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Everything posted by madfortv

  1. I got pulled in to the show again while taking care of elderly relatives who watch soaps every day. The writing is awful but the actors are for the most part really good. But I am done. I just can't take this story line. The discussion between Liam and Steffy on today's show is weird. It would work if they hadn't slept together. UGH! Here is wishing fans who stay with the show the best. I've enjoyed reading your comments.
  2. I like that Dr Finn won't give Steffy another pain pill prescription. He is also trying to help her understand the reasons why he won't write the prescription, and he is listening to her. I am sure the writers will mess this up soon, but I hope they don't turn around and have him give in to her pleading.
  3. Knowing your value is an important topic, but I am having a hard time receiving a message from someone on the panel this morning who by her appearance obviously does not accept herself. In my work in business, women dress well but don't go OTT with hair styles and make up. They are confident in themselves. We don't all look like models and actresses and should not try to emulate them. It makes us look silly. I see confidence in women like Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace, Andrea Mitchell and other hosts. In her new job, Joy upgraded her outfits but they fit her style and she did not go too far. She looks great and professional. Mika took several steps back with her outfits. Before she fit well with Fox hosts. UGH! Now, she does not seem to be trying for a professional look. I don't know what she is trying to prove. Something in between would be quite nice. Generally, I don't pay much attention to outfits that women wear on TV. This morning because of the Know Your Value discussion, the clothing and appearance made more of a statement that it should have.
  4. After Mika's strong on air reaction to Trump's accusations and many comments on this forum (some implying the worst) about the intern's death over the years, I became more curious about it. Apparently Joe was in Washington while the intern was working in his office in Florida. During the day, she mentioned not feeling well to others. Joe announced he was leaving congress a few weeks before she passed away. There were several articles that listed these details including one from Fox News. Now that there has been more investigation into Tara Reade, will Morning Joe circle back regarding Tara's credibility? While credibility has objective and subjective components, there are so many questions about different facets of Tara's life that it seems right to have a conversation about her credibility. This is especially true after Mika's interrogation of Joe Biden. Wouldn't it only be fair to do a follow up on his accuser?
  5. Aw, isn't it nice how Mika gets compliments on her tough Joe Biden interview every time she asks how well his campaign is handling the allegations. How long will she continue to bring this up?
  6. Mika appears sleepy this morning especially when someone is answering her questions. So PJs fit with her entire appearance.
  7. Found the article and Michael J Stern does a good job of addressing the issue.
  8. Interrogation is right. I also thought she looked like she was crying. Yes.
  9. I give Mika credit but she is going too far IMO. Joe Biden keeps answering the question in a consistent way. She keeps asking the same questions over and over and over. Why? Added: What else is he supposed to say? She is acting like he is on trial and he is guilty. Again IMO.
  10. Regarding Joy, I agree that her talking over everyone was annoying and wanted to clarify my emoticon selection for a couple of posts. I picked sad because it was hard to watch Joy. She is not handling this virus situation well. Maybe that is why she was not on the show today. She needs to refocus her energy on finding out how she can be part of the solution. That should help her move forward. Whoopi was patient. Joe Biden did a great job today. It was nice to hear that he is getting on top of the data and making plans in case he needs them. Those from either party who focus on facts and solutions are much appreciated.
  11. I just caught up on missed episodes. The show seemed a lot better without Lori Loughlin. It surprised me because I always liked her. I don't much care for the triangle between Elizabeth and the mountie and bar/hotel owner. I agree how Ally's character is written is annoying. Overall though, the show was a little better. The women still seem to dress like they live in a big city. Imagine taking care of all those long dresses that drag in the mud. When would people who actually lived in those days find the time to maintain those fancy clothes (washing, ironing) and style their hair especially those who did not have servants? The scene with Elizabeth and Rosemary hanging clothes made me laugh again with the same observation I made in a past season. It is clear neither actress has had to hang clothes outside in real life.
  12. I agree with most of this. Though Mika can be a wet blanket, I have seen a little bit of improvement over the last few months. She does not seem to be muttering as much in the background and she has been pushing back to get answers on some of her interviews. Baby steps but I wanted to point this out. Joe's worry about contagion is valid but it makes me wonder if/when some of our leaders and their families are going to retreat to a bunker.
  13. The debate last night was irritating. I lasted about 1/2 hour. The MJ discussion is actually well rounded by bringing on different people with different perspectives. I agree with Donnie's comments about wanting a more substantive discussion and not wanting to see an angry Sanders all the time. Not sure I can even hold my nose to vote for a couple of them. I am agreeing with Amy K. There was not enough discussion on solutions.
