinced she wants to work with. Maybe that’s wishful thinking though.

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  2. I’m not crazy about the stated reason for Helen, an Asian woman, being voted out: for being too intelligent. At least it’s a step up from being “sneaky?”

    Wish we knew more about Josh and Heidi, but this is an otherwise fairly balanced group of castaways in terms of edit so far.

    Not thrilled about Kane being on the outs when he was the only other remaining person on his tribe, other than Brandon, who at least voted in episode 1. Like, why is Brandon so sure that Jamie Lynn, Lauren and Matthew are with him?

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  3. With Sam and now Shonee now gone, I think Hayley is in a good position. George and Simon value her, and Nina and Shaun are probably relieved she tried to throw them a lifeline during the Sam vote. 

    As ridiculous as this seems, Simon is now the only remaining player who has yet to receive a single vote this season. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Morrissey said:

    I'm glad Maddy is gone. She struck me as the type of person who gets pissy if being rejected. Which is exactly what Brandon did. 

    Her frantic bulldozer "he's playing all of us!!1!" approach just isn't my cup of tea.

    I kind of miss the subtlety, elegance and cunningness of Cirie's social game. 

    In fairness to Maddy, why wouldn’t she gun for the person who all but told her he didn’t want to work with her?

    • Like 6
  5. I have a theory about why Devin didn’t get a ton of airtime during the reunion. He’s made it no secret that he dislikes Amber for reasons that nobody seems to know, and I don’t know if he would have been able to contain himself from rolling his eyes when she was revealing her Autism diagnosis. That would make one of the winners of this season look like a total dick.

    Let me get this straight, Bananas. Amber has to have an official diagnosis in order for others to not be douchebags to her? 

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  6. Is there something in the water on Maddy’s tribe? What in the ever-loving fuck was with half of their decisions at tribal?

    I’m here for Claire stirring shit and blowing up the game of someone she hasn’t yet met, even if it will probably bite her in the end. 

    I was having a hard time distinguishing Maddy from Sarah, so that’s the one positive of Maddy being voted out. 

    • Like 7
  7. 17 minutes ago, shipmate said:

    Episode 13 results were hard to watch. Shonee and Liz should be listening to George about flick. 

    I agree, especially for Shonee. Liz least in theory has other options in Nina, David and Sam.

    I don’t think getting rid of Stevie made sense for George, Shonee OR Liz. Where else is Stevie going? He has nobody on the other side!

    Flick’s combination of social prowess and her inability to vote correctly has been fascinating to watch over her past season and a half. 

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  8. What I so want someone to just flat out say at a reunion: Devin, Tori, Aneesa, Faysal, Kaycee and Nany are part of a friendship group outside of the game and are never going to vote for each other. And it doesn’t make the politics very interesting to watch, like during the days of Johnny, Evan, Kenny and their hanger ons.

    Ugh, Laurel and Michele as allies could have had potential. 

    Veronica looked…off to me at the reunion.  But I so loved her calling out Bananas for being historically terrible to women. Wonder if she was thinking of Hannah Teeter when she was talking about the Dirty 30 era?

    • Like 7
  9. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    I did not care for Paige, but good lord they sure went out of their way to make her totally unlikeable in her last episode and make her exit extra humiliating. If I was her, I would not be happy with the show. I did watch the end of that immunity again and it's hard to tell, but I actually think she might have been right that Sharni suddenly dropped or at least they dropped together. But whatever happend, Paige's need to tell EVERYONE that Sharni was to blame was really bad form. 

    I am actually liking Jordie this time around. He's not really trying to be "The Joker". It's like he knows he can't compete with George, so he's just being himself, which I much prefer. 

    Well, Paige didn’t do exit press, so she’s clearly not happy with the show. 

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  10. I have to wonder if Devin/Tori would have shared some of the money had the other top 3 teams not included someone from their Vacation Alliance (Nany and Aneesa), which also includes Kaycee, Faysal and Josh.

    No way in hell would Amber B, for example, ever be seeing a sliver of that money had she made it to the finals.  

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  11. I’m starting to think that production intentionally made this a half returnee half newbie season just to fuck over the newbies. The second episode in a row where a newbie voted out didn’t have a single confessional in their boot episode? What are we doing here? Also, is it a production secret that AFL players get as little airtime as possible? 


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  12. 2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Imagine that! Hell freezing over. Pigs flying. Nany becoming a Challenge Champion, ending her 500-year drought.

    Sometimes it takes a while. It look CT like 8 seasons to win. It took Cara Maria 7 or 8 seasons to win. It happens.

    It also took Brad, Paula and Sarah Rice 8 seasons to win as well. Nany and Aneesa, on the other hand, are in double digit challenges already. 

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  13. Was it really Jordan’s fault that Aneesa injured herself? People get injured on flat roads constantly, who’s to say she wouldn’t have twisted her ankle had they not tried to take a shortcut?

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  14. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Can anybody help me out with...

    Who Rogue is outside the game? 

    What is the thing Simon found in the cookie jar? 

    Is Hayley the winner who was voted out in her season, but then brought back in on a challenge of ousted players that seemed unfairly designed to get her back in? I seem to recall it annoyed me at the time. It was two huge dudes and her trying to get back in and the challenge was essentially holding up your body weight.  

    Rogue is a conservationist and animal rights activist outside the game.

    I don’t believe we know as of this moment what Simon actually found in the cookie jar.

    Hayley was voted out in her season and then came back after winning a challenge against the also-votes-out Baden. I can see why people didn’t like that, but I’d also argue that Hayley got fucked by having a tribal council where only one person could vote (when originally, only 3 people could vote).

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  15. Well, production recruiting Rogue certainly backfired on them. From what I’ve seen, she’s not doing exit press.

    I’m waiting to see if George or if Jordie take the first shot at each other. No way they’re working together long-term, given how much George eviscerated Jordie during his Talking Tribal appearances last season.

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