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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Abigail and chads son ? I RealizeRereading this that their son is Tom Tommy DiMera I don’t know what’s wrong with me LOL
  2. Does Sonny really liked Evan or is he just lonely ? eric has always kind of lead Sarah on. I am glad she has moved on.
  3. At first I was a bit worried for Abigail. Is she going to have to clean out all Bens things. No matter how anyone feels about Abby she really should not have anything to do with Ben. It looks like they just covered everything in tarps. There’s a Guitar sitting out by the couch. I have no idea who that belongs to.
  4. Could Belle be a match. She is related to both Eric and Brady. It would not look as suspicious to ask her.
  5. Chad and Abigail were really cute today. What’s happening to me ? Lol
  6. Zander Sarah ❤️ ❤️ Nicole Eric ❤️ Brady Kristin 🤢
  7. Sean’s clue that Hope wasn’t Hope was that she didn’t ask about Claire. If Hope did ask about Claire it would be more shocking and out of character.
  8. Went to see this last night. Too much Amy. Not enough Jo. If this was the one version you watch you won’t get all the fuss over the fans upset over Laurie/Jo not being together. I hated that Jo wrote that letter. It really bugged me LOL. I did not like the flashback way the store was told. It really messed with the flow story. my friend was not familiar with the story. She did not remember the professor at all when he came to visit. I really thought the ending showed she didn’t marry. She did not have a wedding ring on
  9. Sarah a single women who slept with three guys. That doesn’t make her an evil person. Kristin meanwhile has really gone out of her way to hurt so many people. If she had her way Marlene would be dead. All that said I wish both babies were born healthy. It’s just too much to watch someone experience that much grief
  10. I don’t know if it was shown and I missed it since the show has been interrupted so much. Does Ciara know everything Victor did ? Or just that Will is innocent
  11. I meant before that. Abigail said something about it. She said to JJ I thought you knew Hailey is gone
  12. The show was very good. It was odd how JJ did not know Hailey had died. I am not a mastermind or good at covering up crimes so forgive me for asking a dumb question. Victor wanted the baby switch so Maggie would not know she killed her granddaughter. Why would she even think that ? They already moved her car and covered up the crime. I do get why they did the baby switch
  13. I was once in car accident. The other car run me off road. Lost control hit a high curb. Car flew up in the air. A sign saying how far the next town was smack my windshield. My airbags never went off. Sarah did say it was dark. Grey vs black car could easily be explained away. Wasn’t Brady Kristin baby a lot bigger ?
  14. So many tears today. That was on sad episode. Poor Sonny. Poor Will. Will just looked in shock. JJ was so calm and comforting. He was strong, supportive and not at all judgmental. Kristins story is confusing. She said in present day she never held her baby. Then they showed her holding her baby. No that was a fantasy. Then once again we see her holding her baby.
  15. Eric can turn to me. Whatever he needs.
  16. No HIPAA laws in Salem. Kayla just tells Kristin Sarah is also in labor.
  17. Grace and Frankie start another business making edibles. This time Frankie gets to name the company.
  18. They could fund one of Roberts shows
  19. @Silver Raven I believe Noah is Carrie and Austin’s son. Justin and Adrienne flashbacks were so sweet. Sony and Justin we’re talking about her like she was gone before she was gone.
  20. Summer is very needy. She was having a very good hair day. Abigail has awesome arms. Gabi and Sony were so cute together. She was so happy to hear about a possible sibling for Ari. then a special report came on and I finished cleaning the dishes.
  21. Wills mom is Sami Brady. His grandma is Kate. Gabi schemes probably don’t phase him. the show was interrupted here. Is there a reason Will keeps procrastinating the call to his mom.
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