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Everything posted by DakotaJustice

  1. There was an ep when they were first looking at houses with Mona from the same builder (might have been the same culdesac just the other end of it) and the mortgage expert gave them that option since their credit was so shitty. They ended up turning down the houses because "someone else bought one of the homes and we all wanted to be together" or some shit like that. Apparently The Credit Doc that Robyn went to was able to wave his majic wand and get them real mortgages. Yoikes.
  2. -alleged interview with Stacey, who was Overton's victim just prior to Meri. https://justiceforvictimsofjackiecatfish.wordpress.com/
  3. They aren't eligible for SAG/AFTRA. Reality shows aren't considered eligible last time I checked. Otherwise they'd be making way more $. The insurance story is just that - a story. They probably have a group policy thru Brown Family Entertainment and the kids have been covered for awhile. Ya know I thought originally that Meri was in on the scam as payback against Kody and Robyn. But now I think she felt this was the real deal and that she was going to be rescued by this rich, cute Sam person. She was in love so she lost a bunch of weight. And clearly at the time of filming she could give two shits about the show because Sam was going to whisk her away. Now she knows better and is doing damage control in an attempt to salvage their bread and butter before they get shitcanned. Like others have said the Browns should be thanking Josh Duggar for saving their asses, because otherwise SW would be gone.
  4. I don't watch the show, haven't for ages, but that photo makes me angry. As do all the recaps.
  5. Oh yeah last time I checked they still owned it. Family members live there now. They might be holding it as a scintillating plot device - a whole season of Janelle trying to sell the house to another family of polygamists (because really who else would want it?) but more likely it's their safety net so they have somewhere to live after the Vegas houses are foreclosed.
  6. Ha - they were added in later anyway, TLC couldn't even be bothered to make sure to use the right sirens. My theory is that if the police were called, it was either by the Browns or their neighbors to chase of the paparazzi that they were bitching about in the first ep of Season 2. I'm sure the cops have been well aware of the Browns' lifestyle for years and could have probably cared less.
  7. Oh my guess is that they won't get the financing, and just stop making payments but stay in the houses until they're foreclosed on and MADE to leave. Even Janelle. And just like when they "fled" Lehi, they will leave everything in disarray. There's a reason they held onto the Lehi house. Oh and one more thing. They will all blame the builders who gave them the loans to begin with...persecution because of their lifestyle of course. Good luck selling the homes one by one. Who would want to be neighbors with this bunch??
  8. He called it "fun" news? Sick. Still thinking/theorizing on Jessop. Why no one has ever seen him. For the life of me, only one photo (a head shot, looks like a high school pic) in a family tree years ago. Either he's WAY off the grid, or maybe he's disabled in some way - "simple minded" perhaps due to an accident of some kind? I'm just theorizing here.
  9. http://nevadalawhelp.org/resource/guardianship-of-child?ref=2YlyJ Interesting, Dayton is over 14 and would have to sign a consent.
  10. I dunno, it just kinda reminds me of when they lied to the kids and said they were moving to vegas in THREE DAYS because Kody might get arrested and their family might get split up. HUGE LIE. But the kids were terrified. Same thing here.
  11. Wouldn't be the first time they've puffed/stretched the truth/out-&-out lied.
  12. do you think it might be in actuality a legal guardianship? Not a full on adoption. This isn't Nevada rules, but I imagine it's pretty much the same there as it is in Santa Clara County. http://www.scscourt.org/self_help/probate/guardianship/guardianship_vs_adoption.shtml Is Guardianship the Same as Adoption? No. Here are some differences: In a Guardianship: Parents still have parental rights. They can have reasonable contact with the child. The Court can end a guardianship if the parents become able to take care of the child. Guardians can be supervised by the court. In an adoption: The parents’ rights are permanently ended. The legal relationship is permanent and is exactly the same as a birth family. An adoptee inherits from his or her adoptive parent(s), just as a child would. Adoptive families are not supervised by the Court.
  13. I read somewhere that the fiance isn't LDS. I think she changed her mind. Sadly, it appears that Madison is following in the footsteps of her family. Making big statements and not following through.
  14. I dunno, I think Meri and the Browns ARE that naive as well as greedy - it wasn't that long ago that they were publicly tweeting open invites for people to come to LIV "parties" (i.e. MLM sign ups) at Meri's home. There was actually a person who went and commented on it on either the old SWB or CJs blog. If memory serves it consisted of a lot of lookie-Loos and people who'd already signed up under the Browns trying to sign up new people or sell some of the product they'd been talked into buying. So they've got a history of letting strangers into their house already. I do believe that's how Overton infiltrated.
  15. Ya I believe that Nevada DMV rules are similar to California's in that you can't register your vehicle unless there's insurance on it. A lot of people still get insurance just to register then let it lapse, although the insurance companies are required to report cancelled/nonrenewed auto policies to the DMV.
