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Everything posted by areca

  1. I did not enjoy Season 3 at all. The writing and characterization was often off. When it was right though, it was very, very right. And I've noticed that the few times I thought it was right, included David Berry universally. Very interesting. I'm hoping that America rekindles my love for this show, because I'm semi-off the train right now.
  2. I really do not think I'm going to be around for much longer unless they get the original writers back on board. Jamie and Claire do not look 40 and 50 respectively. Jaime's character is just...off. All season, something is just off. This whole section was boring, but there were moments of nice. I like the characterization of Marsali, but I can't understand a word she says when she's speaking quickly. We definitely should have seen the gale that killed the Porpoise.
  3. It's all quite wonderful actually. It's a soap, but it's a good one.
  4. Loved it! Can we keep this writer please? Also...Elias broke my damn heart.
  5. It's used regularly in day to day conversation and is gender neutral in much of Europe and Australia (where in fact it's most often used by men addressing one another). It's only Americans who really find it offensive. It's considered very mild pretty much everywhere else. But y'all go on believing whatever you like, I'm not here to evangelize.
  6. Cunt is not really a swear word anywhere except America. Not sure what the freakout is all about. Also, the rape aspect seems pretty..meh to me. Welcome to the 18th century when life was short and brutal. I adore the Outlander books, all of them, and can't wait for Brianna and Roger's story to take the forefront. Even though I think Sophie whatsherface is (currently) a terrible actor. I have at least some hope for her.
  7. I nearly pissed myself laughing at this one - line of the episode from my perspective. The next best being:
  8. Somewhere, in canon, this was addressed. I can't recall if it's in the book or if Diana said it somewhere. It's pronounced Marsley, like parsley.
  9. OK, that was much, much better. Thank God. I was rapidly losing faith (and frankly, interest) in this show. I don't mind how they snipped the filler here either.
  10. Honey, I don't even remember it, and I've read all the books about 3 times...
  11. In that timeframe you were considered an adult (male) at 14 and an adult (female) at 12 at least for the age of consent, marriage, etc. There were stipulations about being 21 for legal stuff though. I believe it stayed this way in the UK until the early 20th century. It actually makes almost no sense in context to norms of the time, IMHO.
  12. Guys, I'm not going to argue it. My assessment based on body language, they way they talked to/about each other, and the general sense in the room, to me, read that they don't like each other. Feel free to continue the pile on, but please remember this is a thread to have unpopular opinions not gang up on people who might be assaulting your worldviews or something. I'm done here.
  13. Sorry, not a big enough fan of non-story Cait and Sam to really remember. There was one where they were just talking about stuff sitting down on a couch with an interviewer and another where they were supposed to know stuff about each other and failed miserably.
  14. I see Sam and Cait working next to each other in interviews and draw my conclusions from that. I couldn't care less about anything else. I suspect there is on set trouble between them. I do not understand why you persist in making this observation into something weird and creepy. I just watched a few recent interviews (I never cared to watch any in the past) and got the very strong impression that they don't like each other.
  15. The book treatment of this entire episode was far more action-filled, rewarding, and Season 1 like overall. I have no idea why they went out of their way to make this episode so boring! They had a ton of great material to work with and used pretty much none of it. The death of the exciseman, the daring rescue in the fire, Young Ian's first time, and so much more... The choices were just 100% wrong. 0 for 2 now for me. I'm going to see this season through, but if they don't actually make the story shine again (not the characters), then I'm probably out.
  16. Don't know what the purpose of this statement is. I am not involved in any squicky overly infested fan-level BS and not sure why this statement was necessary. I simply do not think Sam and Cait like each other. No more, no less.
  17. I didn't realize we had two threads for this. So I'll repost my unpopular opinion here. Mods can delete the other one if desired. I think Sam and Cait are at the point where they can barely tolerate each other. I don't see some great friendship, I don't see some great chemistry. Don't know what went wrong, but they remind me of Fillion and Katic but are not yet to Willis and Shepherd levels. Their joint appearances are utterly painful to watch.
  18. Fergus telling wee Ian about losing his virginity: Fergus: "I was 15 ..a ménage à trois." Ian: "A what?" Fergus: "Two women...one moi!"
  19. I think Sam and Cait are at the point where they can barely tolerate each other. I don't see some great friendship, I don't see some great chemistry. Don't know what went wrong, but they remind me of Fillion and Katic but are not yet to Willis and Shepherd levels. Their joint appearances are utterly painful to watch.
  20. Agreed. I don't see season 5 happening at this rate. Didn't care for the reunion episode, didn't care for this one. I also think it was a stuntman who did the leap in the printshop - there weren't very many stunts at all and the whatshisface was careful to say 90% surrounding that particular scene. The absolute only episode that I felt was in any way comparable to past seasons was the one where Jamie leaves Helwater. Everything else is very much meh. Which reminds me, I have another unpopular opinion to share over in said thread.
  21. It also explains why the quality of the show is falling quickly.... He'd best come back if he wants to save it, IMHO.
  22. Jamie's hair looks awful, and they didn't age him anywhere near well, or enough. I think it was wood.
  23. I had no trouble. It was a very slow episode. I didn't mind. I didn't love it, but felt like it should be awkward. You know?
  24. I really don't. Like really, really don't. I just always thought Sam was an even better actor than I thought. :P
  25. That makese sense. I was kind of skipping through, saw the answer and went "Ew, no" so not interested in knowing anything about that question. That fact that I DON'T do that is precisely why I was confused. I never get involved with any of that and also didn't go back and sort out the question for precisely the reason that it's squicky, but I could have sworn I saw something to that effect back when Outlander was announced as a series is all. Anyway...judge on Judgy McJudgerson, judge on. :-D Utterly fascinating! Thank you for sharing this!
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