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Everything posted by DakotaJustice

  1. Even with the *engineered* "surprise" expose of the divorce/remarriage *which was almost certainly done purely for plotlines and to keep the show alive* all over the reality show gossips pages, people STILL could not be bothered to tune in, and/or intentionally avoided the show, knowing from experience that the snark recaps all over the Net would be far more entertaining. I am one of those people by the way. Haven't watched all season. Stopped watching after the RV episode where Kody got dumped on. No viewers, no advertisers, no ad money, no show. I look forward to that. Yeah I know. They'll just file bankruptcy. Again.
  2. And she was pretty damn proud of it, she hashtagged it. Bitch.
  3. Damn. I really still miss "Property Ladder". I LOVED that show! damn! now that was some quality reality TV.
  4. I went through a divorce a couple years ago. California is a no-fault state, we didn't have to cite a cause other than irreconcilable diffs if memory serves. The whole thing was done by a paralegal HOWEVER we had to wait six months for the paperwork to be finalized.
  5. I remember reading somewhere (Twitter response?) that Robyn's kids from her first marriage go by "Jessop" in school. And Dayton goes by "David" in school as well.
  6. So those of you who already have the book (I'm still on back order :( ) could you tell me if one of my favorite secondary characters is mentioned?? that would be Kitty - the Ingalls' cat from Little Town on the Prairie (my favorite LH book).
  7. That's what I meant, I guess I just didn't state it properly. It's the production company - along with Kody - coming up with the story ideas. Actually I think in this instance it was Kody's idea and they had already acted on it vis-a-vis the divorce...then AFTER the divorce was finalized, told PuddleMonkey/F8F about the divorce and their plans. I'm sure the production company, or TLC, paid for the Hawaii trip. Otherwise, they'd have just gotten married in Vegas. Kind of an additional burn to the other three that Robyn has now received 2 honeymoons as well as two weddings. Obviously, it wasn't the whole damn family this time round.
  8. I'm guessing that Janelle is probably silently happy that Meri is finally getting "hers" after these years. The eps with the therapist...we were being set up by the producers for this story line. I really do believe that Figure 8 Films was told by Kody what they planned to do. They needed a new fresh plot line. Janelle's weight loss was going nowhere - Sean hasn't even been ON the show this round. And his video is no longer on the MSWC page. He's done IMO. To have another baby would cost money and it's what people expected anyway. And maybe - just maybe - Robyn hasn't been able to have any more children OR she doesn't want to. A fifth wife would cut into the check and everyone's piece would shrink. Kody has made it CRYSTAL clear, if it wasn't already apparent, that he doesn't care about Meri's feelings, nor Christine's. Janelle is kind of immune to it i believe, because she's the one who's drunk the kool-aid and again, I think that she's not unhappy about Meri being unhappy. But I think that Madison's actions when she moved into her new pad - GTFO and let me be alone - as well as Kody having to BRIBE Madison with groceries to get her to be on the show (I doubt he really cared about spending time with her, he just wanted her to be on the show) speaks volumes. She's disgusted, thoroughly disgusted, about what was going down, because rest assured she was well aware. I don't think that TLC orchestrated this per se. I think this is all from the tiny mind of "midas touch" Kody who is trying to keep the show going. TLC probably found out about it around the same time we all did. Remember, it's Figure 8 Films who actually produces the shows and TLC buys them. People are theorizing that this was to adopt Robyn's kids, to save on college tuition and so on. but really...Kody's not that far thinking and he's not that unselfish. It all comes down to: Let's keep the show check going for another couple seasons. I really wish that TLC would pull the plug on the Browns the way that they pulled the plug on Honey Boo Boo, but as shocked and angry as many people are, this is not the same level as dating the man who molested your own child. That said, many of their fans on the TLC FB page are conservative and I get the idea they believe in the sanctity of legal marriage. So expect a huge backlash. TLC has probably been wracking their brains for the past 24 hours trying to determine how they are going to handle this.
  9. I agree with this and also - Janelle is probably feeling pretty smug right now. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  10. Go to CJ's page and see the impact. This is a freaking bombshell, even though I realize that in reality it doesn't change the family, but it's just controversial enough and again, right out of the Big Love Playbook. People are freakin'.
  11. Yup it IS financial. it's because they don't want to lose their "work" that they're always going on and on about. The "work" of course, being the filming. And it's cheaper to divorce Meri and legally marry Robyn than it is to bring in a new #5 wife that is going to get a piece of the TLC Brown Family Entertainment pie. and I think we can see a prime motivator for why Maddie didn't hesitate to pull up stakes and get the hell out of Dodge. And her attitude towards Kody. Oh and IMO, this was all driven by Kody to begin with. I wonder if Meri still calls Kody "lover"?? they still have a dad, he would have to give up his rights. Kody IMO could care less about the afterlife at this point. He's more concerned with the Now, and keeping that TLC check coming in.
