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  1. It looks like Andrew is now in charge.
  2. It sucks that was the shows finale. I really enjoyed watching each season.
  3. No one talked about Mare tackling the 77 year old man with dementia. That was kinda funny too.
  4. He wouldn't tell his mom why he was fighting.
  5. I agree I don't think Mare planted the drugs.
  6. I agree the scenes in this episode were really slow and boring. The action at the end didn't save this episode from being forgettable. But from the preview it looks like there is going to be a lot more action next week.
  7. Those rats were having a feast. =)
  8. Marcos and Billy both get what they deserve an ass whooping. lol. It looks like Lucy and Smurf are going to meet up.
  9. I'm glad it had a happy ending Reece gets her daughter back, the ruthless F.B.I. lady is killed , the doctor heals herself and the rest get to move on.
  10. I wonder where Naomi and her followers plan to live after they escape the camp grounds? I'm surprised Naomi was able to get a security guard to help them escape. I wonder if Lindauer's daughter was a slave in the future or did Lindauer adopt her after they fled the future...
  11. Why was there a drive by shooting directed at Andy?
  12. Reese finally gets her daughter, but gets captured and loses her daughter again. I hope they don't kill Reese!!!
  13. Ruby cut off YoYo's arms and then later YoYo kills her. I don't get why Daisy and Mack are mad about Ruby dying.
  14. I enjoy watching Reece kick butt.
  15. It's not realistic for Annie to be still working at the grocery store after being busted for drugs in her locker.
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