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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Everything changed when the Pendant of Producer Power was whipped out. Surprise! I believe if that hadn't happened, Paul would have been out the door. At that point, a "get the vet" mob could have been easily arranged. Cody could have used the "loose lips" argument for his secrecy. Jess would apologize profusely. Then they would have just tried to whack him the next week. Once that all crashed and burned, the terrified sheep ran to the man with safety for 3 weeks.
  2. It had become something of a joke with the HoH dragging that huge heavy wheel around, but I agree it was an important part of game strategy. That could easily be fixed with a better key holder. Maybe putting the keys into numbered slots in a 4 by 4 "chopping block". Fake wood grain plastic and everything, no more than a couple pounds.
  3. Cody's DR were great. Josh is still annoying as hell. Elena found the brown acid, again. wtf? Nailed 'em Cody. Not that anything will penetrate their thick skulls. DoorMatt and his stupid bleeping cereal. Is this a thing? Who cares! Eat shit and die Paul with your little strut to vote. What a vile little troll. "I made it up" Stir the pot! Great interview, Cody. Ugh! These knock-out competitions almost guarantee the majority will remain in power. Paul threw it. Christmas might have too. Mark and Elena, big surprise. What a dreadful speech Jason. So Elena was supposed to take the Veto, backdooring Cody like the hyenas wanted, still remain high on the hit-list, and end up with nothing. Right, take one for "the team". Good for her. Mark wins veto so Elena leaves over DoorMatt. Yawn. Elena's not very bright. Stupid interview. And we are rewarded for this dreck with Derrick. Joy.
  4. I only saw the last 5 mins to see the Bonzo Brothers win. Whatever. This season sucked.
  5. I wish that was the HoH comp :( eta: Did I see "hyena" on those tables?
  6. I have to watch. It's a train wreck I just can't miss live :)
  7. Thanks! I've outgrown the marshmallows, but I'm going to my Amish market tomorrow for some hot dogs. I never thought to buy them there before :) Alex might be good for one teensy little thing.
  8. Yuck! I have never purchased a big box of cereal. When I was a kid, I would pick out the lucky charms and leave most of the rest of it behind :) Points for the convenience factor.
  9. Two wrongs might not make right but, Payback is a bitch!
  10. Bugs thought this would be her "big break". She wants to be an actress, but has absolutely no talent.
  11. Cool! Something to finally rattle his cage.
  12. Where did this wardrobe come from? Ick. Yes Sandy you started off as a micromanager then became oblivious. This Bobby Lauren fight is stupid. I don't care. Bobby is such a chickenshit wuss. Go find a girl dumber than you, dude. It'll be great. You don't have enough money for Paula. I can't have any faith in Lauren either. She'll say anything to please whoever she thinks has power. "Onions" Adam looks terrible. Sic 'em Sandy. At least he's acting contrite. I'm not buying this heartbroken bit. Shut up Bugs. I'm not buying your bullshit either. You gleefully played with that iPad all day. Sandy's right Hannah lied to her, but I understand her damage control effort. No Bobby you were right there with the gang of hyenas jumping on Hannah after drooling over the iPad. Not buying the "he kissed me first" story either, Hannah. Now for the Malia show. Whatever. I can barely understand what Wes is saying which is probably just as well. Wes now trying to weasel out of this lead deckhand stupidity still trying to blame Sandy. LOL Good question! Bobby is always whining and always clueless. Bugs - Shoo! Lying through your ugly teeth. You think you're all that and you're not. Not even close. Hannah handled that very nicely. Sandy being diplomatic as always. She seems to have had her eyes opened. Hey kids! Rule #1: Don't Get Caught.
  13. Cody should start systematically eating all of their other "favorite" foods. Or just mess them up. They can rant at him all they want, but he's not going to crack.
  14. Thanks. Great read. I had forgotten about this little piece of production bullshit. "Not only was Paul given the power to save people, but Julie Chen even told the HGs that they had to tempt Paul to win a bracelet. So the very first lesson these new HGs learned is that if you want to be safe, you have to suck up to Paul because he is in charge and he gets to decide who stays. Like a baby imprinting on its mom, these newbies were immediately taught to be loyal to Paul." Indeed.......
  15. Jun was always one of my favorites. The way she played her stupid ex-husband was a joy to watch. I hated Dr. Will until about halfway through the season when I realized what he was doing and how he was amazingly pulling it off. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this crew. Then there is poor Danielle, the best player who didn't win :(
  16. When does the voting start? I usually don't bother with these votes but I will this year to deny Paul any ca$h.
  17. This season has really devolved to this sorry point. I can't recall who said this upthread, but, yes, Cody should tell them all this on his way out: "Paul is playing the best game and has my vote to win. Anyone else can earn my vote by taking him out. So long, suckers!" Or something to that effect. Not that it would do any good.....(sigh) eta: Hot dogs for lunch :)
  18. The horse racing piece was rather interesting. Who knew? Alex is so obnoxious. Almost as much as Paul. I wish that silver cobra were real and would bite his tiny manhood. Then it can take out Josh. The stupid just oozes from Raven's every pore. Kevin gets himself in trouble for not shunning Cody properly. These people are disgusting. How dare anybody play the game without King Paul's blessing. Mark seems to have gotten a clue. Jason will probably rat him out. "Calling us all babies" Truth! I wish they would stop all the damned yelling in the DR. So annoying. Please production. Please! Tricky temptation competition. Matt and Cody fighting to throw it and Cody screws it up. That was a saxophone? Well done Mark. Anything to mess with Paul's plans. Even a little. "They're damned psychopaths" Well Cody, takes one to know one I suppose. Jason is so stupid. Never volunteer to go on the block. Paul of course "volunteers", but no way that would happen. Sorry Elena, you are expendable. Cody is right, but he's powerless unless he wins veto. Don't call me honey; bitch. Christmas is on either too many or too few meds. I'm on team Mark now even though he has no chance. Good for him standing up to crazy Christmas. I wanted to see Cody march into the kitchen and answer all her QUESTIONS with "I don't know" or "maybe" until she exploded. He could do it for hours and not blink. I'd like to see him stay and mess with Paul as much as possible Jason or useless Matt can go any time. Screeching Elena too. Like nails on the old chalkboard.
  19. She is a piece of work. Always pushing some new way to get sympathy. I didn't know Burger King had waiters now. Haven't been to one in 35 years.
  20. They could also try all recruits. None of them having ever seen an episode or feed. Give them a copy of the rules to study the first week. Who knows? It would level the playing field. An All Stars for BB20 sounds fun, but.........the pool of wretched former houseguests is yuge!
  21. I know, guess I should use "cold", but "raw" sounds so edgy :)
  22. Noooooooo!!! No wonder they taste like vomit. I'll eat a raw hot dog once in a while. Mom tells me I lived on them when I was 2. Now, usually George Foreman grilled with cheddar and mustard. Nice to see Alex got a tough punishment. Good job Elena. What a dreadful season.
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