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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Elsie is gorgeous! Are those ears on their way up or will they stay that way, because that is just so very cute!
  2. She’s going to be “Evvy Jo” and you can practically hear the banjos. RFP did not think that through.
  3. Maybe it’s everything else. Maybe it’s because these two are just so arrogant, especially when so many are in a world of hurt. Maybe it’s just Another Duggar Has Another Baby Fatigue. But I really don’t care. RFP and Jinger can stuff it and I hope the new kid is a screamer. Why do that when you can honor RFP instead? Feh.
  4. Montana? North Dakota? South Dakota? Wyoming? Not much population density in any of those...
  5. Okay, is it wrong that I ranked these, reaction-wise, as follows... 1) NEW SWEAR WORDS? Hooray! 2) Smashed potatoes...also good. 3) Adult acting like a toddler...no thank you. Seen much too much of that!
  6. My niece-in-law is due in three weeks or so. She and her husband are quarantined...no relatives, no friends, no trips or errands. My sister and BIL begin quarantine after getting tested Friday. Same protocol. They will go care for the older child when NIL goes into labor. No parties, no thousands of relatives, let alone any flying in...and we’re all still scared. These selfish arrogant mindless Duggar morons are flatout pissing me off. P.S. Latest map from CDC showing cases per 100,000 population...
  7. There’s an excellent article on the Atlantic website about the psychology of an invisible threat. I am not going to post a link because it contains one political reference but, with that caveat, if anyone is interested in reading it it’s titled, “Your Individually Rational Choice Is Collectively Disastrous.”
  8. Just saw this article on Cnn this morning... “Most coronavirus cases are spread by people without symptoms Most coronavirus infections are spread by people who have no symptoms, the CDC said in newly updated guidance. It's one of the main reasons mask use is so important, the CDC said. "Most SARS-CoV-2 infections are spread by people without symptoms," the agency said in a section of its website devoted to explaining the science of how to use masks to control the spread of the virus. "CDC and others estimate that more than 50% of all infections are transmitted from people who are not exhibiting symptoms," it added in the guidance, posted Friday. "This means at least half of new infections come from people likely unaware they are infectious to others." “Peak infectiousness comes five days after infection, the agency said on the website. "With these assumptions, 59% of infections would be transmitted when no symptoms are present but could range (from) 51%-70% if the fraction of asymptomatic infections were 24%-30% and peak infectiousness ranged 4-6 days."
  9. Oh, honey. I am so sorry...smack your office mate (and possibly your boyfriend) upside the head with something at least six feet long. Do you have an HR department or some equivalent you can file a complaint with? That jackass is going to get you sick...google asymptomatic carriers. He’s an asshole. Your parents? I think you have to be honest with yourself as to how you’d feel if they got sick after your get together. It might not have even been you...but you would think it was. I keep reading stories about people being just butt stubborn about this...some idiot Mom in Georgia threw a homecoming party for 250 high school kids. What could go wrong? 🙄 It’s like all these deniers are suddenly toddlers and are throwing tantrums because they’ve been in timeout too long. YOU STAY SAFE. And it’s time to have a long chat with your boyfriend*. An hour in an enclosed space is plenty of time to contract this thing. *On the phone!
  10. @PikaScrewChu, sending a hug. I assume living with your parents isn’t ideal (well, for me it would have been a total freaking nightmare, but I shouldn’t assume anything) but sometimes anything that carves out a tiny bit of space to regroup can be really helpful. Wishing you well, sweetie.
  11. Every time this thread heats up I fear that silly woman is pregnant yet again.
  12. Wait, @rue721, did I miss a post or are you just being modest? Weren’t you waiting for your results just recently? AND you took the CPA exam, pretty much back to back??? You are some kind of superstar, you... I went back to school twice after undergrad. First time in my late twenties for an MBA after working as an editor for my first career and the second time in my forties to become a veterinary technician after I mightily burned out on the horror show that was the software business...at least at the vicious snakepit of a company I worked for. The second time at age 46 I was surrounded by twenty-somethings. I believe I was what they called a “non traditional student.” 🙄 I lucked out big time because there was another woman my age in the program who was a burned-out chemical engineer and twice as smart as I ever was. We became lab partners and she saved my butt more than once. That two-year program was run by a misogynist disgraced former veterinarian who apparently wanted students to fail...38 of us started, 11 of us graduated. It was brutal but I never regretted doing it. Well, maybe during finals weeks... Okay, I’m meandering. Point is, you’ll meet all kinds in any program, and that’s a big part of the appeal, really. It’s easy to get in a bit of a life rut and it was great for me to meet so many diverse people. You might love it, too. Congratulations on your LSAT scores!
