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Everything posted by areca

  1. I'm going to miss this forum when the show gets cancelled next week. :P
  2. To be fair a good, maggoty, dead fish is a truly fine nourishment for saplings you're transplanting to their first big hole in the ground. Smaller fishes are useful for corn. I'm absolutely certain non of these folks are aware of these things. Also, I'm sure that CLEANLINESS is far more important than nutrition Red. And lastly...Ramsey's wife married down. Way down if I recall correctly. Blue-blooded elite that one. They have different understandings about marriage.
  3. The force feeding of the calf turned that into a big ole 'Nope' for me. Started suspecting that she liked to cause them discomfort with the left-sided milking against instruction, but fully believe now that she WANTS to hurt them.
  4. There is no help for psycho/sociopaths. No cure, nor therapy will ever make them better. Normally they are created by their families, usually with extrema trauma (not just simple abuse, but torturous level trauma) starting before the age of 1-2 years old. ---If--- Bri is actually suffering from this type of malady, and I'm not suggesting she is, but rather commenting on the previously stated concerns that she may be, we can be relatively assured that she unlikely to have a safety net outside the compound. She may in fact be safer than she has ever been in her entire life right where she is. None of this excuses anything, nor would I keep her around in this situation. But I've always wondered what the right societal answer to these types of people are. They're extremely dangerous to the mental wellbeing (if not physical) of everyone who ever encounters them in life, and yet they are actually never to blame for their condition. What is the right thing for a society to do in that regard? If there's any merit to these ideas being put forth, I'm kind of wondering if we will get to find out.
  5. As long as they do it, I don't seem to mind them being pissed off that they are stuck with a fucking cow they don't want, which takes their resources away from chores and projects that they could otherwise pursue. I think the phrase was more like 'milk the fucking cow' than milk 'the fucking cow'. If that makes sense?
  6. Again, I hope they understand that making the public happy means show stays on TV...
  7. These people are absolute morons. Except Red. And possibly Hex. And to absolutely no surprise, Bri is not in any danger. Edit: Under no circumstances will I be watching this drek on the TV Fox. Even if you kill the feed. Also, it's the 2nd time I've tuned into the feeds, ever. They have a lovely little piece of land.
  8. If the cool kids club had half a brain cell to run together, they'd be pandering to every teeny-tiny thing the viewers want in order to keep the show on the airwaves...
  9. Unlike the animals though, either one of them can leave at any time. The Utopians are not allowed to get rid of the cows. :-(
  10. I've had it. Where do I send emails/make phone calls.
  11. The reason Utopia is tanking is because they show they promoted and the show they cast are not the same show. I can only assume that someone in Fox jilted someone on the Utopia team at some point.
  12. The war with the British, in no way whatsoever, was fought for the right to establish a federal government... It was basically a union strike if you want the truth. The American laborers, whether they be owner or worker, didn't care to be looted any more by the British central government. Like many labor strikes in the past, it got bloody. Guys, I'm becoming somewhat distraught about the cows. I am also starting to wonder if Bri may actively harm the baby cow (if it even lives after all of the mistreatment of it's mom.) She is clearly purposefully and knowingly abusing them at this point.
  13. Isn't Barbara supposed to be Commissioner Gordon's daughter and she becomes Batgirl? Not his wife?
  14. Donal Logue! I love him! And I am still fucking pissed about Copper! Rat bastards. :-( But Donal Logue! He's going to be my very favorite, very quickly I think. :-)
  15. Fun fact of the day. Recent studies have shown that brushing your teeth, twice a day, for 4 minutes a shot, is nearly indistinguishable from flossing in terms of benefit. So..if you hate flossing...do the long brush. It's SOO close to just as good.
  16. No, it's nearly impossible to make goat butter because the fat molecules are so much smaller. You can do it, but it's a damn labor of love for very little return. Also, your types of cheese are quite limited with goat milk, it's just not as versatile as cow milk. Certainly tasty! But quite a bit harder to do anything with other than drink or cook.
  17. I think I would like to have a go at living in a place of co-governance by Red and Hex. I wonder if Red was detoxing those first few days. Smoker or something. Bri needs mental help or full time supervision. This isn't editing folks, we're getting live streams...
  18. Who knew that Kris Kelly would end up being my favorite person on the show. Dude's hysterical!
  19. I haven't watched the show at all though I had some interest, but now that I'm reading these amazing recaps, I may never turn it on! :P
  20. Sophiaaaaaa...! I loved that girl. And little curly headed guy that was her buddy. Also...if you have to plow with critters, I think you need pigs? Plowing with chickens is a ridiculous concept. I have always wanted to try intensive short prep rotations of very small plots with: pigs, goats, chickens, crops, ducks in that order.
  21. Yeah, no. That conversation was with Eric and he was all 'She's drawn to us Eric...' Now maybe she was drawn to Bill specifically, but that sort of proves my point. He was incompetent yet again and gave his life for it this time.
  22. I think the funniest part of it all is that Bill was, as usual, almost entirely incompetent :P Sookie wasn't drawn to darkness or vampires, she was perfectly fae and perfectly happy with a human SO there in the end. Thanks for going out the way you came in Bill!
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