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Everything posted by PepSinger

  1. Trite has to do with the writing, not acting.
  2. What’s so outrageous about wanting Mandy to win an Emmy?
  3. Mandy Moore and Jon Huertas were the MVPs of this episode. They broke my heart. Randall — way to read the room. Of course he didn’t see how much Miguel just wanted an hour to relax and enjoy wine. It’s consistent to his character, but it doesn’t make it anymore enjoyable to watch. Also, him saying that Kate has an infectious smile made me howl with laughter. The writers have to be fucking with us at this point. Kate and Phillip had some of the worst vows I’ve ever heard. “You hated me when you first met me.” “Definitely not love at first sight.” Who in the hell says these things in real life as they are about to get married? Totally sucked any sort of romance out of the room. I am team Kevin/Sophie at this point. I don’t want Kevin paired off with someone random woman that we’ve just met a la Kate and Phillip. I’ve always liked them together, and it would be emotionally satisfying for me. I agree with those that do not like the new Big 3 little kids. This is the second episode where they’ve just been plain mean to someone. Poor Rebecca. I thought she looked cute. In particular, I do not like the actor that plays Kate. She seems sour and gloomy like her adult counterpart. At least the former actor had some joy in her performance; the new one seems sullen.
  4. Kate would make Mother Teresa scream and curse.
  5. Yes, engagement parties are definitely a real thing. Not everyone has one, though.
  6. Any vestige of sympathy I had for Kate (and I had very little by this point) vanished when Toby offered to take the LA job that was a step down in his career and Kate said yes. Any halfway decent spouse would’ve said, “look, you don’t have to take a job that won’t make you happy (and that is mysteriously still open to you) but I don’t want to move to SF and can’t handle our being separated long-term. Can we talk about a plan?”. He could’ve continued looking for something better in LA or even tried to negotiate fewer days in the SF office and more remote work. What a horrible creature with no concern for anybody but herself. I begrudged her every minute of happiness that followed in the episode WORD to everything you said, Trillian! I'm rewatching the episode with my mom because she hasn't seen it yet, and when Kate said, "Okay," my mom said, "What a selfish woman." Yes, that was the moment both my mother and I's sympathies vanished for Kate. All she cares about is herself and her comfort. Fuck everyone else. I hated every moment in this episode where she was happy. Fuck her. Also, in their first therapy session, Toby said, "Yeah, and with Kate picking up the slack..." and both my mom and I were like, "Uh, she's the MOTHER of their children!" I don't applaud people for doing what they should be doing. She SHOULD be taking care of her children. To quote Chris Rock, "What does she want? A cookie?" I saw that as Toby being needlessly differential to Kate, and it pissed me off.
  7. Kate literally got everything she wanted. I hated that Toby gave up his job in SF only for it to all end in divorce. It especially pissed me when Kate said she had her “dream job” while she knows that Toby hates his new job, but she doesn’t care. Kate gave up NOTHING to make her marriage work, which says to me that she thought Toby was 100% of the problem. It may have been cruel, but Toby was right that Kate wants a husband like Jack Pearson. She knows it’s true. What kills me is that Toby was forced to not only pay the mortgage on the house, but he also had to pay to rent an apartment while making less money than he was in SF! I also don’t buy that Toby needed to move to LA to be a better dad. The issue with his parenting was that Kate didn’t like it. Like others, I had whiplash from this episode. The writing for Phillip has been atrocious and non-existent. The story about his first wife was so overkill that I scoffed. That was elementary school writing to make us sympathize with a character they failed to develop. Also, Kate and Philip have ZERO chemistry. I was embarrassed for the actors whenever they had to be romantic. Kate is such a sad sack, and Phillip thinks he can find HAPPINESS with her?! Unless Kate received a personality transplant, I don’t think so. Last week’s episode, this episode, and next week’s episode have focused solely on Kate. Why in the hell is Kate taking over the show? I resent all of the focus being on her and her marriages for 4 out of 5 (including next week’s) episodes. Spread the wealth, show.
  8. No, I’m rooting for them, too. Sometimes, timing is everything. They both have the children they wanted, and their lives happened to come together again. I think it’s nice; sometimes second chances do happen. Congrats to them. I don’t think anyone has a justifiable reason to root against them, IMO.
