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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 31 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    She didn’t last very long. She was on the season that Ben won. Healers Hustlers… something.

    I didn’t even get that reference. I didn’t understand what Danny meant. I completely forgot about her little tune that she hums to herself.

    So do I. Maximum drama!

    Desi made it to the beginning of the jury phase in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers. I never thought we’d see her on TV again so I’m pleasantly surprised. And she’s gorgeous.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Lets see . . . I'm going to assume this is the oldest daughter. I remember when Sean & Rachel brought her to the Reunion and Ruthie wrote her name on the kid's foot. That was in 1999, so I'll assume she was born in '98. That would make her 23-24 years old.

    Why do I have to be good at math? Shit!

    And I really need to watch the NOLA Homecoming season, but the stuff I've heard about it keeps warding me off. I did hear Melissa is awesome, and her parents showed up, but I can't bring myself to give any of it a look.

    I do think the NOLA was quite good, if you can overlook the amount of airtime Julie gets.

  3. 14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    The woman to the right of Tyson appears to be Shan from season 41 of Survivor. The others... no idea.


    I guess I'll this to my Challenge diet and see how it goes 🙄

    The others on the left of TJ see Derek X and Tiffany from BB23.

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  4. This makes me wonder if Romeo was really on the bottom because he was paranoid, or if he was paranoid because Drea wanted nothing to do with him post-merge. 

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  5. I’m assuming Beth mispronouncing Jonna’s name was intentional? Also, any word if the cheating rumor is true? A bit surprised Beth wasn’t considering choosing Veronica as her opponent in the Arena had she had that option.

    I know Veronica is divisive, but seeing her loyalty to Yes made me smile.

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  6. The Turn Back Time, the Idol Nullifier and Knowledge Is Power are atrocious twists. Why should an immunity win or an advantage be taken away from you or negated simply because production is bored? 

    The on-island reunions could be okay if they bothered to include the pre-jury or actually talked about juicy topics. Saying “wasn’t this twist fun and scary?” doesn’t do it for me 

    • Love 6
  7. 9 hours ago, butterbody said:

    Unpopular opinion I guess... Is something wrong with Kendall physically? Has she always looked so unhealthy? She looks like a meth addict. Her hair is always greasy and her facial expressions are painful. I was so glad she was eliminated because I find her uncomfortable to watch. I don't understand everyone thinking she was a threat, she seems painfully fragile.

    Kendall has Ehlers Danlos syndrome which causes skin to be bruised and stretched easily and joints to bend easily.

  8. I’m assuming Aneesa and Tori are locks for the cast as long as they’re hosts of the official Challenge podcast?

    Happy to see Laurel back and think she plays it well by coming back only once every couple of years ever since Rivals I.

    Pleasantly surprised to see Corey, Jay, Michele, Nam and Turbo back. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/18/2022 at 8:41 PM, snarts said:

    My dislike grows with every age related comment she makes.  Know your audience...

    Just me or was Mark missing from the entire episode? I started doubting whether he'd won the last arena.

    I want to root for Kendal but she just so damn flighty. 

    As Blanche Deveraux would say “Grandma Hollingsworth always said I was a little flighty. Or was it a little floozy?”

    I’m surprised that Kelly Anne hasn’t become a better political player in the decade plus she’s been on these challenges. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Mike's idol is real. He found it pre-merge.

    I don’t think the show cares that Mike didn’t say the phrase at the first immunity challenge after finding the beware. So I agree that the show considers the idol real. 

    • Love 5
  11. 27 minutes ago, millennium said:

    It's redundant at this point.  And I'd already had my fill of Nehemiah after last season's Save De Palace b.s.

    IMO Bananas and Wes are two of the primary reasons this franchise has remained watchable for so many years.   Some people may not like them, but they give it everything they have.  And I think they're funny as hell.   Evan and Kenny, not so much -- and that's not even counting the allegations made by Tonya.  I suspect Wes is on All Stars because he won't be going back to the original franchise, which is a shame.   The recruitment of young, strong guys from Europe in recent seasons has probably made the show unwinnable for Wes, despite his machinations.   If I recall, the last time Wes was on the original show he gassed out in a competition with Devin.   Not a good look.   I doubt Bananas will be going back either, for similar reasons, which unfortunately leaves us stuck with season after season of Cory, Devin, Nelson, etc.

    I was stunned to see Nia.   She was removed from the original Challenge for physical and verbal sexual abuse of Jordan.   Jordan was alleged to have been suspended from the show himself, for racial stuff he's said to have posted on social media some years ago (although I don't think any official announcement was made).   My theory is, the show wanted Jordan back because he's one of the all-time great Challenge competitors but realized it would appear hypocritical if they lifted his suspension but not Nia's, so they let them both come back and billed them as reconciled former enemies for drama.

