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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. I hate this concept that many jurors have that giving up immunity to go to fire is worthwhile and impressive. It’s ridiculous and essentially implies that that immunity was worthless. Having said that, S43 hadn’t aired before S44 flew out to film, so S44 wouldn’t have gotten inspiration for fire from S43.

    Am I hearing things, or did Probst claim that Heidi had been the only one before the F4 challenge to have never won individual immunity? What about Carolyn?

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  2. What annoys me about adult Lottie constantly saying that something brought the wilderness survivors to her compound is that Lottie herself (or her associates) kidnapped Natalie there. And Misty is only there because she wanted to find Natalie. 

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  3. I know a lot of people here think the pre-jurors can essentially go fuck themselves, but I’m annoyed that they don’t get to be a part of the on-island reunion. 

    We’ll now have no way to see on TV the reveal of Matthew fooling Jamie with that fake idol, or the fact that Jamie never had a real idol in the first place. Or that most of Tika wanted Claire out over Josh but torpedoed themselves at the non-merge to vote out Josh, and for what? Josh had nobody!

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  4. I thought it was an interesting editing choice to show the audio but not the visuals of Sarah confessing to Emily that she might have to vote her into the elimination. Do you think that was a request from Sarah and/or Emily that production granted?

    If Kaycee is going to be, or at least edited to be, dull as dishwasher, at least she’s not coasting this season and is proving herself physically. I’m a bit stunned that Big Brother even put her on the map as a reality show contestant in the first place. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I'm repeating myself a bit from the live thread, but I notice they never do the "break the bottles and eliminate your tribe mates" type challenges anymore. The ones that forced them to show their hands and reveal the pecking order. It's because the show is now so obsessed with being obtuse and keeping everyone guessing and paranoid. It's why so many people are being targeted for dumb reasons. Not because they are threats, but because everyone is paranoid about idols and advantages.

    Even if Jamie and Heidi are lying about idols and votes, that doesn't make them threats to win. In fact Jamie is the ultimate goat - nobody believes her, everyone thought she was telling a ridiculous lie, nobody would vote for her in the final three. Why would you get rid of her? Same with Heidi.

    Granted they targeted the right person this week, Frannie was obviously a big threat to win.

    I really don't see a path for Carolyn to win. She's got a good shot at final three since nobody is looking at her, but she has no case to make for herself. She has not orchestrated any votes, is terrible at challenges, and even if she pulls that idol out of her pocket it could backfire on her. People might think she was foolish not to use it on someone else to blindside someone. Like she could have saved Frannie this week.

    And it was kind of dumb of Carolyn not to want to target Frannie anyway - does she want to sit next to Frannie in the final three? Does she think she can beat Frannie? She might seem like the most reasonable narrator this season but she's not playing a very good game.

    This is shaping up to be another season where someone will win I either don't like or think didn't deserve it.

    I don’t think they do the “eliminate your tribe mates” challenges any more because the contestants on 29/San Juan Del Sur kind of broke it by just throwing it to one player. And Probst can be a big baby when he doesn’t get the manufactured outcome he wants.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    I can honestly say the one good thing to come out of the corona pandemic was the extermination (hopefully for all time) of the sappy, saccharine family visits. Since they ate a good chunk of the episode, it's so much easier to fast-forward through a letter-from-home segment and skip folks bawling over people they just saw three or four weeks ago.

    The JamJam poor woe is me segment was as annoying as you would expect, but I have to say he got the better deal when it came to spouses than his partner.

    It took me a while to understand why Danny was acting the way he was about the idol until I realized the fake one he had planted was found by Matt, and it was someone else who gave Jamie her fake one.

    I became aware by the confessionals tonight they are prepping us for a Carson win. Meanwhile, his alliance mate Carolyn seems to be losing her influence.

    Matt looked dejected at Jamie's loss, and I think that he realized it was because she was a victim of her own success, but I'm sure he got over it once she hopefully went tumbling into his arms at Ponderosa (no money in the budget for some disposable bic shavers for the men? It thought everyone cleaned up once they got there. The jury I saw last night, not so much. Anyway, back to Matt...I would have loved to have seen Frannie take Matt on the reward if he had still been around and watch them making googly eyes over Margueritas ("m assuming Carolyn's was the non-alcoholic one Jeff went out of his way to mention.)

    I thought the non-alcoholic mention was referencing Carson, who is under 21.

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  7. 1 minute ago, susannot said:

    What?  I thought I watched the episode very closely and followed the live chat, but how was Jaime's fake idol taken out of the game?

    I thought Kane held it for her in case there was a Knowledge Is Power in play this season. And Kane left with it in his pocket

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  8. 5 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    All that hype and to me these jumping across trucks challenges are among the most unoriginal and boring.  Doesn't matter if the truck has a transformers logo on the front!  Seriously, the tunnels, the Wes-stuck-under-the-door, the boingy launch-and-swim--all much more unique and exciting.  

    So much this. It’s all form over function with production though, I guess 

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  9. I know Jessica Lewis (from Millennials vs. Gen X) indicated that, when she played Survivor, one of the rules before the season began filming was that production would make sure you had access to your things, regardless of what beach you ended up on.

    Did that rule change after her season? Just for this episode in order to needlessly fuck with the players? 

  10. 46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Callie's hopeful, 'Did I do good?' and her big smile when Shauna said yes was so cute and also very sad. Poor Callie lol.

    He was there twice. In the background when Travis was going off on Natalie and then he found Javi's drawings/talked to Javi. I assume we're supposed to think he's still spending most of his time lying in bed fantasizing about his life with Paul.

    We really didn’t see much more of 1996 Natalie this episode than we did of Ben!

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  11. 1 hour ago, Trillian said:

    Was CPR to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive” a thing in the 90s? For reasons I won’t get into, I can pinpoint when I first learned that and it was 2013.    It felt like an anachronism to me to push that into 1996.  Happy to be proven wrong, but it felt jarring to me.

    I vaguely remember it coming up in an episode of the U.S. version of The Office, but that would have been likely around 2007 or 2008. 

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  12. The adult Van and Tai scenes were so compelling.

    Oh adult Shauna, you’re about to be in so much deep shit. 

    The second Misty admitted to Crystal on that snowbank about the transmitter, I know Crystal wasn’t surviving the episode. Oof.

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  13. 15 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

    I think I will only be happy if Frannie wins because she is cute or even if Carson wins because he deserves it. I don't really care for anyone else. We don't even know much for anyone else to be honest. I miss the introduction videos they used to make for each player so we see them with their families and we know some things about them. Now the only people who get some videos from home are the ones with sob stories.

    I think though that we viewers are a little bit to blame for the show having so many idols and advantages and twists; if an episode is kinda boring and predictable we don't like it, we say "pff boring episode, I knew so and so was going to leave". I think it's a reason the producers are trying to create the most anticipation and drama to each episode.

    I disagree that viewers are to blame for the abundance of idols, advantages and twists. No, a Pagonging wouldn’t be the most exciting thing, but they cast enough super fans these days that a Pagonging would be less likely to happen anyway. Plus, there’s a way to show everyone’s viewpoint and alliances that wouldn’t leave the audience wondering something along the lines of “Gabler had an alliance with Jesse and Cody for half the season? Since when??”

    Plus, when you’re spending 1/2 the episode on a twist, you’re naturally not spending that time showing the audience camp life or interpersonal dynamics

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