  9. Exactly. Of course the academy had to address the Will Smith debacle because it happened on stage at their ceremony. No one is denying that. The point that myself and others are making is that other actors, directors, producers, etc…have engaged in behavior that breaks their rules and/or is criminal, and they are still able to attend and/or be nominated for awards. In addition, people keep emphasizing the “LIVE ON TV” aspect, which makes it seems as though they’re saying the most condemnable part of the slap is that it happened on TV and not offstage. Finally, as far the idea of “the Academy can’t police the world,” PLENTY of people have been fired, suspended, or banned from jobs and events due to actions that have taken place outside of “the job,” so yes, the Academy can address behavior that happens off stage. ETA: I also think the Academy felt hamstrung since Will had already resigned from the Academy, so they couldn’t give that out as a punishment. They overcorrected, IMO.
  10. I still find that so cool, and she’s still the only entertainer to do that, 21 years later. It was in 2001, fyi. Yeah, that’s nothing to sneeze at considering the industry. She’s worked hard to get where she is, and she didn’t come from money. I respect the hustle.
  11. I’m aware. I saw it happen live. Why? The Oscar was for the quality of his performance in King Richard, not for the quality of his slapping Chris Rock. I still think ten years is ridiculous. Three to five? Sure. But ten? Ridiculous.
  12. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think that’s a bit over the top. Ten years? Really?
  13. A moment that I thought was well done in this episode was when Rebecca went to hug Kevin and whispered in his ear that she couldn’t remember the information to fill out the forms. It wasn’t dramatic or overwrought. Kevin nodded and took the forms. I appreciated the subtlety.
  14. Honestly? This could work out in several ways. I used to deal with insurance for services that the company rendered to children. Sometimes children would be on BOTH parents’ policies, and there are certain rules, which I won’t go into here, that determines which policy would be billed first and which policy would be billed second. Other times, they would just be on one parent’s policy. For Toby and Kate, depending upon the divorce and custody settlement, they could both be required to have both kids on both of their insurance policies, or they could come to an agreement that they stay on Toby’s. It all depends.
  15. I will say there were some things I genuinely enjoyed about the episode. Jack — he is such a good actor. That kid is so adorable that I almost bursted into tears. Give that kid an Emmy. He was the best part of the episode. I loved Beth’s “me neither” when Kate expressed surprise that they showed up for the party. Cause yeah, not many people would travel cross country for an anniversary BBQ, lol. Randall and Kevin in the car was funny. I didn’t like that we didn’t get to see Rebecca and Miguel’s anniversary or flashbacks to their wedding. I love Jack, but this episode shouldn’t have had flashbacks to Rebecca and Jack’s anniversary. It was odd.
  16. You and I must be sharing a brain because I was about to type that before I realized my post was a million characters long. Kate: I am the only parent here. Me: Well, since you’re the only parent, how about I make that official? I’ll be contacting a divorce attorney tomorrow, and I’ll be asking for joint custody. I hope you enjoy being a single parent. Enjoy LA! *walks away*
