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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Wow that is not a flattering photo of RFP. He looks 45.
  2. Okay, clearly I’m bored today...but how do you walk in that giant black onesie? Doesn’t all that fabric get bunched up between the thighs?
  3. I can hear Stacy and Clinton screaming in my head... Like Jill, I am busty and short-waisted. If you wear something that hangs straight down from the boobage cliff and has no waist definition, you become an freight shipping box with legs. It’s...not good.
  4. God. Both outfits put thirty pounds on her. Way to market, C&L! Or is this “naturallife”? Hideous.
  5. So, today’s conspiracy theory...is it possible they don’t actually live there and they just use it for photo shoots? I don’t recall seeing anything remotely personal in any of them that would indicate they do...lots of people have coffee makers and that kitchen is so unused it could be in a Home Depot showroom. A really upscale Home Depot.
  6. There’s a great line in “Grace and Frankie” about Sam Elliott’s character: “There are only ten people in the world who can pull off that mustache and he’s nine of them.” Derrick needs to move on.
  7. That mustache is...unfortunate. Desperately unfortunate.
  8. Okay, now this is fun! I can just picture JRod, upon hearing a rival grifter fundie family has just fellowshipped tapped out her target church of the week...eyelashes flutter, voice drops, “Well I think it’s just so forgiving and sweet of you-all to have taken them into your hearts this way! So many people wouldn’t have, what with the scandals and all...bless their hearts.” “What scandals? You know, as a Christian woman SEVERELY serving Jesus, I just wouldn’t want to say! But I’m sure God has forgiven them...if they asked for forgiveness, of course...so I am searching my servant’s heart to do the same, in His name, amen.” You don’t get between JRod and her marks.
  9. What’s bizarro world to me is that I have the impression that any of these guys could have ended up with any of the Duggar girls...it seemed to be mostly a matter of whatever random hyper-religious dude passed muster with JimBobUn at what time. Is that really how anyone with sense wants their partner for eternity selected? Maybe RFP would’ve bolted if they tried to pair him up with a different sister...but I doubt it.
  10. He was nineteen. I’m going to say her “intellect” wasn’t what he was focused on.
  11. One other thought...contact a Domestic Violence hotline for advice. They’re pretty familiar with the family court judges and may be able to offer suggestions. Make sure your niece knows their number, as well...domestic violence isn’t just between adults.
  12. He should have just, dunno, said something like this directly to his wife? These public tributes at gunpoint are just pathetic. Even if he means any of it (and I do have other theories) it comes across as so artificial. Forced tribute is no tribute at all. Buy her some flowers and a phony card.
  13. Does your niece have a therapist or social worker who could help her testify? Dunno if it would help, but maybe just start making phone calls to any resources for child advocacy that you can find. If one place can’t help, ask for recommendations for who could. One last thought...her mother may care a whole lot more about “winning” than she does about actually mothering this child. Even if she gets custody back, talk to your attorney about stalling tactics...the pandemic might actually be helpful here. If you can delay, or she keeps “running away” back to you... I don’t normally advocate this sort of thing but there’s a child being damaged here so screw the “rules.” If you can make it more trouble and expense than “winning” is worth to her mother, you may win by attrition. There’s the law and then there’s enforcing it and there can be plenty of room in between. Wishing you ferocity and justice.., P.S. If worse comes to worse, buy her a “burn phone” with prepaid minutes for emergencies and tell her to hide it. That way she can still call for help without her mother being aware of it.
  14. That’s a $75,000 kitchen, and I may be underestimating since I can’t see the flooring. WTAF? How long does this mega-grift continue? JillRod must be hysterical with envy and admiration...
  15. God. In what plane of existence is Jill’s self-tanner worth littering the internet with?
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