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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Ugh. I turned this off to watch RHOBH again but switched on again to see. Ick. I think I prefer current HW screeching to Brandi Screeching.
  2. Why, WHY are they following her around??? Please give us a break!
  3. LOL! Dorinda, is that you? Anyone catch the “rose game” they started playing tonight? It was legitimately funny. Also, what was that pink poodle thing they would cut to on occasion?
  4. Maybe it’s because I used to work in publishing, but I was a little unimpressed by Erika’s awe over publishing people. They’re just business people, like a lot of us here, with stuff to sell, budgets to manage, and so on. Yes, there have been some fabled publishers, who helped make some of our favorite authors who they are/were, but these days publishing ain’t what it was. Don’t get me wrong; I would be excited to be published myself. ;) So I don’t blame her for that. But awe over being at Simon and Schuster? I dunno. Tom likely has more influence, in his own way, than the folks she met with. It was interesting to see her feel out of place in that way. And re: LVP: she’s my favorite “character” on the show, and for whatever reason her antics and attitude don’t bother me as much as some other housewives. (Though they’d probably bother me in real life.) BUT, tonight, I was shaking my head at her quite a bit. Primarily because she’s cool with the VPR kids acting like many of the RHOBH ladies did tonight, but she didn’t want to mix it up herself. I find that a little... I dunno. Hypocritical. I mean, she could have said SOMETHING while Kyle was talking, even if it was just along the lines of, “Kyle, I appreciate what you’re doing but can we talk about this later.” She doesn’t need to dive head first into the fights if she doesn’t want to, but at the same time, it really wasn’t good for her to just back up as she did.
  5. No, but I looked away for a sec and missed it when they intro’ed the lady in the green dress at the Bella party... and I thought it was Sonja...
  6. Oh yay! Bethenny next week! Can we maybe add Brandi, Nene, and Peggy Suhalian?
  7. My guess is that it’s on the order of Noballsman Nobleman as run by RHOC Lydia
  8. LOL Erica. You tell a lady you can see up her skirt=yelling “HEY TEDDI I CAN SEE YOUR PUSS.”
  9. And it’s so “down to earth.” Local Atlanta girl makes good!
  10. Sweats as holey as Dorit’s explanations and excuses!
  11. Handsome Boy Modeling School ok that’s not what it’s called, but it’s a thing!
  12. That’s what I was thinking. I saw that Pinterest-y “LAKE HOUSE” sign on the wall and it just didn’t look like something he’d use to decorate. Desperado is Rob’s song. She needs her own. Like, Witchy Woman or something. ;) I keep wondering if he’s going to have a literal Come to Jesus Moment.
  13. Ooh, ooh! Add “describing his cocktail inventions to LVP” to the list! :D I loved that flashback moment of him handing that spicy cocktail to Lisa. He was soooo excited and proud.
  14. For many reasons, I still can’t say I *enjoy* Lala, but she does seem to be developing her persona in a more natural way. She was actually pretty “real” and fun to watch on WWHL last night, and she was kind of funny and more real on VPR.
  15. What about the Battle of the Chunky Sweater in Vegas back in S1?
  16. I was less perplexed by the total cost than why they waited to purchase until they got there. Hey, did Schwartz go on this trip? Did he actually stay with his wife?
  17. “He has to drive the boat tomorrow”—LOL, like he’s navigating a cruise ship through the Panama Canal locks at midnight, not puttering his houseboat or whatever around a glassy lake.
  18. Can I do iced tea? I have to work on Tuesday mornings! ;)
  19. I’d love to take credit for Muppet but that’s TM someone else here. ;) (I do take credit for Ariana as Grumpy Cat, which ended up on the show. Hi, Sandoval!) :)
  20. Makes me wonder if Production picked up the tab. Geez, James turns into such a Muppet when he gets hammered. He’s like a less-understandable Swedish Chef.
  21. I rewatched Waterloo (again) the other day and I think it actually has one of Megan’s (well, rather, Jessica Pare’s) best moments: when Don calls to tell her what’s happened, and at the end she just says: “Don.” And she hits all the right notes. I love that episode and I always notice or observe at least one new thing on each watch. This time, that “Don” really stood out to me in a good way.
  22. If two people are wired like Marissa, how would either of them ever get a word in edgewise? ;) But I see your point in part—I process mentally, then speak when I’m ready, and it took me a long time to “get” that some people process verbally. Both types have something to learn... if you wait too long to speak up, sometimes you miss an opportunity to be heard at all; if you do all your processing verbally and never listen (as Wings notes), you can alienate and or/bore others because you’re monopolizing a conversation. Ross seems ok with her, though. They just interrupt each other and don’t care. I’d enjoy a good conversationalist who’s a bit talky, maybe like Mark or Omarosa even. Maybe Brandi if she weren’t... Brandi. But Marissa can be rude—she interrupts, which I find SUPER rude, especially because she is already the one speaking 95% of the time.
  23. Mark kept trying to get away from Marissa by doing the laundry and she was having none of that.... trying to be “helpful” and he was like, “aww, you’re so nice but I got this” and she just kept on pestering. I actually felt bad for Mark McGrath, which I never in a million years thought would happen. They also started talking about drugs and then Pop cut to a really long commercial break—they must’ve been told to cut it out because they referenced something about that later. Additionally they kept talking about having to stay up until midnight, which I assume is for the benefit of BBAD?
  24. I just watch BBAD (and sporadically at that) and it’s All Marissa, All The Time as much as I can tell. She’s on constantly and even when they switch to another room, there she is again! This is the first night I have seen the other HG talk about how much she talks—but see above; maybe I just haven’t seen it. Poor Mark (really? Am I saying “Poor Mark McGrath?) kept trying to gracefully get away from her by doing the towel laundry but nooooooo, she had to be “helpful” and CONSTANTLY ask how she could help. Like, catch a clue, lady.
  25. I’m getting my Housewives peanut butter in my Big Brother chocolate, but man... Dorit would really tear stuff up in a Celebrity Big Brother, would she not? A disingenuous but apparently forgetful (?) motormouth who’s playing all her alliances. Sign her up! (Not that you are necessarily a BB watcher, Hoodooznoodooz... but I see some familiar names in that forum and your comment about someone who talks so much reminded me of houseguest Marissa, who almost literally never stops talking, and of course dear Brandi as houseguest this season as well.) In any case, I can’t help but think that Dorit is playing dumb. Or she’s so used to pulling stuff like that, that she legitimately can’t remember who she pooped on last.
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