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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 14 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

    Given Nick's track record of voting for POC on his seasons of Australian Survivor (4/5 possible times, and playing a double-vote advantage in one case), and given what I've heard from people who've interacted with him in person, and given what his part of Australia is like in general, I'm fine with calling that racist a racist. I'm not saying he's like a slur enthusiast or anything, or that it's deliberate, but... there's a pattern there.

    What person of color did he vote for besides Barry on either of his seasons?

    This seems out of left field to me.

  2. 9 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

    What’s worse is they didn’t have a problem casting and featuring a woman who just came off of her THIRD DUI!!! Mattie could have easily killed multiple people because of her actions. Two prior instances weren’t enough to get that through to her. Her ass was passed out drunk behind the wheel on her third one. 

    I just saw a super cut of all of Johnny’s offensive tweets yesterday. Far worse than anything Dee did. But not a problem for MTV. 

    I’m not calling for the cancellation of Johnny either. I’m just pointing out how badly MTV is handling this and how they aren’t sincere in their indignation. 

    Realistically, Bananas has carte Blanche to do and say whatever he pleases while on MTV. He’s practically a producer at this point, and he’s allegedly too entertaining to ever get in trouble with them. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    1) I forgot to also add in any one of my previous posts for this episode that Nelson is a fuckin’ idiot.

    2) Bayleigh and Chris really suck at playing this game. They need to go. They’re a waste of space.

    3) I want to see Nany in a final. It’s been a long time coming. She really needs to stop playing a scared game. She plays a scared game every season. No matter what she needs to put herself into an elimination next week and win (and take Dee out).

    4) In the final, I imagine that if a lot of people have red skulls, there would be a purge part of it as they did last season with that final puzzle.

    5) I wish that it wasn’t Wes and Johnny in that elimination. I hoping for a small chance that it would be Chris going in because he’s useless.

    I like Nany and all, but she's never been great at eliminations. She did make the final in Free Agents and was I think only 10 minutes from beating Laurel.

  4. 55 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Wow at Zach bringing up Knight. And Amanda's child. What a garbage person.

    I don't understand the bomb that Amanda had been alluding to, someone please explain lol.

    Rumor has it that Jenna and Tony hooked up on Dirty 30, and Amanda threatened to expose it at either that reunion or the Final Reckoning reunion.

    But Zach is the worst.

    I’m also glad that SOMEONE (Jemmye) brought up Zach’s treatment of Jonna. 

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  5. Something I found odd about Rob’s comment on Natalie being cliquey on EoE. Isn’t that how he won Redemption Island, by not having anything to do with the Zapateras (half of the people left at the merge)?

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  6. I think Denise has won every possible “one male and one female get immunity” challenge in her two seasons: once in her original season, and twice in this season!

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  7. 13 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    Jeremy is a slightly more legitimate unanimous winner to me, because he owned that season. Just dominated in every way. I could fully believe his sob story had nothing to do with voting.

    Adam is the real unanimous asterisk. I feel like Michelle was leaning towards Hannah, because of the right side of the vote thing and it felt like she wanted to vote for a woman. I also waver about David sometimes, he and Ken were awfully close. So, Adam's closer to an 8-1-1 winner in my mind than 10-0. Jeremy's more like "10-0, but we'll never know."

    Who's the winner with the narrowest margin of victory still left in the active game? Michele maybe? Was she 6-3? Probably doesn't impact how they play, but the statistics are fun.

    I think Sophie also won 6-3 against Coach and Albert. I think the only votes she didn’t get were from Rick, Edna and Cochran.

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  8. Australian Survivor has had immunity idols hidden at tribal council (season 3 and 5 come to mind), so I can understand Adam's thought process in that regard. 

    I am genuinely amazed that Kim and Tony don't seem to be targets, as I had considered them amongst the biggest threats coming into the season.

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  9. On 4/3/2020 at 1:16 AM, Zima said:

    I loved Jay on Survivor! I'm so happy to see him on my favorite trashy show! I was torn between him and Asaf in elimination.  Asaf is just so damn pretty with his hair and bod, but I do like Jay more. In the end, I'm glad that Jay won. Now, if only he would grow his hair out longer 😉 

    Get it, Nany! If I was single, I would have done the same damn thing. 

    Wes and John could indeed be interesting. 

    I love Dee and Kailah, so I hope they go far in the game. Kailah never does though, so I don't have high hopes for her. Dee is a beast. Jenny too. I think Mattie has been partying too much with the Floribama people, and not training enough for this season. 

    So happy the show is back!

    Kailah made it to the finals in Vendettas and to the elimination before the finals in Dirty 30! Her only early exits were Final Reckoning and Invasion of the Champions.

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  10. 2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    Yeah, when I read that, I was thinking that I never remember that being a qualification to get on the show.  Just a really random thing to bring up.

    I don't know if Brandon killed it or if it was Russell's whining and sharing spoilers, but I agree.  They had two chances they could have brought any of the Hantz family back (Game Changers and the first EOE), and they didn't.  I think it would take some crazy strange of events to have either one of them back again.

    The odd thing though is that Russell played on Australian Survivor a year and a half ago!

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  11. 8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    Is Shonee divorced now?  I thought her whole thing was she was a homemaker and her husband was some high profile skateboarder.

    I was thinking the same thing about Moana.  She was/is an athlete right or am I thinking of someone else?

    I thought it was poor editing when she was a name tossed around for elimination and yet she did not give one confessional about being on the hot seat.

    I so wanted Daisy to go.  I have never been a fan of hers, but I knew she was not going anywhere.

    It is funny but there are so many people in this cast that I kind of sort of remember.  I remember not liking Zach but for the life of me I do not recall why.

    I sort of remember Jacqui but I do not remember anything about her other than her distinctive voice.

    I get Flick and Phoebe confused and often times think they are the same person.

    I remember liking Sharn but for the life of me I do not remember why.

    I remember thinking Brook and Michelle were very pretty and that is still the case.

    Shonee's title changed halfway through season 3 to HR assistant. I think she's still married?

    This past episode was insane, but I'm annoyed that we still haven't seen a confessional from Abbey or Flick.

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