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Everything posted by PepSinger

  1. How is caring about whether you will actively put a child in harm's way BS? Schools have a right to be concerned about the welfare of children even when they're not actively in the building. While I can completely see that Rock is safe in Charlotte and Harry's household, I think the adage "better safe than sorry" applies to situations such as these. Think of it this way: best case scenario is that if the parents are truly accepting of a change in gender/pronouns, while they may be hurt that they weren't told, they aren't going to do anything to harm the child. However, worst case scenario is that by outing the child, the parent may kick them out of the house or even physically harm them. I'd take hurting the accepting parents' feelings over potentially causing harm to a child. In this case you absolutely can because good parenting means tolerating and accepting your child's gender identity. It's not a "technical matter." Gender expression/identity is not the same thing as sexual orientation. No one on this show -- namely Rock -- is defining themselves based on sexuality aka sexual orientation, so I'm not sure it's fully understood that one has nothing to do with the other. One can explore their gender without giving a thought to their sexual orientation.
  2. Thank you. Gender identity/expression has fuck-all to do with sexual activity. Assuming that LGBTQIA+ people are inherently hyper sexual is a dangerous & hurtful stereotype, IMO. Not to mention that it implies that asexual people don't exist. I agree 1000%. I found that extremely creepy and disturbing Yeah. Not to get too TMI, but shit like clamping your hand over your sexual partner's mouth (or pinning your sexual partner by their wrists/ankles) needs to be discussed before doing the action if it's your first time having sex with that person. Someone's kink that increases their sexual pleasure can be another person's post-traumatic stress trigger that ruins the experience.
  3. I am heartbroken for Matt Corral. 😭
  4. My second wife doesn't like headboards so our bed doesn't have one (I don't really care either way). OTOH, I'd literally never slept in a private home bed without one until we met. Modern climate control systems have made the original purpose of a headboard (so you can position the head of your bed in front of an open window without the breeze hitting your face) obsolete, so it's purely an aesthetic choice. Yep. To be honest, I've never understood the point of headboards. I'm a grown up, and my mother is a grown up. Neither one of us have a headboard. Also to answer the question about why insurance would cover one PT and not the other, that's totally plausible to me. I worked with health insurance for a while after college. The facility Carrie is going to for PT is in-network. However, certain providers at that facility may not be in-network with the insurance company, which is why the "unattractive" guy is in-network & the "attractive" guy isn't. Plus, the attractive guy probably figures he'll make better money because he's...well...attractive. He doesn't need to be in-network with an insurance company.
  5. I mean, they didn’t the last two times, so maybe the third time’s the charm? LOL
  6. Well, well, well. We meet again, bulldogs. ROLL TIDE ROLL! Honestly, I know that this is the fourth time that they’re meeting, but what the hell are either of these teams or the CFP committee supposed to do? Pick undeserving teams because “people are tired of seeing the same teams in the playoffs?” Should Alabama and Georgia throw a game to let other teams have a chance to make the playoffs? If people are so mad about another GA/Bama showdown, then may I suggest other teams work on themselves? Cause that ain’t got nothing to do with us.
  7. From my Internet sleuthing, it seems as if the Golden Globe Award winners will be announced on January 9th, despite not having an award ceremony. Critics Choice seems to really want an in-person event, which is why they are postponing their announcement of the winners.
  8. This may be my favorite film of the year. It was perfect. Andrew Garfield is a true revelation in this movie.
  9. LOL, WHAT? My response would be “Bye, bitch!” followed by manically laughing cause ain’t no way…
  10. It's one of my all-time favorite movies. I adore it.
  11. It was also forgotten because despite her fame, she is a Black woman.
  12. LOL. I thought the same thing. The show would have to end this season because there is no way Grey-Sloane would be able to exist with such a lawsuit.
  13. I don’t blame her. If the guy I’m currently with cheated on me, I would also break up with a quickness and immediately reach out to “The One That Got Away” if I knew that guy was single, too. No need to waste time if you know what you want, LOL. Totally.
