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Everything posted by hypnotoad

  1. Exactly! You said it better than I did. Liam can say whatever he wants about Quinn, you will get no argument from me. But Brooke blathering on and on about Quinn cheating on Eric? Ridge daring to say anything about Quinn's infidelity when he was involved with her at one time?!? None of these characters have any leg to stand on when it comes to cheating or when it comes to not choosing sex partners wisely. Eric should be suing his doctors because he didn't have ED - he had 'my wife cheated on me and now my equipment doesn't work around her' syndrome!
  2. Brooke logic: Quinn is bad bad bad for cheating on Eric, but it's fine if Eric cheats with Donna. I'm only sort of watching!! Honestly I just do not understand the point of this ED story at all. If the writers were going to bother doing this, why not try to be slightly respectful and treat it like the real issue it is? Why couldn't Eric had a real conversation with Quinn, rather than the nonsense that was done? And now it's cured because of Donna and honey? Ummm then he didn't actually have ED, he had an issue with Quinn! I'm not looking forward to Brooke crowing about this to Quinn. I mean I know Quinn deserves a lot of grief over all the stuff she has done but not from Brooke. I generally have little use for Brooke but this gossipy, high and mighty version is even worse. Uggghh.
  3. Oh no I do not want a reunion! I just meant at the time I did like the pairing. But now? No. Wyatt is completely ruined for me with this whole Flo thing. Nope and nope. Besides, wasn't it Will who had the hissy fit about Katie and Wyatt? His opinion wouldn't change for a reunion!
  4. I totally get that. I am not a very consistent B&B viewer so I honestly missed most of her crazy stuff. I mean I know she's done plenty, I just didn't see it all. I saw bits and piece of captive cabin and yeah Quinn is pretty bad. Still right now, in this storyline specifically, she doesn't gross me out as much as Eric does. I am a fan of hers and I really wish this damn show would give her something to do besides cry. I might be alone in this but I really enjoyed Katie/Wyatt. Katie actually got to have fun and smile a bit. At least for a while. I loved their engagement scene. Naturally, that had to get blown up for reasons.
  5. Well to be fair, it's not as if he actually tried anything to help himself! I mean whining constantly, feeling sorry for yourself and emotionally manipulating Quinn isn't exactly working towards a solution. I don't have much use for Quinn beyond Quarter but I have to say at this point, I actually prefer her to Eric. He's been just sickening and awful during this alleged storyline. Frankly, if Donna wants to put up with his nonsense, have at it.
  6. And once again the writers go for the most obvious thing: I guessed Donna with honey a few weeks ago. Ugggh. So dumb. This entire ED storyline has been so insultingly stupid. It may have overtaken wall boink as the most ridiculous thing. It still astounds me that everyone just moved on from wall boink as total accident. Brooke couldn't tell the difference between a 20 year old and the dude she's been having sex with for like 100 years?!?! Oy. Nope I just cannot. I will never understand doing this kind of work on your face, especially when you aren't even that old! Honestly I don't get why the writers keep falling back on the insecure thing. Katie has managed to get with some good looking dudes! She still has Bill begging to reunite! Perhaps it's time to allow her to grow past that plot point.
  7. Exactly. After the whole Bill/Brooke thing, I don't really know why Katie would even consider getting back together with Bill. Sorry no. I agree. Plus if they are keeping Shauna around, she needs something or someone to do! I used to like Eric. Or in the very least, I usually found him far less obnoxious than many of the other characters, but that has changed in the last couple of months. I cannot stand Eric right now. His entire reaction to ED is ridiculous. And his manipulation of Quinn and Carter was/is just gross. I don't have an issue with him being unhappy with their affair but the rest of his actions have been wrong. I'm sick and tired of whiny, mopey Eric.
  8. Katie was fairly light and joyful during her pairing with Wyatt. At least until all the disapproval stuff started happening. She even had some moments with Bill way back in the beginning. Perhaps if the writers would allow Katie to stop Kravitz-ing and just let her have some fun, HT could smile once in a while! I certainly am a Quarter fan but if my choice is between Quarter but having to continue to hear about Eric limp member or a Carter/Katie chemistry try out? I'll take Karter. I am over hearing about manipulative Eric and his limp dick. And I am over everyone feeling so bad for Eric over this nonsense. Eric is the one toying with Quinn and Carter's emotions and lives. Yes they had an affair and it was wrong (whispers no it wasn't). But everything since? Has been Eric manipulating his wife. That's fair but I mean what exactly do Eric and Quinn have in common? What fun, interesting things do they do together?
