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Everything posted by mojoween

  1. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    There are probably only a select few people who this is interesting to, but I am LOVING having Mark Texeira on for three hours on Mike & Mike. I like him anyways but he is funny and charming and works well off Golic. He was very diplomatic about A-Rod too. And I say hey, if Mariano Rivera believes in A-Rod, that's enough for me.
  2. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I know it's only the top of the first...but this is not the way I imagined it to go. Not happy! Wait what? The National League sees more fastballs because of the designated hitter and the American League sees more off-speed pitches? Am I being too hard on Harold, or does that make sense? I cannot fathom why the designated hitter would make a lick of difference in how many fastballs a pitcher throws. But I can be swayed, since I've been watching baseball for 28 years but there is still so much I do not know.
  3. Aww balls, it's happened...no Jeopardy! because of the World Series pregame. It won't be on tomorrow either. I mean, I'm super stoked to watch the game, but I would rather watch Jeopardy! first.
  4. I've only had the Cadbury's that is sold here but if the British version is better...I don't know if I could handle it. I was irritated about first degree too. Alex was so rushed I wondered if he had somewhere to be. Did Sandy win enough to make the TOC?
  5. Houston doesn't just lose momentum, they take it, stomp on it, throw it out, set fire to it and then bury the ashes. I have some of the MOST obnoxious Steeler fan friends so this is not fun.
  6. Penny and Leonard argue! Bernadette is a shrew! Rats! Yay? Actually, the rats were pretty frickin' cute. Penny should not have tried to give Leonard the money back. He's right, it was a gift. I did like the joint account option, it made the most sense. There were some laughs, but the very end was disappointing. I expected more payoff than Sheldon repeating something he had already said.
  7. The Patriots also had a Thursday night game. The trifecta!
  8. And it sounded like she said "Harlekin" but don't you pronounce out the "qu" sound? Like queen, not quiche. Cadbury chocolate is the BEST chocolate. I got FJ, a total guess but it made sense to me. I feel like literature or writers have been frequent categories and FJ clues lately. I didn't think Emma was too young for Garth Brooks, but I guess she is. I knew all the country music questions even though I loathe country music but I also thought they were all rather easy.
  9. I found the lack of imagination in the small scare challenge to be criminal. I mean, a robot and monkeyshines? Those things are always one lab accident away from being completely malevolent beasts. I liked the popcorn popper idea way better, although not in execution. I actually didn't like any of their creations for the small scare. The first thing that popped into my head was a yo-yo coming alive and strangling its user. The middle judge said that the monkey is already terrifying, and I agree with him. I thought the whole point was to come up with a toy you wouldn't already think of as evil. The losing team's werewolf was awful. The face looked feline, not canine.
  10. I liked how they turned Al and Cris's mics down so you could hear the stadium announcer at Mile High make the announcement to the crowd. Funny how Thursday before last we got Houston and then again tonight, and last night we had Denver and then they are playing on Thursday night. I can see the draw of Denver but I'm surprised with the Houston love. Weren't they 2-14 last year?
  11. I was thinking about the Peyton v. Tom argument and while this argument could actually go either way, I put more weight on what Peyton has done than Tom. Tom came out of relative nowhere into a system he thrived under with Belichick. And it's been impressive, I'm not knocking that. But Peyton was born to be a quarterback. And he's LIVED UP TO IT. Did he win a title in college? No. Has he lost two Super Bowls? Yes. But he also doesn't play defense, and some of their failures have cost him games. He has been consistent without controversy and I think that's important. Jim Kelly LOST four Super Bowls IN A ROW and he's revered. I don't know why Peyton is held to a higher standard.
  12. Imagine if Peyton didn't lose a year to injury and was still playing this year. He broke the record in 56 fewer games than it took Brett to hit 508. It's funny how this game is atrocious, but because I like one of the teams and adore their QB I'm not mad at it. It's not like it's Falcons/Bucs or anything. No excuses, but it appears San Fran has been decimated by injuries, more so than most. I don't like them, but I do feel badly.
  13. That's funny, I also hated the Rams in LA (effing Flipper Anderson) and hated Kurt Warner too. I mean, this is how bad it was...I rooted for the Patriots in their Super Bowl. The Patriots! But I like the Sooners so I like Sam Bradford so I like the Rams now. And I've always had a soft spot for Jeff Fisher. Super Bowl 34 broke my heart. I like the 'Hawks too so I really don't know how I feel about today; I suppose I'm happy for anyone winning in that division that is not San Fran. Man there is all sorts of shit going down in Chicago. Trestman doesn't seem to have a handle on things. Oh and one thing I thought was cute today (in a very not cute game ugh Colts) was the Colts mascot standing under the goalpost holding a "Leah Strong" sign.
