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Everything posted by locomoco

  1. I'm hoping to see her "run a multi-million dollar company." I have this image in my head of her father delegating Corinne to stuff envelopes or playing Windows Solitaire just to keep her out of his hair.
  2. I know I've crossed into "grouchy old man" territory because instead of seeing an attractive, sexy, young woman, I'm constantly yelling at my TV saying things like "What kind of parents does this hussy have?" and "Good Lord, have you no shame you vixen?". Ugh...
  3. If an elephant sat on Corinne, I wouldn't be too broken up about it... unless the elephant got hurt in the process.
  4. http://tvline.com/2016/11/20/westworld-season-2-ed-harris-return-the-man-in-black/ Curious how he'll be be used in season 2... saying that he's "involved" is a curious turn of phrase.
  5. So you're saying he becomes Mr. Robot?
  6. Which I now believe is the host we see being created during the scene where Bernard killed Theresa...
  7. Well... MY co-workers know that I burp and fart... (bless 'em)
  8. Wait... I'm confused. What else is there?
  9. Actually, after seeing this episode, I'm not sure they aren't even in the same room having a conversation in person... Besides that, do we know if the 1976 movie Futureworld is considered canon?
  10. The actor was in Coven, but he was playing a different character (Quentin Fleming)
  11. And with his gut, the message it should be sending should be loud enough for the entire apartment complex to hear.
  12. while Bernard was going down tothe basement and passed by the Gunslinger, did you notice the fluttering gunslinger music/sound effect from the movie as well? I heard the audio cue before seeing the physical model in the background.
  13. That's what I think as well... at the very least, Logan is related to someone high up in the Delos organization.
  14. It was a picture of a woman taken in the outside world in a modern metropolitan city - something that could not exist within the confines of Westworld's scripted reality. That lead the father robot to question his reality and he got caught up on some sort of loop that he was unable to resolve. I end up coming here to post snarky comments... :D
  15. I'm curious, I'm also someone who saw the original movie as a kid, so I'm wondering if you feel the same way I do in that I felt that the remake doesn't have the same impact that the original film did due to Crichton's other "controlled worlds run amuck" franchise, Jurassic Park? I know the themes are somewhat different, but it almost feels like the TV remake is drawing a bit from JP as well the original WW, and the new show suffers a bit due to that. I know there will be more plot twists the differentiate the new show from the previous properties, but I'm afraid that the twists will somehow dilute or alter the feeling I had from the original movie - maybe it's just nostalgia on my part, but if they're planning on changing things too much, I almost feel that they might have been better off being inspired by the previous works and not tie it so much to the WW film.
  16. I would pay money for them to film Chris Harrison in a smoking jacket drinking a mimosa watching the dailies and acting shocked by what he sees.
  17. If Benjen was "part dead", then his horse was also probably "part dead"... which kinda means you actually can beat a dead horse.
  18. And boom goes the dynamite... Also glad to see Lady Mormont is still kicking ass
  19. EVERYTHING meddles in product development.
  20. I think Crime Story is breath of fresh air compared to Horror Story right now... even if it's just a dramatization of events that were so burned into our collective consciousnesses. While I enjoy AHS, both my wife and I have been completely stunned at how compelling the writing and casting has been for Crime Story. The only other show that makes an hour pass by like 15 minutes for me is Game of Thrones, and I think I'm enjoying Crime Story more. There's something about the pacing in Crime Story that feels different from other Ryan Murphy productions - in his fictional shows, he relies heavily on the audience buying into a certain level of suspension of disbelief to connect some continuity gaps or plot advancements, but Crime Story hasn't felt like that at all... I'm not sure if it's the nature of the content, or if it's because the case was already filled with so many things that should have made absolutely no sense, and we've just come to terms with it over the decades. Is he already planning to continue this line of real life crimes/trials? I'd love to see what he would do with the Lacey Peterson case.
  21. If you hear him on podcasts, he's actually quite funny and endearing... and I really despised him while he was on Bachelorette.
  22. This was confirmed on this week's Bachelor Afterbuzz podcast. Ashley I. was a guest and said that the "dates" were spending some private time in the back area of the event area for about 45 minutes. Ashley thinks that Nick gave his auction winner his phone number, but didn't know anything beyond that.
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