  12. mompanga - YES financial reasons - To keep the TLC money rolling in. CJ just blogged. http://cynicaljinxwelcome.blogspot.com/2015/01/breaking-news-13115.html
  13. I thought the same thing Jellywager. totally. And cheaper than having another kid or bringing in Wife #5...right? There is absolutely NO doubt, this is true news. It's on the Clark County website. CJ will be posting it on her blog very soon. They've said numerous times that they consider all the "marriages" equal - legal and spiritual - so theoretically this should not change their relationships at all. However, I highly doubt that's the way it's going down with them. That explains a lot - many of the tweets from the three parties...Christine bringing her mom in...the trip to Hawaii in December. Janelle is a true believer IMO, but Christine must be freaking out all over again. Meri - I bet she's regretting "introducing" Robyn and Kody (if that's actually how it went down...I myself have my doubts as to the veracity of that story...they're ALL liars). Anything to keep the TV Money coming in right?
  14. Kody and Meri DIVORCED and Kody married Robyn in December. Confirmed by Cynical Jinx just a few minutes ago via the Clark County website!!!
  15. ...not to mention (again) that Annie adds a much-needed plotline, which in retrospect the producers (*and I suspect Kody/adult Browns*) have been setting up over the past 8 shows or so (since last June when this "season" began). Kody has been allowing the producers to give him the Asshole Edit (I'm CERTAIN that the Browns have some authority over edits - Janelle's tweeted as much) and it appears that Annie moved in last Aug/Sept, so this move was probably in the works for at least a few months prior. The older kids are moving out and seem to want little to do with the show now, so Annie's coming in as the Cousin Oliver to revive plotlines as the existing ones (MSWC, Janelle's "weight loss journey", and Robyn's non-existent second/fifth pregnancy) have been played out.
  16. It was Meri who claims to have lost her job. Kody was working for an electric sign company YESCO and its not clear what really happened there - he claimed that after the show aired some of his big customers asked to be reassigned to a different sales rep. So whose fault is it? There was at least one episode where kody left work early for a parent teacher conference in S1 or 2, and when he found out he wasn't needed, he played hooky from work for the rest of the day. I bet that he wasn't available or didn't return calls promptly. His clients probably saw him on the show and said well..,there's why he never gets back to us. Kody is lazy, IMO. As for Meri she allowed rhe film crew to film her at work on one of the first eps while she was "helping" "at risk kids". First off, we don't know if she was even getting paid for that, and second, I would imagine there are privacy issues that didn't sit well with the parents. I doubt it was the polygamy since Lehi seems to have a good size population of them, and also the Browns had been "out" for YEARS prior to the show.
  17. True but if you remember the first couple seasons when they were in Lehi, the girls were pretty normal weight as I recall. Especially Mariah - it's shocking to see the change. I think a good deal of that has to do with the environment rather than genetics. The boys appear to all be into sports or other organized physical activities of some type - the girls not so much. Logan weight trains, Hunter wrestles, Garrison is ROTC, etc. Also I'm guessing they were way more active in Lehi - walking instead of driving, being outside more, etc.
  18. Meri just tweeted a few days ago that she just started school that day. Yup took over a year in real time. IMO she really didn't want to, because like the other adults *including Janelle* she's lazy. Last I checked its still a buyers market in LV and rents are super low. So Christine's mom isn't selling her place and she left stuff = she's only moving in temporarily. Plot line needed.
  19. IMO Christine got pregnant with Truly as a reaction to Kody "courting" Robyn.
  20. Also can't help but notice that this is the third show of this "season" (or 4th since the first "2 hour extravaganza of nothing" was split into two separate eps) and nary a peep about Janelle's weight loss "journey" or sight of #tvtrainer Sean. I think they opted for PMS because it's easier to spell than Perimenopause.
  21. I was only half watching but I shut off my tv in disgust upon seeing Dayton PRESSURED into getting on the ATV by his own MOM. I'm sure that Kody was behind having this whole storyline on the show after Robyn indicated via Twitter not too long ago (responding to questions regarding his eye) that Dayton did NOT want it aired, and they were respecting his wishes. Of course, ratings trump a 15 year old developmentally disabled boy's wishes as far as this group is concerned. Kody Brown: Kate Goesslin Redux.
  22. I've noticed that's kind of a trait with polygamists in general. They LOVE to harp on the "persecution" aspect even though it's probably been 50-60 years since anyone was jailed for JUST polygamy (i.e. no underage stuff going on). Even Hyrum on PUSA went all dramatic that he "could be" arrested for his lifestyle choice. I'm sure that they realize that polygamy on its own is the equivalent of sparking a doob in public pretty much anywhere in the US. Outside of Utah, unless it's Warren Jeffs stuff going on, no one gives a rats'.
  23. Christine's mom is actually moving in with Christine this "season". She left polygamy so I'm guessing she doesn't support it. But I suppose that living off the largesse of TLC will induce her to "keep sweet" unless the producers decide to develop a storyline where she's an antagonist. oh wait. This is a reality show, there are no storylines. HAHAHAAAA!
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