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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. If she’d at least gone up two or three sizes it wouldn’t be quite as merciless. That’s a tough dress to wear if someone is a size six; it wants to cling to everything. What is up with RFP’s hairline? It looks like he just had a horn removed. But his suit isn’t too tight. Must have been before he went Hollywood.
  2. Wow. That is NOT a photo I would use to promote a wedding photography business...
  3. I think she used some filter that blurred out her forehead lines, which made everything else look odd.
  4. So RFP is on the Master’s degree program equivalent of the home school workbooks Jill has her kids doing. After six months have passed it’s going to be, “Yay! Jerome graduated!” I hope this sets up the MacArthur seminary program for a big fat class action lawsuit from the poor dumb schmucks who actually studied and paid for that degree.
  5. Michelle and that GAWDAWFUL denim skirt. I would pay money to burn it. Is it the only skirt she owns that still fits? Worse, now Jana’s wearing one.
  6. Wow, Derrick. That was so...secular. Also totally meaningless clichéd gobbledygook, but still.. You’re going to lose your Evangelical Merit Badge of Harshness if you keep that up.
  7. And John MacArthur is worse. THIS fucking guy is who RFP wants to be when he grows up? Poor Jinger. Frying pan to fire.
  8. And LV has cheap food and hotel rooms, because they count on gambling and booze markups. Plus think of all the recreational judging and scorning...hell, it’s Fundie Disneyland.
  9. So I’m ornery today (quelle surprise)...can someone explain to me exactly where in the bible it says that the penis is some kind of antenna for God’s exclusive broadcasts? I’ve had it up to my ass with these women letting men tell them what God wants, because if any of them used half a brain synapse they’d notice the remarkable coincidence that what God wants is exactly what the headship wants. Exactly. Every time. It’s fucking uncanny. Gabby is just the latest public example of this deliberate self-performed frontal lobotomy in the name of Jesus. I need a word stronger than stabby for how this grinds me.
  10. That should move Jinger’s boob job up a few months...and a few inches.
  11. And that they didn’t have to get pregnant immediately...they could, dunno, get to know the guy a little first before bringing a child into it.
  12. Great...now all the page ads are sluttina wedding dresses and manufactured diamond ring photos. Thanks, RFP. P.S: Anyone else wonder how many times he mentioned his own exemplary marriage in their ceremony? I’m thinking at least six..
  13. I was busy being defrauded by the wedding dress...there’s off the shoulder and then there’s falling off and at least in that one photo it was heading south at an alarming rate. Mostly I’m sad that she’s just a kid and she’ll be pregnant by Christmas, and call me skeptical, but I’m guessing she serves him a whole lot more than he serves her. That condescending pile of crap he tweeted out would have had an older, wiser woman running for the hills. And RFP officiated. Well that fits.
  14. These last two are a big improvement over that “Handmaiden of The Corn” shot in the sunflowers. Her eyes scared me...
  15. You don’t actually have a date, you just take pictures as if you did. #fauxlife
  16. That was moi and I am so gratified someone remembers it. Bless your sweet precious self.
  17. He’s parting his hair to the side? And I believe the manscaping has been taken up a notch. P.S. That guy is so NOT going to classes of any kind.
  18. I choose to believe that Sam was the ringleader because I see him as the Leader of the Rebel Forces who will some day lead his Duggar generation to freedom. This was a performance art protest against an oppressive regime. Go, Sam, go...
  19. I have no doubt that the Vuolos adore their daughter, which is more than can be said for other Duggars and their offspring. And I wouldn’t call her a nasty name, ever. But RFP calls the grift shots, and for those he blatantly uses her as a prop. How many other toddlers would be shown in every photo of their father’s supposed place of employment? The Duggars made millions exploiting their kids. RFP is continuing the family tradition.
  20. This putz has never changed a diaper even once, has he...
  21. Wow. Why not go all the way and just apply a layer of exterior latex? Makeup by Sherwin-Williams!
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