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Everything posted by ZeroDiscipline
I am also 42, until next summer. But I still have all of my original hair, so clearly I don't do enough drugs.
Oh my God, look at what she is wearing. Powder blue business suit. Absolutely no 21 year olds in the 90s even knew where to get such a thing. The dichotomy of her wearing that and snorting coke is so great. Unintentionally hilarious, I'm sure, but fun just the same.
I vividly remember him drinking a glass of red wine at the end of last week's episode.
S05.E11: Hate Is Just A Four Letter Word
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
I am positive I have never seen this episode, I wonder if it gets taken out of rotation in syndication because it is so embarrassing. But lol at the Bill Cosby reference, and also Ray saying he doesn't even like Claire and David. What a shame the show took Ray in the direction they did, he could have really been a hero. -
S05.E10: The Dreams Of Dylan McKay
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
I thought I hated it too, but I just watched it and now I kind of love it? Seems I have softened with old age and I have reversed course. And I think rather than Steve being tainted by the Brandoness of it, actually Brandon goes up a few notches because of the Steveness of it. I used to hate Steve so hard, but now I think he is one of the bright spots of this show, at least the college episodes. -
So Kelly feels "humiliated" that Dylan did bodyshots off a "glorified hooker", who was actually just a woman he met at the bar, don't see why she has to slut shame her. After they had been broken up for months after several months of having a very dysfunctional relationship in which she cheated on him with his best friend, who also happened to be the brother of her supposed best friend, who also happened to be Dylan's very significant ex. What a snooty, self-important hypocrite. And we are supposed to consider her the heroine of this show. Pffft. Remember later on when he actually finds a real girlfriend and asks her to marry him and Kelly gets all shitty because he didn't tell her first and instead told everyone at once? Issues, man.
I would've loved a spinoff with Cindy, Jackie, Samantha Sanders, and Felice. For all this show's many many faults, they were great at casting the parents. Some of the best character actors in the business, and they even looked like the actors that were playing their offspring.
Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but what a hoot that Felice turned out to be right about Ray. So was Clare, and I guess Kelly too, but that doesn't count because what is that saying about a broken clock being right twice a day? Hard to believe this show went to the painstaking effort of trying to make us think Ray isn't terrible, just to then show us "No, Ray is terrible." And I feel like we all love Val so much that it took Ray actually pushing Donna down a flight of stairs before we were like "okay fine. Poor Donna."
That screenshot of Donna, Kelly and Andrea is about the most judgemental thing I have ever seen. More judgemental than a roomful of Supreme Court judges. I think this is the exact moment I became Team Dylan and hoped he would stay a junkie forever just to spite those harpies.
I love nitpicks like this. It further proves that never in the history of this series did anyone do any tiny amount of research. Just about every Minnesota reference is wrong too, except for maybe the Twins did win the World Series that one time. lol.
S05.E08: Things That Go Bang In The Night
ZeroDiscipline replied to Primetimer's topic in Beverly Hills, 90210
I have no recollection of this episode, I guess, because I don't think I ever saw Kelly momentarily reclaim her hair throne. The long hair does not match her perma-bitchface. -
Good God what is happening with Kelly's hair. I don't remember this horrorshow. It gets worse every week. I feel like her hairdresser was like "No seriously, we are going to make this a thing and then everyone will ask for this at their hair salon and be like 'I want the Kelly Taylor!' or better yet 'The Jennie Garth'! You're going to be famous!" Either that, or she continued to get gum stuck in her hair, and week after week her poor hairdresser had to do their best to cut out the gum but Jennie was like "only cut off the minimum, I'm trying to grow my hair back out as quickly as possible."
Totally yesterday's news at this point, but I am just catching up. Lake Minnetonka is not really a vacation destination. It is in the twin cities suburb of Minnetonka, and populated by wealthy divorced people in McMansions on the lake. You take the freeway to get there. When a person "goes to the lake" for a vacation in Minnesota, it means they are going somewhere up north. Not to a major metropolitan area. A very minimal amount of research would have educated this writing staff about this.
