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Everything posted by fib

  1. Yes. In real estate, there is the shopping side of thinga, which is the way into the biz. The selling side is where people make their name. And I do NOT think people will trust their houses to someone so flaky. Apparently one of those properties is his parents house and its been on the market for 300 days. (Ha!)
  2. Not anymore. (Who is going to trust him with their home?) Good luck with that, arie.
  3. I think becca didnt leave because she didnt have a way out. Production probably took her phone (so they wouldnt "pull a kaitlyn" and spoil the ending), she couldnt call an uber or a friend or a taxi, and didnt want to get in the suv with the camera crew. She had some semblance of privacy in that (AMAZING) house's many corners. That said, i dont know why she didnt take off her mic. Shock?
  4. 1) because he told production the engagement was over before he told his fiancee 2) because he coordinated filming it all 3) because he told his fiancee he loved another woman 4) because he WOULD NOT RESPECT Becca by listening to her one request (to leave) 5) because he wouldnt give her space, and fork there were cameras there that wouldnt do that either.
  5. Please be careful saying more. This is spoilery. Not a spoiler, just... eeek! Im trying so hard to stay unspoiled. Tell me nothing more, please! Pretty please!
  6. Yes - it was. But if you barely get anytime with the lead and when you do, someone has said something that may hurt their impression of you? that's not super cool. Marikh, though, could have said something like that to Chelsea instead of going on about glamshaming being a real thing. Marikh's unwillingness to move on looked super petty. Bekah was singled out because -of the young women- SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE with a connection to Arie. Maquel? nope. Olivia - left first night. Lauren B? Ok - she goes far, but she's 25 and seems to have no connection to anything let alone Arie. Caroline, though tough to remember, was actually a player this season. I think she was easy to confuse with some of the other beautiful brunettes who were over shadowed by Krystal. She was the girl who snuggled up to Tia in the hottub (after Krystal cozied up to Aire in front of them) on week 4 after the early finishers completed their hike. Krystal was super offended at the playful joke. Then there was a confrontation in the evening part of the date. The most memorable part of the confrontation though was Tia being burp-drunk. Ultimately, because I do think that Caroline and Krystal's bumping heads was part of the main storyline, I'm fine with her being front and center at the WTA/Paradise-last-call-audition show.
  7. Oh yes. She brought the sass this episode, but it was NOT flattering. I was #teampeter, so I soured on her a lot at the end of her season. I didnt begrudge her anger with Peter, but I hated the way she treated him on the aftershow, when she knew it was always Brian, andshe could see he was still hurt. YMMV. But seeing her dump on Dean confirmed it for me - she is a mean girl. I'm over it, just like I am with pretty much every other lead: Nick, Ben, Kaitlyn, Andi.
  8. God bless I need a brain transplant. Thanks. Regarding Ben and Lauren - no they would not have gone the distance, IMHO. The key thing I saw in that relationship during that show was that Ben was too immature to be a family man and Lauren wasnt as squeaky clean as she had seemed in the show's run. What do I mean? Lauren really wanted babies and a family, and Ben wouldnt even discuss it. He indicated that he wasnt ready to talk about wanting kids or when they could have them. IMHO, that's immaturity. Lauren might have waited around with him if he had said something like, "You know I want kids, but I want to be married for two years first". But he instead said, "I can't believe you want to talk about that, we just moved in together". In my dating experience, this dodge is tough to handle. Unwillingness to even discuss a timeline or actual preferences? That says "Im just not that into you, but don't want to tell you that". If Ben was that into her? He is an idiot. And Ben is sooooo squeaky clean and Jesus-y. Lauren admitted to -I think - some drug use? Or getting arrested? I think Lauren is a little wilder when with her friends than she appeared during the series, and I dont think Ben loved that. IMHO, Ben loved the idea of Lauren, not the actual women. And that's why he is crushed.
  9. Ben was on Kaitlyns season, wasnt he? And Jojo is still engaged. Im so confused by this! christian and Clare, god bless. These two could not communicate with each other. He needed something like an opening from her and she kept getting more put off when he was hesitant with her, exacerbating things
  10. Yes. But people who want to have a scholarship to a D1 school for sports? But cant get a full one at an elite sports school, can get one at Army or Navy. And if you are recruited to play sports, its easier to get in (like every other university). Well - not easier, because you have to be really good at sports, but the hoops to entry? The coaches help you clear them.
  11. Heard on a podcast that Luke went to West Point to play football. As in, Luke isnt the best and brightest, he was the least of the fittest (too mean). The really talented athletes dont play at west point - Army football is traditionally one of the worst in D1... they averaged 3 wins the seasons he played. I had a college buddy who went to West Point on a sports scholarship. I imagine the dynamics are similar in football as they were in lacrosse, if not more so: He wasn't good enough to get a full ride anywhere else in the D1. But he was an all around great guy with a clean background and better grades than the average lacrosse guy. So he chose West Point: Better scholarship, guaranteed job opportunities, live your dream of playing ball in college, support your country. He would have been choosing a school in 2002: Right as the job market collapsed, and in the middle of post 9/11 patriotic fever. To me, hearing about the football scholarship made it all make sense.