    The only casting choice I question is Kailah.   wtf?

    I understand Wes from a casting/entertainment perspective, but not Bananas. The show kept trying to convince me that Bananas was entertainment gold, but I NEVER bought a ticket. I think he merely copied the blueprint that Evan and Kenny left for him, and I say this as someone who never wants to see those two ever again. I don’t deny that he’s good at the game, but he’s so attention-seeking and entitled that he’s just insufferable to watch. 

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  12. I’m a little surprised we didn’t see flashbacks of Lynn/“Jeanette” this entire season.

    I must have missed it: how did Dean fuck over Gretchen? Giving Leah too much information?

    Did we find out how Kirin and Ivan ended up on the island? 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Carey said:

    I may have missed something about Mike breaking the rules.  Otherwise he would've been kicked out if he lied to Drea as mentioned by Probst.  I agree about him sitting out which goes against his beliefs.  OTOH, it could be he sensed an advantage or disadvantage for playing/sitting out.

    Over the past 5-10 minutes, I had a good laugh and was sad about a missed opportunity tonight: I sorta wished there was a way that Drea could have asked Omar if he (and not Mike) had an idol.  That? Would have been a great move!

    I think the not following the rules referred to Mike not saying his soccer phrase at every immunity challenge, which was required last season in order for the idol to be activated.   

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  14. 10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Good episode, though I'm thinking the show REALLY needs to think about keeping their players safe. I didn't want to see Maryanne shivering in the cold before the Reward Challenge. I definitely didn't need proof that she wasn't wearing anything under her top. Gave me flashbacks to Tracy in S16. Looking back, if Penner hadn't gotten killed by that one challenge, Tracy would've taken his eye out.

    Speaking of Maryanne . . .I'm rooting for her. Why fight it? I know she'll probably break my heart, but she's been fun to watch. Not only was she happy in scoring a new idol, she was gleeful that she didn't have to say something stupid to activate it.

    Did Jonathan get votes before this episode? The guy is a menace in Challenges. Someone mentioned that the RC might have been shortened because of the crap conditions. He might have beaten Lindsay if there was a full Challenge. Of course, it was a Challenge coming down to a carnie game, and that's a great equalizer. Also . . . . he can run like a monkey. That probably excites Probst even more.

    Omar got into Mike's head, and Hai paid the price. I don't think Mike is a dummy or that Omar is that clever. Omar just gave him enough where Mike bought it.

    No one whipped out advantages. I think there should be a cap on how many one player can have. I don't think Drea is a lock to make it to the end . . . but I'm half-expect her to play all five Exodia cards to stay in the game.

    Jonathan got two votes at the Lydia boot (I believe from Chanelle and Tori?), but no other votes until this episode.

    I think Drea and Omar are the only ones remaining who haven’t yet received a vote.

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  15. 1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

    I guess even this forum thought it was a boring episode tonight and checked out lol

    Mike is a puppet all right.  Just not to the person he thinks.

    Omar, I like you, but you are beyond Hai territory of being overconfident.  Being the person everyone comes to and trusts isn’t always good.  Well played on the lie to Mike, but be careful.

    My favorite TC exchange:

    MaryAnne: rambles on about the similarities between Survivor and Jenga

    Probst: Jonathan, did you get that?

    Jonathan with a straight face and deadpan tone: Yes

    Also Jonathan: can’t come up with a coherent response to what Lindsay said.

    I really thought the Hai vote was too obvious tonight.  I would have bet money Jonathan went home.  I’m sorry to see Hai leave, but glad he went out on a high note.  As long as I made the merge I guess I’d be happy to be blindsided and tell myself it was a badge of honor that they wanted me gone.

    BTW, was Romeo once again left out of the vote?  I know he told Omar he heard it was between Jonathan and Hai, but did he know Hai was going home?  He was the only other Jonathan vote.

    Primertimer's forums were down for me until a few minutes ago. Maybe that happened to other people as well.

    I figured Hai was going when we not only saw his backstory but also saw Jonathan get very little airtime until after the immunity challenge. 

    Romeo and Drea had a pretty quiet night.

    Happy to see more of Lindsay!

    • Love 4
  16. 10 minutes ago, cdnalor said:

    Doesn't playing SITD and getting the Safe scroll mean that no one goes home?  I think Lindsay was in no danger whatever the outcome.

    But then that would leave Lindsay as the only non-immune person (Jonathan with the necklace, Drea and Maryanne with their hidden immunity idols, and Tori with the safe scroll).

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