  17. To be honest, I kinda think that’s exactly what happened.
  18. This show. Are the writers actively trying to make the audience hate Kate? Are they trying to highlight how sibling relationships can sometimes be toxic? I’m trying to understand the the writers intent here. When this show started, I actively disliked Kate because of how she treated Rebecca. Then, whenever they had that girls weekend episode, my opinion started to change. I started to like Kate. Now? I HATE her. I actively *despise* her. I LOATHE her. Yes, Toby should’ve made sure the gate was locked. However, why in the fuck were they in such a hurry to move the mattress?! No one was dying. There was plenty of time for Toby to place Jack in his room, calmly lock the gate, and then go to help. Kate was acting as if the fucking house was on fire. It is a mattress. You can buy a new one. Completely ridiculous. I also do not understand teaching a two year old how to open a door. I have never known a parent to show their child how to open a door. Hell, most parents miss the baby stage because once they start crawling and walking, it’s game time. I was fully on Toby side in thinking it was ludicrous for Kate to teach a child, much less a BLIND child, how to open a door. If you’re gonna do that, then you need a lock on the door that is out of reach. When Kate said, “Not here,” I involuntary yelled, “oh fuck you” at my laptop. Toby showed her so much Grace when she forgot to lock the front door, and for her to act as if Toby set him in the middle of an intersection instead of forgetting to lock a baby gate was disgusting. I’m sure the neighbors appreciated the screaming. However the moment that was beyond the pale was when Kate said “I am the only parent they have.” I don’t care if it was said in a heated moment. She. Said. It. Kate. Toby is reason your children have a roof over their (and your) heads. Toby is the reason you and your children have health insurance. Toby is the reason that you are able to send Jack to a good school. Toby is the reason that you are able to afford flying cross country at a moment’s notice. Toby is the reason that you all are able to eat. Part of being a parent is about taking care of your kids every day — bathing, washing clothes, changing diapers, playing with them, etc — but there’s this HUGE OTHER FUCKING PART of being a parent that involves putting food on the table, making sure your kids are able to see health care providers, and putting roof over their heads! It’s very hard to bathe, cloth, and feed children when you have no money. I totally agreed with Toby when he asked does she even want him LA. She doesn’t want him there. She wants him to continue to subsidize her lifestyle while she can do whatever she wants with their children. Her entitlement and selfishness leaves me breathless and furious. I wish my future husband would have a well-paying job doing what he loves and offer to buy us a fantastic multi-million dollar home in q great city. Kate is the only human being on the planet who would be pissed about someone offering to buy them and their children a home with an in-law suite. The horror! Toby may have had some trouble coming around to Jack’s blindness, BUT HE CAME AROUND TO IT. He came around to it before Jack would even remember how Toby felt about it, so Kate throwing that in his face also disgusted me. Kate makes no sacrifices for anything. Being blind isn’t some sort of circumstance that happens to 1 out of every one billion people. There are blind people everywhere! Resources everywhere! Kate, for reasons that I cannot understand, thinks that blind people and resources don’t exist in San Francisco. Someone, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. Kate should want to move to SF because apparently it’s an every day occurrence in LA to see toddlers walking down the sidewalk and crossing streets without an adult and *no one* bat an eye. LA is wicked harsh. Kevin butting into their argument was ridiculous. I rarely say this about Kevin, but he really needed to fuck off. You wanna stand there and listen to your sister and her husband argue? FINE. However, unless he physically hurts her, YOU DO NOT INTERVENE. I want Toby and Kate to get a divorce because I believe Toby deserves better. I cannot even fully address the absurdity of finding it charming that your kids locked their babysitter in the bathroom. What. If they were going for some kind of charming parallel there at the end, then they REALLY missed the mark.
  19. I also think Jessica Chastain have a great performance in The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby. I wish that movie had more traction when it came out, particularly the two different parts, Him and Her.
  20. I definitely think Come to Your Senses is memorable.
  21. PepSinger


    I think it’s unfair to Simone, Michael, and Usain to assume that they are doping. There’s been no proof of that whatsoever. They deserve the presumption of innocence.
  22. But, as another poster said, Berry said she was uncomfortable with it and just “went along with it,” and you said, “I call false.” The viewing public isn’t making assumptions as the actress herself said she was uncomfortable, and you still don’t believe her, so it actually doesn’t matter what Berry said because you still don’t believe her. Not hard to believe at all. That’s why groping is pretty common at dance clubs despite the number of people on the floor, as an example.
  23. I am so glad he spoke on what happened. It was shitty what both Will and Chris did. I remember hearing “four white guys” and seeing who came up on stage, and I was beyond confused.
  24. This x100. Michelle Williams is brilliant. She absolutely should have won for Manchester By the Sea, but the studio chose to put Viola Davis in the Supporting category for Fences and Michelle's chances went up in smoke. I completely agree. While I was happy to see Viola Davis win an Oscar, she should’ve won one in the Best Actress category. I still don’t understand how her performance could possibly be considered supporting. She even won for Lead Actress when she won a Tony Award for the same part. Michelle Williams broke my damn heart in that movie; she should’ve been a winner that night.
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