  12. Yes. He does. But that's partly because he told whoever cut his hair "do everything possible to bring out my inner cockatoo". The beanies balance that out some. :-)
  13. I also loved Courtney's original dismissal: Courtney: "I may love you at the end of this, but no. I dont love you now." Bachelorette: "I think you should leave now". Me: crying/laughing Ashley I style. Loved the Biathlon. All the pratfalls. The Eric moment. Kevin does look exactly like James Marsden in some camera angles. But Ashley ai is wrong. He isnt Tom Brady the other half the time, He is Encino Man. I cant quite wrap my head around the disconnect - he has glimpses of being such a hunk, followed by looking SOOOO busted. Mind blown
  14. What happened to Peter? I could have sworn Fleiss announced him as participating?!?
  15. Ditto. ALmost Everyone’s skin looks awful under tv lights without help: shiny/splotchy and red. (OLive toned folks like Vanessa have a distinct advantage here, and probably could get away with BB Cream and powder) So everyone is wearing globs of makeup, including Arie. Bekah clearly wears gobs of makeup, and false eyelashes. (There is someone who I dont think is wearing false eyelashes this season... Tia maybe? Here eyelashes are naturally dark, so she has an advantage there, but her eyelashes looks spaced out the way mine do!). I agree she just smiled, lost some of her baby features with age and weight loss, and defined her features with makeup. I still admire her for showing up without the usual highlights, extensions and waves. She lookd different, if still quite glam.
  16. Ugh. I heard Andi on a podcast. I think she thinks she is Carrie Bradshaw reincarnate. The fact that she is still apparently cleat chasing just bugs me for some reason, as do her “New Yorkers are like this, Southerners are like this” schtick.
  17. They do. Its unreasonably successful (good timing and good PR, I suppose). I listened a few times during the Corinne/Demario nonsense last year, and these two are the least insightful people in history, though they did have a good guest or two. They even had a call in segment where they gave relationship advice, which was riotous. I mean “Ive never had a longterm relationship” Ashley I and “I picked Lauren and she dumped me” Ben are not greatest people from whom to seek relationship advice. Famewhoring advice? Yes. Dating advice? possibly. But relationship advice? No. I imagine they will be equally bland on E!
  18. Lol. Emily should have seen the writing on the wall when Jef proposed. She had asked him not to, she of the two failed engagements already. If someone disregards your preferneces so readily, they are not ready for partnership.
  19. He nearly backed out repeatedly. He would get uncomfortable, express it, then magically (producer intervention) get something that boosted his self esteem. Imho, had he been the one Rachel wanted, he probably would have felt comfortable proposing, assuming he felt it back. But we know things get stated off screen to the contestants to reassure them, and Peter didnt get that. I think we are reading a LOT into the character of this man with exactly 2 data points, during one of which he was being manipulated by Fleiss and co. And someone needs to be more than simply gorgeous to be a good lifelong partner.
  20. Michael from Desiree's season was on the podcast Why oh Why, on an episode about the dating app the League. Not because he was a special guest, he was just on a singles dating cruise and the host found him. Its short, but amusing. He shows up at about the 12 min mark. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/why-oh-why/id775053292?mt=2&i=391986216 also, in the next episode, The host interviews (and mocks) Whaboom. If you think whaboom is probably an idiot, you'll enjoy this: (the last segment if the show) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/why-oh-why/id775053292?mt=2&i=391579717
  21. Yeah - It was the beach volleyball date during which Corinne was fall over drunk, Jasmine got chokey and was sent home, and even Danielle M was crying. It was one of these stupid sports dates where the 'winning team' gets extra time with the lead, which is more appropriate earlier on, not shortly before hometowns. I think the result was that Vanessa's team lost and she threw an epic fit, and everyone got the extra time with Nick, which further pissed off the people on the winning team. The real problem was that these were not sporty women who thought group beach volleyball was 'fun'. The group would have been happier with the 'poolside photo shoot' like Michelle Money got at a similar stage of dating, but the show had already done that to scandalous effect earlier in the season. YMMV, but I think it's interesting that the epithet was 'bully'. After seeing the whole bachelorette season and its aftermath, that might just be the 'slur' I would choose for Rachel. if I wanted to undermine her with the lead. There's just enough of a kernel of truth that its true enough to stick if you are trying to slight her with a guy. She has shown some mean girl characteristics. That said, she is also apparently a straight up mensch, raising money for the ACLU and Irma victims and yadayadayada. But yeah, I guess I can see why Vanessa chose that word to demean her, even if I might not agree.
  22. Yeah - Dean seems to be conflict avoidant and a people pleaser, who is kinda oblivious to the fact that in pleasing everyone, you generally manage to upset everyone.
  23. Things have progressed since 2002 when that book was published. I think that yes, if your cohort is 40yo women in 1998, who were pursuing careers in the 80s, that yes, a lot of them would be single and childless. I think there are still MAJOR challenges for career women today, the fact that many careers practically require an offramp to have kids, and there is no realistic onramp to return. And I do think there are still challenges balancing the partner/career dynamics of who has a higher salary. But most professional men I know don't want to marry a woman who has no earning potential. Many may prefer someone with a career that more easily supports raising a family (such as teaching, so your schedule matches your kids), but I dont think it's hard to find a husband today just because you're a lawyer. I do think, like any career, you need to put some effort into it, which is still challenging when you have to work "twice as hard for half the pay". And yes, it is definitely harder for African American women both in the career finding front and the partner-finding front due to the inherent racism in the corporate and personal spheres. Ultimately, the challenge is that normally women have to take some focus away from their hard charging, travelling, career focus to date/find a partner. And the great thing about the show? It let Rachel pursue her career goals in showbiz while finding a hubby. It gets her both things she wanted. Yup - that was me - I think people use the quote function to source quotes that you quoted... it seems to be a glitch. Yeah, but she was eliminated mainly cause she was stiff as a board. She showed exactly zero personality, while the likes of Kelly Monaco sparkled.
  24. She doesn't. She does however, need it to springboard into sports agent work/sports broadcasting/talk show hosting. It's a tough gig to get into, but Rachel is savvy, and is making connections left and right she can use to her benefit.
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