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Everything posted by PradaKitty

  1. That is indeed a palm tree in the background. I didn’t really notice, being a Californian I’ve been surrounded by palm trees all of my life. My dad used to put Christmas lights on the palm tree in our front yard when I was a kid. (He grew up in Michigan, so he found that novel).
  2. Wow... all I can see in those photos are a LOT of kids in need of orthodontic assistance (braces)!!!
  3. Wow! Looking at that picture, if I didn’t know better I would think Jill was 50 years old! Why post such a horrible picture of yourself? Ah, yes... no self awareness.
  4. I just wish Anna had been there to enjoy the smack down!
  5. I wonder how clean the tub is??? On viewing Jill’s pathetic post of besthubbyever leaving for the day, I immediately heard (in Becky Conner’s teenage voice) “How LAME!!!”
  6. Why does Meghan think her not talking at all is a punishment to her co-workers and the audience? IT’S A GIFT!!!
  7. Whoopi!!! THANK YOU!!! Shutting Megsly down is the best Christmas gift I could have ever received!!!!
  8. It’s time to place our bets on how long that “decoration” survives it’s stay in ye olde loo. The shelf over the tub looks incredibly asinine. Face it, Jill, you weren’t born with the gene for recognizing good aesthetics, much less implementing them as is evidenced in both your cooking and decor.
  9. I don’t think Jinger looks pregnant but note how often her stomach is covered by something- Felicity, an apron, a table, etc. That’s pretty much how they hide a pregnancy on tv shows when the actress is pregnant but her character isn’t.
  10. Looking at Abby’s dress I just knew she would be trying to keep it from flying up over her head in the giveaway sequence!
  11. Yep. Meghan’s mania was on full display today.
  12. I think Meghan overdosed on her mood elevaters today...
  13. Having the table shoved up to the wall is just plain stupid and annoys my decorating senses.
  14. That is not how you sit in a chair, Israel.
  15. Jill’s boys seem cowed and fearful (at least Izzy does) most of the time. Jessa’s boys seem happy and confident. Possibly because they are showered with love and affection. As for the song lyrics, I thought it was cute too. As a kid I always thought one of Santa’s reindeer was named Nixon....
  16. Aren’t the lyrics “and heaven and nature sing? spurrier is singing heaven and manger sing.
  17. MY e Derrick already has a book deal and has received an advance. That would explain the down payment on their new home.
  18. THANK YOU!! They all kept saying @suster-in-laws and it was driving me insane. Even in her talking head, after being asked about her sisters-in-law by the off camera production person, Lauren still said sister-in-laws!! I also noted that after altering the maternity clothes Jana was actually thanked! She was thanked by Kendra, no one else. At least someone in this family has manners and knows how to express gratitude.
  19. Lauren said sadly that they never got to meet their first baby. Oh, honey, that’s because it wasn’t a baby yet. Barely a fetus. There was nothing to meet.
  20. Well of course you need to replace the lights on your pre lit tree - especially if someone gave you a USED one! I did that the past few years and finally bought a new pre lit tree this year. And you do NOT put the extra lights on the tree AFTER putting on the ornaments!! (morons!)
  21. Regarding the cheerful simpleton’s spelling, I have found that people who read for pleasure are usually very good spellers (probably pick it up subconsciously when they see the written word). As we know, there wasn’t a lot of reading (for pleasure OR education!) at the ol’ Duggar homestead.
  22. Although Jill looks healthy nd clean in her most recent modeling” photo with the giant brown/beige sweater, that pose is asinine. She’s posing like a 3 year old.
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