  14. I watch this show occasionally though I don't last long because they talk over each other so much and I can't figure out what they are saying. I tend to do a lot of channel changing. Lately, I have been turning the show on to hear interviews with some of the political guests. I find Meghan the most annoying and agree with the comments on her poor attitude and behavior. But I wish Joy would not interrupt so much. She often jumps in too quickly instead of letting others finish their thoughts.
  15. I just watched the first 4 episodes. The premise of the show is good. The execution is awful. With few exceptions, I've never found that the constant use of profanity replaces true humor. I can't take another scene with the fighting couple, Judd and some of the others. Ho Hum. I wanted to like this show but won't be watching any more episodes.
  16. Is there a list of view hosts someplace? When prior hosts are referred to by their first name or a nickname I don't always know who they are.
  17. Not exactly. My impression is he was saying that conservatives had to fight harder to make their points when they were in school. The implication was that liberal positions were more easily accepted, so conservatives had to build a more in depth case as opposed to liberals who could just throw out a few talking points. This experience was good for the future because conservative learned how to make a good case where as liberals didn't have the same learning experience and weren't as good putting together a case.
  18. It is nice to see Joe Biden on MJ this morning. I like his talking points and him. He always seems to be squinting. It makes him look as if he is uncomfortable or in pain. I wonder if it would help if he wore glasses.
  19. I am sorry to hear that teenagers today act this way. The ones I know have jobs while they are in high school and are very responsible people. A few younger teens visited from different families over the holidays. They were great and even pitched in to help when needed. Mabel is dependent and is like a very young person who has no thought for others except when she needs her parents to step in to help. There is one scene where Paul takes over for Jamie for a time. He gets stressed out with Mabel constantly reaching out for help and asks Jamie if it's always like this. The girl is supposed to be in college and lives in a dorm room. Why would she be reaching out to her parents for help all the time? She even let someone stay at her parents home without asking them first while she is not living there. These are a only a couple of reasons I think she is so poorly written. Since she lives so close, visiting her parents often or coming over to actually help them with something would be more realistic. I just don't get her character.
  20. I watched all 12 episodes of the new show and overall enjoyed the reboot. While I didn't like some of the episodes there was enough good stuff to keep me watching. Several episodes were satisfying and fun. From reading here, it seems like many have not seen the new episodes so I won't give out detailed spoilers. The main disappointment for me is that the character of Mabel is entitled, selfish and opinionated. She is being written more like a thoughtless, self-centered 12 year old than a young woman of college age, yet sometimes in appearance the actress shows her real age which is about 5 years older than Mabel. She is a cliche character; one who makes me wonder if the writers have experience with young people around the age of Mabel's character. This is not about the actress' acting. It is about the writing!
  21. I have always liked the Castro brothers but Julian's comments this morning shocked me. First he compared "voter suppression" to the voting order of states for the Presidential primaries and then spoke as if the requirements for eligibility into debates have been changing. Fortunately another panel member pushed back saying that the requirements were set ahead of the debates. Everyone knew the rules up front. The solution for dealing with a large number of candidates has not worked the way it was intended but it seemed to be a sincere attempt. Also, I remember people complaining about the state voting order in past election years. Did Julian and others bring up any concerns about this prior to the debates? I definitely agree that something else needs to be done but work on a better strategy to support diversity instead of sowing sour grapes. I didn't like the solution Joe suggested to rotate states every 4 years. Perhaps 3 or 4 states should go at same time.
  22. Several months ago, I got really tired of this show especially the frequency of repeat segments. Lately, I am enjoying it more. I was away for several weeks but don't think coming back is the reason. This may be a holiday glitch. It will probably be back to the status quo for me in the new year. I live in Ohio and especially enjoyed the take on Jim Jordan.
  23. While Steve Schmidt went way, way overboard on his comments regarding Elizabeth Warren's honesty, he put his finger on what has been off putting about her to me. I could never figure it out though I was always supportive of her as a Senator. It is about a sense of entitlement that is grating. Did I miss something this morning? I expected more discussion regarding the impeachment hearing yesterday. It was touched on earlier but did not seem to be given much focus. Then again, maybe I was reading something on the internet and zoned out during that segment. LOL.
  24. Good for Kirsten Gillibrand. This is the kind of insight and discussion (on Afghanistan in this instance) I want to see from our Senators as I don't want so many crowning themselves to run for President. I sincerely hopes she keeps appearing on these types of shows and giving us her well thought out opinions on other topics for committees on which she is participating. She can continue to build up her resume while providing an authentic, valuable service to our country.
  25. This focus on Joe Biden and his son Hunter is misplaced. This reminds me about the constant talk about Hillary's emails. The constant questioning harping on Biden by the press and pundits is really annoying.
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