  9. Of course it isn't any of her business but I'm a little intrigued by this chemistry test (if that's what it is). At least Carter hasn't been with Brooke or Donna. At least he'd be someone not tied to Bill (like Wyatt). I'm not saying anything will come of it but I'm willing to see. I'm not sure any of the alleged heroes or heroines on this are klassy. Haven't most of them gone through various family configurations? Since this show's cast is so small it's rather inevitable.
  10. I liked the animated prequel but the sequel was terrible. I watched it to the end but I didn't enjoy it. I get that the director was trying to do something different than the first movie and I was glad they just didn't do zombie's on a train part 2 - but Peninsula was a big fail for me. I am positive I read somewhere that there will be a season 3. I was surprised he had so little to do in Squid Game! I cry like a little baby any time I watched Train to Busan. I told a friend at work to watch it but I warned her I cried and cried at the end. She looked at me like I was nuts crying over a zombie movie. Yeah she cried like a baby at the end of the movie!
  11. Also willfully ignoring Sonny's excuse for not caring about his past: because no one looked for him! I really don't understand why Nina is not allowed to say, scream or yell these things to Carly and Joss and anyone else! Or Jax for that matter. We have to hear this nonsense about Nina holding Sonny prisoner for 9 months over and over again but not once since Sonny's wonderful return to Port Chuck have we gotten to hear the truth. Exactly. But some how, some way the people in charge of this show view Sonny as the hero of GH and a romantic lead. HAHAHAHA. Lawd. I cracked up at this too.
  12. Raises hand ... I do! I loved the movie, I thought it did a great job of showing us how this mess all started and who the woman was at the end of season 2. Oh I agree. Far more entertaining than The Walking Dead as far as I am concerned! Have you watched Train to Busan? If you haven't yet, give it a try. Awesome zombie movie.
  13. To me it feels like they just do not want to have the actress on full time. I really don't get it. I didn't watch the show a ton when Eric/Donna was a thing but the few times I saw them, the actors had chemistry. I thought Katie and Bill had chemistry when they were first a thing. I remember seeing some scenes with them when she was pregnant and I liked them together. I feel like now it's just too late. I don't see much between Katie and Eric either. My favorite Katie pairing was Wyatt. I did not enjoy Bill and Brooke at all. I mean aside from the whole sister thing, Bill treated Hope terribly and Brooke should not have been ok with all that. Plus, since the show seems determined to keep Brooke with Ridge, I don't think a Brooke/Bill repeat is in the cards. At this point the only female character currently on canvas that I'd like to see Bill with is Steffy. I thought that was a pairing that could go somewhere. I don't know. This show seems to really waste good pairings and to hang onto the worst like grim death.
  14. Someone better tell my priest then because I had first communion in first or second grade and didn't get confirmed until 10th or 11th grade. I certainly took communion between those two events. Provided I had confession of course. Ah and google is my friend. According to info I found, you must be baptized into the catholic church in order to receive communion. So yeah I think some major liberties were taken in regards to Ali. It seems extremely unlikely Father Fang or anyone else had time for a baptism!
  15. On B&B it doesn't even require that! Apparently all one has to do is quit wearing his/her wedding ring and boom divorce happens! I'd love it but it will never, ever happen. Sadly.
  16. It was kind of obvious he was going to win but I was happy he did. He basically won fair and square (aside from a bit of shenanigans with old dude during the marble game). I liked seeing him grow during the competition. But ... Regardless of gambling issue or being desperate with nothing to lose - he made a choice knowing full well could/what would happen. Now he's going to fight against that game because he's so appalled by it? The game he clearly understood when he went back? I have no idea if all the years before, the players were given a choice but these players were and did. And now he has the money and he can easily go see his daughter and what did he do? Well since main guy created the game because he was basically so bored with being all rich and stuff, I suppose the VIPs are supposed to be shallow and awful like that. I was glad the VIPs weren't on much.
