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Everything posted by ZeroDiscipline
I love Steve, but why is he being such a pisspot? He plagiarized Brandon's paper! He should be expelled, or at the very least in very big trouble. Why is it Dr. Randall's fault?
No way is David Donna's first kiss. They started dating when she was well over 16 years old-- she had to drive them to the dance! And all of her friends (rightfully) gave her shit about it! If this was her actual first date with a boy, more would have been made of that fact. Donna used to have cool parties with alcohol at her rich parents' house before the show decided she was actually an angel sent down from heaven and I am certain she kissed boys before David. This is an unnecessary detail.
I am so pissed that Valerie wasn't actually pregnant. Damn Val. You were so close. It really says something about the shittiness of Brandon and Kelly that I am siding with someone who lied about being pregnant, did research on being pregnant at an doctor's waiting room, pretended to get an abortion, lied about it when confronted, and then extorted her married lover for $100,000. She should have taken the money and moved the fuck out. She won't even be in touch with these people in less than two years time.
Again With This Mini: Who Has The Best Post-Show Career?
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
I agree with Shando and Gabrielle, for the reasons stated. I also agree that Ian Ziering has been pretty impressive at getting steady work, attention and ladies, which seems to be working out just fine for him and he is indeed living his best life. I might also throw a bone to Luke Perry, because I like that weird little Riverdale show, but he gets points off for returning to 90210. But then he gets points back for not returning to the reboot. I also feel like BAG deserves some recognition for landing parts and looking pretty hot, and impregnating Megan Fox and such. But I think we can all agree Tori Spelling is the worst, right? I mean, I have seen James Eckhouse in a Broadway play within the last 5 years, and even Carol Potter has aged gracefully and walked away from the industry and into something more meaningful. -
Yuck, boring and sexist and good Lord the way this show deals with the AIDS crisis. I am glad to have missed this one.
I have never seen this episode. I am so excited to catch up on this podcast.
one thousand times yes to this. But I guess it will prepare the underclassmen of CU for the real world, where shitheads like Brandon Walsh routinely fail upwards. And also good schadenfreude for Mark later when the same thing happens to him when he is passed over for The Fellowship or whatever it is that Brandon gets awarded and then does nothing with.
I enjoy their 5 year high school reunion, when Valerie is with David and walks around telling everyone she works for the poor, and then she gives what-for to Ross Weber on behalf of Kelly and then they together bust off the "Kelly is a Slut" tile in the hallway that has somehow been there for five years yet we have never seen it. This show. It's like they think they got any new viewers past their senior year of high school. Anyway, it's completely worthless after that.
OMG Danny Five's real name is Danny Fivinski. I never knew that, and it is hilarious. These writers are just fucking with us now.
I don't know why I know this, but Tori Spelling guest starred on her father's show "Vega$" back when she was a kid. And that show wasn't really the type that was in reruns still in the 90s. They should have gone with "Charlie's Angels."
For a guy who is soon to go away to prison for two years, Colin sure likes to sit around his apartment, prison-style. Can't he go get food with Val? Shouldn't they go walk around on the beach or something, enjoy nature? He is such a little bitch.
Bullshit Clare has no common sense, despite dating Steve. She was right about Kelly's cocaine, Colin, Tara, and even Val back in the Ray Pruit days. Some would say that Clare is the only one of these people that has a shred of common sense.
I left this franchise a long long time ago, but I like seeing that CT is still alive and doing well. Always had a soft spot for that guy, loved how he took credit for Leah getting those flowers on their Real World season, and how stupid she looked when she freaked out on him about "not telling her for three days because she then had gone three whole days without thanking the real person that sent them." I don't know why her rationale for being that pissed off cracked me so much, but it did. Right up there with Teck being mad at Ruthie for breaking a glass "in case they have company". And that photo of Ace from back in the day reminded me-- I was once awoken in a South Carolina hotel by an obnoxiously drunk frat brother party/wedding in the hall outside my room. When I swung my door open dramatically to bitch at them, standing front and center was Ace. He tried to drunkenly apologize, but by then the damage was done, and I proceeded to tell him to fuck off.
Again With This Mini: Monna Dartin Draguates!
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
I believe Kathleen Robinson alluded to having a similar experience. And I feel like Gabrielle Carteris fronts, because she was part of the original gang, but the others are always pretty dismissive of her too, especially Jennie, who actually seems like kind of a weirdo. A while back there was a video on this site of them at a convention of some sort. Brandon, Dylan, Jennie & Tori, Gabrielle, Emily Valentine (who wrote some of the episodes, who knew?), and then like, Jesse or Noah and Mr. Walsh. They were all super into the attention, and good for them. Gabrielle told a really long boring story about being pregnant on the show, and how she was the first one of the gang to get pregnant, and how she tells her kid about it now and the kid couldn't give a shit less, and she's 22 now. Which led into a discussion of how all the actors' kids react to 90210. Jennie was all "I have a 19 yer old-- wait is that the oldest of all of our kids???" This was literally immediately after Gabrielle told a story where she referred to her 22 year old as a 22 year old 7 hundred times. Even Luke Perry kind of gently told Jennie "yeah, she just said, her kid is 22" and I had the impression they were all very informed of everyone else's kids. It just seemed like Jennie kind of did that on purpose to marginalize Gabrielle. Or else she is just incredibly self-absorbed. And all of these past incidents kind of support my theory that she is a bit odd. I recall there being reports that she was difficult to work with on the Old Navy ads from a few years ago, and her behavior with still carrying on about whatever grudge publicly with TAT makes her look very petty. I mean, this is a mother in her 40s. There should be more important things in life. It was nice to see her get over her problems with Shannen though. Also- I love TAT on her cooking show. She is quite naturally very lovable. -
Again With This Mini: Monna Dartin Draguates!
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
Sassy Magazine has never been wrong. -
S06.E24: Coming Out, Getting Out, Going Out
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
Colin's prison dream reminded me of my 5th grader's play she and her friends put together for drama club last week. They had been screwing around for the whole term and had to come up with something for "show the parents day". It was still better than this. -
I want to love Susan's mom, but fuck off with the "are you sleeping with my daughter" at the dinner table. I know Brandon sucks and all, but Susan could do a hell of a lot worse, especially after the shitty couple of years she has been having.
Even though David is kind of right, and Colin does drag Val down, not with drugs but by taking all her money and skipping bail, David is the one who broke up with Val, so he should shut up about how quickly she moved on.
Yes! Threeways are totally a Steve Sanders thing, I am surprised show never went there. This seems like BAG asked the writers to do him a solid and make him look like a stud to take some of the sting out of being played last episode by the hottest girl on the show, Valerie.
So we are to assume that David had a three-way with the two Marys, right? I will never believe that.
And also to object to Donna's sexy dancing in the Strike The Match video. And she also has to meet Cliff the fireman so that she can dump him for David, much to her mother's chagrin. But I think that happens their senior year.
And then she didn't even marry him anyway, and in fact got back together with Dylan, of all people. Matt got played.
I would have preferred that if Connie was going to leave, they could have written her AND her daughters off the show. Have them move to France for a peaceful life out of the spotlight. Then we would be free of the daughters' storylines, which are consistently The Worst. Deacon could stay on the show and go back and forth, run the label in her absence and do his own music. Or maybe Deacon should leave too- what else is there left for him to do?