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Everything posted by PepSinger

  1. Alabama was no great shakes tonight, either. We won, and I’m still disappointed. I feel like a parent who tells their child that they aren’t mad, just disappointed. Bill O’Brien needs to be fired. Pete Golding, too, because what the fuck?
  2. @NUguy514 I don’t disagree with anything you said, really. I just want to state for the record that I also find it appalling that Cincinnati isn’t in the top four. Maybe they have a shot now that MSU lost tonight.
  3. At this point, I can no longer even say that. It has never made sense to me why you’d have 4 teams competing for the national championship when you have five conferences in the P5. That inherently means a conference is left out. Everyone hates it. I’ve yet to meet a person who has said, “Four teams is perfect!” That said, I take your point that people will always complain.
  4. Henry Ruggs III would like a word…
  5. I think it’s important to stress that the committee doesn’t care about the AP Top 25 or the Coaches Poll. They are irrelevant to the CFP Committee because they use different criteria. Now, if you want to talk about overhauling the whole thing, I am more than happy to entertain that conversation. However, in the realm of how the committee works currently, AL being number 2 makes sense. All that matters at this point is that AL lost to the #14 ranked team. All that being said, I’m not going to act as if I wasn’t surprised when I saw them at number 2. I was thinking three or four. ETA: I do believe there’s a bias against Go5 teams, and I am not sure how that can be overcome. I think a lot of this shit would be fixed if we expanded the playoffs to 8 teams.
  6. This is adorable. They are a gorgeous couple. They made me wanna buy J. Crew, so it was successful!
  7. I am so saddened by the Ruggs news. A woman is dead. A career is destroyed. It’s all hopeless.
  8. Happy birthday, Nick Saban! RTR to the GOAT
  9. Oh, I will absolutely judge Rolovich’s decision. If he has a medical reason for not getting the vaccine, then why not say that? That is not what he is arguing. Any credible doctor who has a patient that has no medical reason not to get the vaccine should tell their patient to get it. Otherwise, they are performing medical malpractice, IMO. His reasoning is religious, which is why I have no sympathy for him. His religion is not anti-vaccine.
  10. LOL. The end of the Colorado State game is one for the ages.
  11. This is a GREAT Twitter thread to understand why what happened on Thursday is so horrific and why failures like this are incredibly rare.
  12. Lifetime has started reruns for S13, and words cannot express how terrible that season truly is. I think it may actually be the worst season of the show. What’s everyone’s worst season?
  13. “High school with scalpels” When that was originally said, we had doctors whose personal lives were a mess, but they were fully capable doctors, which is why they were watchable. What’s changed? These people aren’t capable doctors. That is key.
  14. I’m also sick of seeing Glasses and Nico making out. It’s not hot or sexy. It’s forced and uncomfortable. They are the anti-chemistry. I’m embarrassed for the actors.
  15. Well, he’s gonna need that because there’s no way in hell he’s gonna win that lawsuit. He was fired for cause. ETA: From reading the linked article, he is arguing discrimination. LOL. “Unvaccinated people” are not a protected class. There is nothing in the Catholic religion that prevents him from receiving vaccinations. Has he received other common vaccinations? If so, his case is going to be thrown out —for multiple reasons— once he steps inside the courtroom. He better use his devout Catholic beliefs to pray the judge doesn’t laugh him out of court.
  16. Right. Sorry, I should’ve been clearer. They want to know how that round was in there in the first place. Did the AD not check it? Or was there a failure earlier in the chain?
  17. Since he is a producer, he does bear some responsibility for the conditions on set. Therefore, he probably can be held liable from that position. However, as you stated, as the actor, he is not at fault for what happened in that moment. I do want to note that even as a producer, while he still bears responsibility for the set, a producer’s job is not to inspect the guns. From the people I know in this line of work, what they want to know is HOW Alec was handed a gun with live rounds.
  18. Yes. You should always assume weapons are loaded. However, something I want to quickly stress is that it is NOT the actor’s job to make sure the weapon is properly prepared. That’s why you hire people on set whose job it IS to make sure the weapon is properly prepared. Actors are not trained to make sure a gun is safe before using for a scene. In fact, if an actor messes around (checking the gun) to make sure it’s unloaded, the whole process has to be done again because the actor has fucked up in doing something that’s not their job. THIS is the difference between handling a gun in real life versus on a set.
  19. I TOTALLY agree with you, SpartanGirl. I remember watching that movie in my early teens a couple of years after it came out, and I couldn’t believe I was supposed to think SHARON was in the wrong! WTF? She’s a better person than I am because I would’ve laughed in his face.
  20. I truly believe this is the worst crop of interns/residents we’ve ever had on this show. They’re annoying, creepy, unfunny, and bad at their jobs. Nothing they do is endearing because they are caricatures of actual people. They all have the personality of a dial tone. Helm needs to be reported to HR — I know, I know. HR doesn’t exist at this hospital. If Grey isn’t careful, she’s going to find that Helm traveled to Minnesota to burn down her precious Parkinson’s lab to keep her in Seattle seven days a week. I wouldn’t trust Glasses with a butter knife, much less a scalpel. Also, as someone upthread mentioned, presenting a patient isn’t just reading their chart! If that’s the case, then I, too, am a resident. Call me Dr. PepSinger. This show is so ridiculous. There is no way that an attending neonatal surgeon who is double board certified would ask an OB/GYN resident to get her a cup of coffee instead of inviting her to watch the surgery and ask her what her interest is in her field. IN. WHAT. WORLD. That being said, welcome back, Addison. I missed you. I remember the days of the GA/PP crossovers that were good and weren’t done on a weekly basis with a far inferior show. I miss those days. I adored all of her scenes, especially the ones with Meredith and Amelia. She felt like a real person. I’d ask that she return full time, but that seems to be the kiss of death with characters that I like since they seem to become unrecognizable once that happens (i.e. Koracick). I hate this Amelia/Linc storyline because I find it to be contrived bullshit. It feels as though they needed controversy, so they made Amelia into some sort of flighty person that’ll change her mind on a dime. If I were Linc, I would be scared to marry her. She may walk into the kitchen one day asking for a divorce because she decided that she no longer believes in marriage. Honestly? This episode wasn’t bad at all. It’s the residents that ruin it for me.
  21. Can someone pay me $17 million to go away? Please? I BEG OF YOU!
  22. PepSinger


    They’re still doing Worlds this year?
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