  14. Cheating is only the fault of the person that cheated. If someone has a problem with their partner, then they need to use their words, not their body. And how do you know that she isn’t taking the time to figure out what went wrong with previous relationships? Speaking as someone who is currently single and has constantly evaluated her previous relationships, I still haven’t met a guy that isn’t a complete asshole. I’ve just learned to cut bait earlier than I used to do. She could be doing the same thing.
  15. 1) Interesting how it’s always a woman’s fault when a relationship fails, especially when a relationship involves two people. 2) If expecting my partner not to publicly humiliate me by cheating on me with zero discretion classifies me as a “needy bitch,” then yes, friends, I am indeed a needy bitch. Look, I know J. Lo isn’t particularly popular with every single person, but blaming the failure of her relationships 100% on her is just too much, especially when information is publicly available as to why previous relationships didn’t work out. Relationship maintenance is a two-person job.
  16. Yeah, that’s exactly why I asked the question. LOL. I was surprised people actually thought she could be pregnant. I know time is a flat circle on this show, but it’s not that much off the rails. It’s making her eyes look as if they’re slits. Her eyes used to look much wider.
  17. I was wondering about that. I thought WA had such a law (but clearly I wasn't wondering enough to look it up). You know what's even more hilarious? There was an episode back in S6 with Sara Gilbert where her character had to beg Owen to let her die. The show is *clearly* aware that this in legal in WA, and they totally forgot for the sake of plot. In that same episode, Owen recounts how when he was deployed, a fellow soldier asked Owen to let him only for help to show moments after the man died. I guess Owen's come around on assisted suicide.
  18. How could I have forgotten to comment on that? I laughed out loud. However, maybe they had her say that to signify growth? I doubt that she'd do the same thing again. It was by far the most interesting thing to come out of his mouth in the past five years.
  19. I love how Maggie came back and immediately started speaking sense about the Webber method. "Residents operate up to a predetermined point..." "Any resident?" "Only those who've shown that they can independently and competently open the patient and dissect where they need to be." *Laughs* "I'd love to see that list" After Webber tells her he plans to expand his method to all specialties: "No not mine not cardio. No hearts in baby surgeons' hands." Even Maggie knows that the residents are terrible and aren't to be trusted. That being said, there's a reason residency is four years. There's a reason we have attendings. It's because residents aren't ready to fly solo. Levi, by moving ahead in the procedure without waiting for an attending, proved exactly why this method doesn't work and is inherently flawed. Most residents don't have the maturity, discipline, or experience to operate on their own and to know when they're in over their head. He was too cocky, and now, a man is dead. If he can't be fired, he should at the very least be suspended. That pool of blood on the floor was horrifying to see. That man's family should sue. Also, that brings up another question: does malpractice cover a situation in which a hospital/doctor is deliberately negligent? Everyone knows the Webber method leaves residents unattended during surgery, so it seems as though it would be well within the insurance company's right to not cover any damages awarded to the family. Meredith -- how old is she? There is no way that she is pregnant Bailey -- new doc has to be related to her somehow. The level of ass kissing is too much, even for this show.
  20. I'm so glad Urban Meyer has been fired. He is an asshole. He has earned this firing. Anyone with a functioning BRAIN knew this would be a massive mistake. He tolerates abhorrent behavior from his coaching staff (remember what happened with Zach Smith), is an odious liar, and an all-around prick.
  21. I love how Travis' decision has made many people who provide commentary on college football tell on themselves. People have the nerve to complain about his decision saying shit like, "oh, so now we're at the point where you can pay players to attend your school" as if PWI haven't been doing this shit under the table since the beginning of time. It's now a problem because a HBCU is doing it. Obvious racial bias is obvious. ETA: Why is it okay for coaches to leave for money, but somehow the athletes are in the wrong for considering NIL deals in their decision making?
  22. Way to go Bryce Young! Back-to-back Heisman Trophy winners! ROLL TIDE! It wasn’t even close! And color me shocked that Will Anderson received more first place votes than Stroud or Pickett. SMH https://www.al.com/alabamafootball/2021/12/full-2021-heisman-trophy-voting-results.html
  23. I’m exhausted after a day of teaching the bulldogs to behave.
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