I hate this episode because of Brandon and Ray, but I do like the Valerie helps out the sorority subplot. They seriously needed her, they could not have thought of the brownie laxative plan on their own. This also sets up how awesome Valerie is at espionage! Of course, Kelly will just find a way to use it against her later, but in the meantime-- I like the gang actually having a little harmless fun in college. We don't see this very often.
S01.E01: Pilot / S01.E02: Flying
ZeroDiscipline replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Good Place [V]
I like Kristen Bell very much, and will always have a soft spot for Sam Malone, but this looks terrible. The amount of promotion it is getting is suspicious. -
Kelly's hair is really out of left field. I was in college at the same time as these guys, and while I do remember that this was around the time we were all lopping off our long straight hair and moving past grunge, what Kelly did here makes no sense, and no one else had or desired that haircut. Val and Clare had normal haircuts for this time period. Even Donna's slicked-back thing may have been happening in California, and certainly a lot of women tried out that platinum color around this time. But no no no to Kelly's. It looks like she is trying to grow something out, like she got gum stuck in it and had to cut the gum out and that was what the stylist had to work with, but this was cut that way on purpose. Looking forward to her short hair when she reappears after her summer modeling with Colin in New York (barf).
I know we are supposed to see Clare and annoying and desperate, but I have always thought Brandon could have done a hell of a lot worse than her. She was only one year younger than he, but I guess he was used to the old lady poontang re: Lucinda. I would have loved to have been Clare in high school- confident, intelligent, beautiful and unique. I also would have hoped my parents spelled my name with an i, like this: Claire.
They did a great job with the parents. Kelly and her mom look like they could actually be related. Can't tell if you are joking about Lin-Manuel Miranda, but that's not him, he would have been like 13 at this time. Youth is wasted on the young.
Which is still pretty much the worst thing you can do as a human being. Brenda got caught up in protecting animals. At no point did she endanger innocent lives, BRANDON. And they still harp on her over that stupid Baja thing with Dylan. But Brandon drinking, driving, crashing his car is never brought up again. No wonder she went to London and never talked to any of these fucks again.
We had a bunch of Kellys at school in the 80s, and Angies, Sarahs, Jennifer/jennys galore, even a few Wendys. No Donnas. No Janets, either, for that matter. I think Donna should have been named Julie or Courtney.
Jed Allen (Rush Sanders) was CC Capwell on Santa Barbara, the patriarch. Mason was his son. And he was a magnificent bastard on that show too.
tee hee on naming the character "Corey". You are so right. There were no 40 year old college professors named Corey in 1993. Actually, so many of the character names have always puzzled me, starting with "Donna". For as Catholic as Felice and Dr. Martin seem to be when convenient, they definitely would have given her a Saint's name. Ann, Katherine, Mary, Theresa, etc. And if they were going to stray from that, why "Donna"? The only Donna I have ever met in the wild was our cool 40 year old divorced single mom neighbor on the street where I grew up in the '70s. Are any of you named Donna? Might as well have named her Linda. I was going to say Sheila, but then I remembered that is actually David's mom's name, and here we are.
True dat. Wishful thinking maybe? That Shannen would stay on this sinking ship? I can't wait for the season finale of this mess, and for Valerie to show up, but oh do I feel sorry for the podcasters that they have to get through the animal testing storyline and lost diary from Woodstock nonsense.
Plus, they had to have known Shannen Doherty was leaving the show by this time. Why not marry her off to Stuart? WHO CARES? It's just as stupid as writing Gabrielle Carteris's real life pregnancy into the storyline when she was already 7 months along. Can't just work around it for a few more weeks? I am beginning to think these writers were lazy!
The Brenda/ Stuart stuff here has always made me sooooo uncomfortable, That guy is such a dick, I am glad Brenda broke up with him. And I was thinking about Andrea and her terrible hair and wardrobe. My theory is that Gabrielle Carteris is just really nice. You know Shannen and Jennie are in there bitching up a storm every time they try to dress them in clothes they don't like. I can see GC just going along with everything to be the lone cooperative actor of the group.