  17. Fair point and I get it but here's the thing - he chose to go back and suffer through it! I get him being appalled by the entire experience but it isn't like he was forced to participate! None of them were. Sure, they had no idea what was going on before red light, green light. But once they came back? They knew exactly what was happening and they knew full well what could happen.
  18. Exactly. This would be a less obvious way to go. It would be awesome for Deacon to do the right thing and maybe get to stick around. But will the writers actually do this? Probably not. The obvious thing is always easiest, so Deacon=bad .... Sheila = bad ... they must team up.
  19. I'm tired of the writers deliberately ignoring this part of the Nixon Falls story. Nina should be allowed to shout this in Carly's face every single day. She should get to toss it into Sonny's face every single day.
  20. I don't know .... isn't the whole family worse for actually listening?!?! Plus if you have to hate on Deacon I feel like him having an affair with his wife's mother and getting her pregnant is a whole lot worse!
  21. We are kindred spirits on Lost - I loved it from beginning to end. I had no issue at all with the final episode. I cried at all the people finding each other again! I binged this over a couple of days. I read subtitles. I find the English dub is usually pretty bad and it annoys me and pulls me out of the story. I figured old dude was in on it when we didn't see his demise. I was a little annoyed it took the winner a whole year later and meeting with the head bad guy to finally help out that little boy. I get guilt and trauma but he sort of made promises! I hated the red hair at the end, it was ridiculous. And also why red?!? I don't think the show needs a 2nd season but I'm sure it will happen. He'll go after the people involved.
  22. I'd say when Ridge was played by Ronn Moss, Brooke and Ridge would be considered more of a super couple. Though both had strong romances with others along the way too - probably more so than other super couples. I don't think Thorsten Kaye (new Ridge) has much in the way of chemistry with Katherine Kelly Lang but I guess tptb keep them together because of history. Honestly the only time I enjoy TK as Ridge are the few scenes he's done one on one with Eric. The only pairing I liked with him was Caroline II but that was before your time watching! I think the recast has been a bust but the folks running the show don't seem to think so. Personally I was sick and tired of Brooke/Ridge a long time ago - long before this recast happened. For me it's a result of too many break-ups and reunions. It all becomes stale. Others probably don't agree with me! All the finger wagging and nosiness seems to be a fairly newish thing for both characters. They used to be too involved in their own 'love' or destiny or whatever to worry about anyone else quite so much.
  23. I did enjoy the Sheila/Deacon scenes but ... Why does this show always have to go the most obvious route? Why can't Deacon actually just want to get to know his daughter and maybe find romance someone at least semi-nice. I know Sheila and Deacon plotting to take down the Forrester's (as if that will happen) doesn't necessarily mean romance but of course it will because these writers lack imagination. I wish Deacon could stick around as a sort of bad boy character who loves his daughter and just enjoys the hell out of getting under the skins of Liam, Brooke and Ridge. As opposed to plotting with Sheila. Sorry I just find that blah. Plus, I find Deacon far more interesting. I think they've kind of overdone Sheila and I just don't care about her or her dull son.
  24. I think the cats were all killed by alpha vamp. Remember Paul didn't become a full on vampire until after he died. I think Bev just poisoned that dog out of spite because it knew she was an awful person and it didn't like her. I don't really understand how Paul and the alpha vamp were able to be in the church since they were vampires. Usually crosses and churches are no-no's for vampire types. But I guess in this universe no one has heard of a vampire so those rules don't apply. Yeah well I'm sure they are formulating a looonnnng monologue as they sit in the canoe! But let's face it the bodies of the vamps would be turned to ash etc so it wouldn't be hard to explain the fire got out of control and everyone died. It seems totally suspicious of course but still better than explaining a bunch of chewed up bodies. I found it odd that all that fire was going on and seemingly no one from the mainland noticed. He definitely got off lightly. I mean he got to end with his child in his arms and his love by his side. Come on. I wish Bev's ending had been much worse too.
  25. I wish I could like this about 1000 times. Brooke and her outrage at Hope contacting her father is just ridiculous and tiresome. She's the one who once again followed her destiny or whatever and boinked her son in law but somehow he's the one who is pure evil? Well to be fair Brooke probably doesn't remember that because her battle lasted like a week or so! But regardless shut up Brooke! Agreed but this will never happen because we can't have nice things on this show.
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