  14. I love Russell Wilson and don't hate the Seahawks, for what it's worth. Richard Sherman is a loudmouth, but I don't hate him for it, I mean, last year, he backed it up. I thought Dez Bryant was a spaz? What happened to that?? So obvs I HATE this outcome because why are the Giants putting single coverage on Bryant and for cod's sack hold onto the damn ball, but what I hate even more is that the stupid Cowboys have figured out whatever it was that they were doing wrong and are GOOD now, and since I hate them, the effusive praise makes my teeth hurt. Please please PLEASE let December happen the same as it's always been. I'm holding out my hopes on you, Peyton. Crush the Niners.
  15. I didn't think Brooke actually parked in the "handyman" spot. I thought she was speculating about it, found one that wasn't, and then pointed out one that was when they walked by it.
  16. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Damn you. I'm not clicking on that, I don't care what you offer me to do so. In other non-painful news, I don't know who pissed in this guys Cheerios, but this is far from the Worst World Series Ever.
  17. Most of what I read when it first went down is that the Seahawks are sick of him and there are off field personality issues. So he's perfect for the Jets!
  18. Dammitall that downfall would have been a lot more fun without the save or NEL. And hot damn how much do I love the editors for putting in that "36 Hours Earlier" clip? So MUCH. Those dogs were amazing but they are bigger than my house. Even though they can be so frantic it makes me nervous, I am ALL ABOUT Tim and Tejay for knowing the capitals of the Scandinavian countries without having to freaking ask. Brooke and Robbie. Oy. And I like Alli, but I find Kym to be grating and off-putting. Lay off the nice waiter lady, she doesn't need five kisses. And I thought they were going to get a penalty for taking the extra icing bag because the camera focused on it and they gave the "ding" sound, but maybe that was because it was smart? Because transporting the cake in two pieces WAS smart. My husband and I had a disagreement, because I thought the Maitre D checking the cakes was hot but he thought the greeter was hotter. But I mean, it's Denmark. They're all pretty, heh.
  19. I never ever ever would have come up with Liberia. Never. Sarah must have been so confident in what she knew about Coats of Arms to have bet that large. I was shocked. Tonight both Sarah and Whatshisface, the outgoing champ, were taking FOREVER to choose. I mean, there were what, six clues left after DJ? Like last night with some of the easier clues, I thought "compartmentalize" was not hard enough for a DD in a $2000 slot.
  20. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I'm going to assume he thought it was a long fly ball and the runner was able to tag from second and score? Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit.
  21. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    When Ishikawa was rounding the bases I wondered why it looked like he was rude to a teammate or coach who was trying to congratulate him. Well Buster Olney told a story that Jake Peavy (who he declares to have poor eyesight, ooookay) didn't realize that the ball had left the park so he was trying to congratulate Ishikawa. I think that's pretty funny.
  22. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I appreciate Joe Buck's restraint in saying "the Giants win the pennant!" just one time. And I also appreciate the Giants wrapping this up in the bottom of the ninth so I can go to bed. Hey both WS teams had to play their way in, didn't they? There is NOTHING about the MLB playoffs from 10 years ago I want to remember. Unless you can change the outcome of the ALCS.
  23. Aww Kodak as a TS makes me sad. And Merry Widow? No one? I thought Hansel and Gretel and Watson on the $1000 slots were too easy. I knew the answer of Aaron Burr, and I'm not ashamed to admit this, because I freaking LOVED this Got Milk ad. Who says TV is not educational? And I still just randomly say "aaron burr" in that forlorn tone for the hell of it. That guy on the end looked like he knew Freakonomics and was pretty sad about it. I garbled FJ by thinking "Journey to the Bottom of the Sea" so I'm not very bright. So the romance novelist got a literature question right, go figure heh. But I hate his facial fur too.
  24. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I figure regardless which NL team makes the WS, unless a fan of that particular team, almost everyone else is going to pull for the Royals. Partly because it's a good story, partly because they are a fun team, and partly for Giants/Cards fatigue. This morning on Mike & Mike Greeny said that he's pulling for the Royals now (even though he felt badly for Buck, so many of those ESPN guys are friendly with him after his employment there and why not, Buck seems like an easy guy to respect) but when he was growing up, as a Yankee fan he HATED George Brett and the Royals. I was a year away from any kind of baseball fandom the last time the Royals were in the WS, I mean I know about pine tar but does anyone know what that would be about? Were the Royals the Evil Empire in the 80's?
  25. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    If San Fran wraps it up tonight they'll both be pretty much in the same boat so let's hope for that. (Sorry Cards fans!)
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