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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. I’m late to the potluck—how RUDE!—and I’ll concur that my California potlucks are of the “bring something to share” variety. I love potlucks and I love bringing stuff to potlucks. And I, too have a go-to recipe: Giada’s Antipasto Salad, minus the mustard. Or dessert. Anyhoo, give that these women don’t frequent events of this nature, Teddi would have done well to give them sort-of generic assignments (“I’m making the main dish. Kyle and LVP, bring a side dish; Erika, bring a green salad; Dorit, bring the booze and proper glassware; and Rinna, bring one of HarryHamlin’s pies; I hear they’re awesome”). Otherwise they’re gonna bring random stuff. Case in point: I went to a gathering with a potluck meal. I made a modest-size Mac and cheese, thinking “surely there will be more than enough food” (20+ people were coming). We ended up with a cheese platter with random grapes; a salad or two; a medium Domino’s pizza; and my Mac and cheese in an 8x8 pan. And maybe a bottle or two of soft drinks. Even worse, everything sat for over an hour, so my poor Mac and cheese was... only warm-ish. I fear that Teddi will end up with something similar. And personally—even though I love potlucks where people make stuff, as I feel you can get to know people through the food they choose to make and bring—I would be fine with people who are driving an hour or two to get someplace popping in to Safeway for a couple quarts of potato salad going to Whole Foods or Bristol Farms for kale salad. It’s just simpler. Either that or have a cooking party rather than a potluck.
  2. With you on this. Her garbage-bag pants and pirate-wench top, plus the backup singers’ robe-like outfits, just weren’t working for me... didn’t really care for the song, either. Kate as Brigitte Bardot’s “we are WOKE” and all her facial expressions... awesome.
  3. I agree. I enjoy Valerie on her show, as well as on her judging stints, far more than I thought I would. She’d be so much more interesting than Giada. Except if they put G on with her Aunt Raffy. Now that would be fun!
  4. That’s been my theory since the start as well. I otherwise don’t think anyone seriously concerned about her daughter being a good Christian woman would push said daughter towards JAX of all people.
  5. I HATE HATE HATE the Peloton ads. They started to use that whole “give more” theme over the holidays and it pissed me off. “Screw your family and friends, devote more of your own time and money to yourself and your quest to be perfect.” It also irritates me that the kids always come into the room just as Mommy is finishing up her cycle time. I don’t even have kids and I know that’s BS—time, tide, and toddlers wait for no man (or Uber-fit woman). ETA I just hopped over to another website, and on that site? The Panera ad with the new egg sandwich. I’m too internet savvy to think that was a coincidence...
  6. And wasn’t that grand gesture something he did to assuage himself of his guilt for the way he acted in KY, and a way of defiantly proving he’s a “good guy” to people like Brittany’s dad, who were still (rightly) cynical about his actions and motives with Brittany? We can see through it—she either can’t, or doesn’t want to.
  7. Ugh. I feel like I’m watching the VPR kids argue. Didn’t they just have an argument like this last night? With Scheana in the Dorit role, rehashing stuff OVER AND OVER while simultaneously complaining that (Katie/Teddi) is a liar and won’t let things go?
  8. Yep he does a shout out on Twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/bgcola28/status/958461824252465153 (I thought I saw Aleks!)
  9. Dorit maaaayyyy reach Melissa Gorga-level performance skills. But maybe even that’s a stretch.
  10. Scheana really does seem to be the only one trying to make Rob happen... Oh, yay. Mom goes out with the kids. She totally wants to be on the show. Maybe she’ll try to date Peter.
  11. Talk about someone who’s earned a CLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPP!!!!
  12. That, and many rednecks work way harder than some of these people ever will...
  13. I loved him on Mad Men. The bloom is off the rose for me now... he ain’t doing himself any favors on here. IMO. ;)
  14. And then we cut to Rinna, making Grandpa HarryHamlin his afternoon tea with milk.
  15. Apparently PeeK needs a $3 million car? (Cue bargain-basement “Lust for Life” stock music clip) Mr. Girardi would not approve, though.
  16. Blame it on fusilli, got you feelin’ silly Blame it on the ‘roni, got you feelin’ phony Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-angel hair
  17. I’m sure Mama Former Frosty Lips* would be stoked to hear you say that! She’s always been super supportive of the Jax relationship so you know she’s got great taste in men, not to mention a good motherly instinct on that front. *(I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Sandoval—hi, Sandoval!—had mentioned that her lipstick was a frequent point of conversation here and elsewhere online.)
  18. I feel like I’m trying to follow a very tedious and less murder-y episode of Perry Mason. Even so, when it comes to Lategate, I’m still hashtag Team Teddi.
  19. Not to mention: I’m making some assumptions here, but if a guy really loved me, and if that were really a rumor, I’d assume that he would do everything in his power to make me feel secure in his affection, not be cold, distant, and cavalier as I flipped out about a mere rumor...
  20. I’m tempted to start saying “It’s not about the pasta!!!!” In varying situations, just to smoke out who around me is a closet VPR watcher. It’s like saying a Dorinda-ism. If you know it, you’re gonna laugh and give a knowing nod of recognition.
  21. Sandoval says what we all are thinking: Jax immediately jumps to hooking up with the Reiki lady. Ariana: kinda hypocritical for you to talk about relationships not being someone else’s business when your new boo Lala constantly has others’ relationships in her mouth. And James drops the truth bomb on Lala re: “her” man. Daaaannnnnng.
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