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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Poor Sarah Rex broke her heart then 5 minutes later she was ready for a new relationship only to have her heart again I would be crying to
  2. Eric was sexy today. Brady go to California and visit your son. Also visit a therapist while you there. Preferably no one you are related to.
  3. I felt sorry for Brady yesterday. Kristin is nuts and really his stalker. He needs an intervention. I thought he was happy with Teresa for a while.
  4. I felt sorry for Brady yesterday. Kristin is nuts and really his stalker. He needs an intervention. I thought he was happy with Teresa for a while.
  5. I didn’t mean Joy has to stop talking about Trump but she really doesn’t have to turn every single conversation about Trump No matter what the subject is she turns the conversation into Trump
  6. I hate being scared so I felt bad for Sunny. Don’t share so much Sunny.
  7. I am not sure this is unpopular but it feels like it might be since Jack and Jennifer are a popular couple. Imho them giving Dr. Rolf a lab for him to work on pet projects just for jack can regain his memory seems so selfish. The show has shown how dangerous the doctor is
  8. Gabi should have been more upset about Kate being murdered . Maybe she knew Kate would not go that easily. Her non reaction just seemed out of character. I really don’t remember Vivian and Gabi history. Stefan sure gets turned on by weird stuff.
  9. Megan has been looking very pretty this season. It was nice to see her laugh along with the cohosts. She does seem a little lighter in her grief this season I like joy but feel she really needs to stop making everything about Trump. Agree and disagree with Joy about Billy Bush and Al Franklin. Franklin should have had due process not given a pass because he is smart and a good senator. Billy Bush misdeeds seems so light compared to others. He acted like an idiot but the other idiot is our president. Bush never fit in with the today show. Al really seemed to hated him. JMHO.
  10. Why is Ben blaming Brady ? didn't Brady tell Ciara the job offer did not depend on her breaking up with Ben ? Then Ciara told Ben she would not take it if they wanted her to break up with him. Brady saves Ben unties him. Then Ben is nasty to Brady. The whole thing was strange. @DisneyBoy you make very good points about how Bens victims felt. I don’t think the show wants us to remember them.
  11. How many people has Vivian buried ? has she ever succeeded in killing anyone?
  12. I don’t hate Rafe. I liked Jordan (hated her last appearance), Paige, Serena and Phillip. I don’t mind most days Marlena and johns cheesy love. sometimes its just light and fun.
  13. Tripp showed interest in medicine. Claire showed interest in music. Has Ciara ever showed any interest in business? The other day Victor called Ciara the family hope or some nonsense. Today Brady called her one the brightest. I just don’t see it.
  14. @SueB I like Sarah and Xander too. Is is there any chance Hope is going through menopause?
  15. I am very sorry to hear this . You have a positive attitude which will help. Hopefully something wonderful and perfect for you will open up soon. Thank you. The restaurant is slow now. Only one day a week. It’s gas money and although I don’t really use the discount it’s ni when it’s there. The companion job is where I have been to get extra hours. Actually had to turn some away last week as they would interfere with full time job My dental work. Wednesday have an appointment. Over half done after that and down to owning $400.00. Thank you for asking.
  16. Ciara to Ben “I would kill for a cup of coffee “😳 Eric hugging Nicole touching her face making sure it wasn’t plastic. Victor acting all Godfather mafia. Vivian acting overly dramatic. Glad her doctor insisted she drink. I wasn’t following Stefan and her talk about Ivan. Can anyone explain? .
  17. I think Julie’s story is a set up to get a Gabi/Ciara feud going. Not a big Ciara fan but thought she was very good at the hospital. Although I kept wondering what they did with all that Chinese food. Bens cookie had the longest fortune ever. Has Hope always been so weird ?
  18. I think Hope said her phone was dead. Doug’s voice mail was full. Why they didn’t call Doug’s place? Eric isn’t very believable as a tough guy. Sorry.
  19. For the longest time when I was a kid I didn’t know that Elizabeth Montgomery was playing Sabrina.
  20. I liked when Eric and jack were both acting like morons Jennifer took charge and busted in the drs apartment. Kate taking the bottle of booze to her room. Julie begging Ben not to kill her. Ben and Ciara non reactions to that and just getting her to hospital. Kayla and Sarah’s talk. Finally Sarah has a friend to talk to. It’s great she has her mom but some stuff you just don’t want to talk about with your parents.
  21. One year ? wow that’s not very dramatic
  22. From long ago mom use to work in a facility for the mentally challenged. Tom Cruise and Dustin Huffman were going to be a filming a movie together. They needed someone to show the actors around. Everyone wanted to show Tom Cruise around. Many brought their daughters to work that day. My mom was given the job to show Dustin around. That week every-time a limo drove by dads joke was “bets that’s Dustin. He fell in love with you “
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