  13. @lookeyloo, so glad to hear from you. I wish there was something to make the impossible even slightly less completely impossible. My sympathy and hugs are all I have, but I send them your way.
  14. Pretty kitties! I just found a new (well, judging from the Mom jeans and perms it’s new only to me) series on Amazon Prime Video called “Dogs With Jobs.” If you’re a dog lover, this is for you...these animals (and often their owners) are AMAZING. It’s funny...my older dog, who is part Border Collie and thus extremely visual, ignores the whole thing. My Golden retriever, OTOH, who usually doesn’t care much for other dogs, is FASCINATED by the show. He will occasionally go over to the television and get up on his back legs trying to see better. Which offends my other dog, who knows this is BADDOGAGAINSTRULESBADDOG behavior, so he grumps down off the couch and drags the offender down again. We call him The Enforcer. This is big-time entertainment in our world these days. We’re a simple people.
  15. I’ve pretty much been over the ever-present Kirk for about a season, but now that I know that he had a quarter of a million saved up his “poor little homeless me” crap just seems like part of his ongoing shameless grift. Fortunately (or not), TJ and Liz* just showed up again and now, relatively speaking, Kirk bugs me less. I need much more Paris and Michel...am willing to trade Kirk, Taylor, Emily’s stylist who’s supposed to be a hundred years old but is obviously more like thirty, the new maid du jour every Friday dinner, and what the hell, I’ll throw in Rory about now. Any takers? * Oh, no. The reappearance of TJ and Liz is like drawing a pentagram on the floor...Jess is going to slither up any second, isn’t he?
  16. I have had to make that decision for my own pets and I can tell you that it’s the times when I hesitated too long that haunt me more. I think we pet lovers have to believe in a kind of Pet Hippocratic Oath: Above all, do no harm. We have to love them enough to lose them, for their sake. Big hug.
  17. @Jeeves, I am so sorry about Jasper. I will tell you, though, that most vets believe “better a month too early than a day too late” when it comes to euthanasia. You did the right thing. ❤️
  18. If my husband took a photo of me like that I would divorce his ass. I don’t know or care if she’s in labor but she’s clearly miserable and RFP, NOW IS NOT THE DAMNED TIME!!!
  19. His days of being able to pull off the backwards baseball cap are numbered, if not already behind him. Luke Danes he ain’t.
  20. One thought...rescue groups and shelters are often looking for cat-savvy foster homes for cats that don’t do well in a shelter environment. They pay for the care...foster homes provide the love. ❤️
  21. Oh, CCL58 sweetie. I’m so, so sorry. For whatever it’s worth, it doesn’t sound like anything that could have been fixed...both of you would just be a few days or weeks farther down the road with both of you suffering and coming to the same awful place. There is nothing more painful, for us animal people. I hope that you can at least acknowledge how brave you were...as a vet tech I saw people who just refused to let go and their pets suffered for it. You did right by her, even knowing how much it would hurt to say goodbye. All my sympathy and hugs to you.
  22. How do you write, “Yea, verily, twas I that knockethed her up” in Hebrew? (That story was still boring.)
  23. Okay, this is GREAT NEWS! I wasn’t going to be all nag nag about it, if I could help it, but I was worried about you. Hooray! I have a very small family now and those I do have all live in Cuyahoga. My sister retired from the Cleveland Clinic and my niece-in-law, who is very pregnant, works there. None of them are stupid or reckless but I know they have relatives on the other side that are of the “it’s a hoax and will all magically go away after November 3” mindset. It’s been all I can do to keep my mouth shut about their plans. So thanks for posting this... I hope it makes staying safe easier for them.
  24. Don’t they typically have the baby and then start auctioning off the blessed event coverage to the highest bidder? That seems to take a few days.
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