  16. The fact that Logan chose to spend the extra money to live in a dorm even after the move to the culdesac (remember Janelle said she wanted to make sure he had his own room in the house as an inducement to attend college while living at home) speaks volumes.
  17. 40k per show (and I'm guessing they don't get paid as much for the clip shows) sp easy across the entire family - four mortgages too. And taxes.
  18. Janelle had the largest space in the Lehi home which was only right seeing as she was the one who bought the house. Christine lived in the basement. But they all had separate kitchens and entrances.
  19. But who will buy the houses? Will they just go into foreclosure?
  20. Whether she "trapped herself" or no matter how much of a hand she had in the Robyn selection, Meri DOES NOT DESERVE THIS. And everyone seems to be related to everyone else - I have about 25 first cousins and I have only seen most of them once or twice in my LIFE, back when I was a kid and went to family reunions back East. Christine must have hundreds of first cousins, but that doesn't mean she knows all of them or even half of them personally. Meri and Kody are divorced. If Kody can sleep with multiple women (he probably doesn't now, but he does have that option) then Meri sure as hell can if she wants. but again, I believe she's quite naive and was drawn into this by a disturbed poor excuse of a human being who is still pretending to be "Sam", now migrating over to Facebook. No one deserves this. No one.
  21. What kind of job is she really skilled for? Walmart? House cleaning? She's limited by her notoriety at this point. She didn't lose her "at risk kids" part time gig because she was a polygamist (I understand Lehi has many polygamists so it's not that unusual) - she lost it because she was on the show. That kind of job - I would think an employer would want someone relatively anonymous. Does working a close-to-minimum-wage job even pay for a "small apartment"? Remember too, how these women were raised. They were raised not to think really. None of them save Janelle have any marketable skills or experience to speak of. Kody would be liable for half of Mariah's tuition, if that - Mariah might be going on loans at this point. but she still needs a place to live. I think "Meri leaves Kody" would be good for 2 episodes at best. Who wants to watch her suffer? she's used to not having to think about that stuff. She's really no different than Christine in that regard. Janelle in the book says that Meri would leave her job on a whim to go on vacation with Kody. "Meri Leaves Kody" would be so depressing NO ONE would watch it. I doubt the catfish incident is going to make it to the show at all.
  22. Spot on. I often wonder if Kody realizes just how vile he is on tv. Is he really like that IRL - or even worse?
  23. I actually don't put much credence on whatever the party line is they spout for the sake of the show. "Reality" is seldom real in these shows. We've seen that over and over again. Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college? And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over? What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her. She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony. I think she got conned into the divorce by Robyn and Kody. They convinced her that nothing would change but they lied to her. What they say on TV and in social media is lies and half truths. Meri loved and probably still loves Kody but he doesn't love her anymore. Most likely doesn't sleep with her, hasn't been since last year. He has what he wants - so does Robyn. Personal experience here on how much it hurts when the person you love is with someone else. I can't imagine how painful it is to have to witness them on a daily basis. I'm sure Meri wants more than anything to leave that mess, but she's trapped.
  24. There is absolutely no jot of evidence that this whole Sam thing started before the divorce was final. It appears the catfishing wasn't until March, that's her earliest contact with "Sam". This wasn't adultery. It was a sick sociopath preying on a lonely hurt woman. I have never really bought the party line that Meri was responsible for getting Robyn into the family. I think it was more like Robyn saw Kody and vice versa and they made up the story that Meri was the instigator. The other two were not picked by Meri. They both sought out Kody. Yes, Meri as an 18 year old in love with the only guy she ever dated and even then not being such a prize herself made a deal with the devil to keep Kody in her life. At the time I suppose it seemed like a good trade. She was raised in it after all. But all the stories they tell in their book...it was clear they had major jealousy issues. Also, If Meri was so gung-ho about Robyn joining the family why did she and Kody seek marriage counseling before the "wedding"? They admitted to going through a very rough patch at the time Kody started seeing Robyn. Meri's no saint, but she was divorced. I don't think she was actively seeking a new guy in her life, I think Overton took advantage and knew she had a vulnerable fish. No one, NO ONE, deserves this.
  25. The thing is...I don't think she was looking for someone else. I think Overton got close to Meri, and saw how sad/lonely she was and pretended to be Sam just like she's done with God knows how many other victims. And "Sam" swept Meri off her feet with sexting and carnations and notes. LIV is the multi level marketing business that the Browns hooked up with a few years ago, I doubt they've made much $$ from it since the first year. Meri went on a LIV cruise which is generally a lot of meetings and cheer rallies to get people motivated to spend tons of money on product and marketing materials. Mary Kay does the same thing every year. It's quite a ripoff.
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