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Everything posted by RedKoolAide

  1. Leah is a lazy piece of shit. I've always felt that way about her. I don't understand how she can continue to get a favorable edit when she puts her kids in dangerous conditions time and time again.
  2. RIP Ms. Nelle Harper Lee. I can't express how much I've loved reading To Kill a Mockingbird through the years. An extraordinary novel.
  3. RIP Big Ang. She was the best part of Mob Wives and she seemed like a genuinely kind person. While I'm sad for her family and friends that she's gone, I hope they take comfort knowing she's no longer in pain or suffering.
  4. This is a sad week. I loved Alan Rickman in so many roles, but I think Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensibility is my absolute favorite. RIP Mr. Rickman. :(
  5. I just watched this. Wow. Shannon is a real life Alex Forrest. I've seen fatal attraction cases before, but this one takes the cake. I'm convinced the other voice on the tapes was Shannon trying to sound like Jermeir. She's nuts if she thought anyone would be stupid enough to believe those tapes. Poor Denita. It's really sad. She could've had a bright future, but it was stolen away. It pisses me off. How hard is it to just move on from a relationship? Shannon destroyed a lot of lives. I hope it eats her alive, but judging by her prison interview, she's steadfast in her delusions. I have a lot of respect for Denita's mom that she was able to forgive Shannon.
  6. I didn't see Porsha knee Cynthia. I saw Porsha get up after Cynthia grabbed her hands and Porsha looked like she was trying to straddle the lounge chair to get her balance. Then Cynthia kicked her in the crotch and kicked her again in the stomach. I think it's embarrassing that two grown women had a physical altercation. I agree with Bronzedog that they should both be fired. They were both wrong and couldn't control their anger.
  7. I can imagine GG, Reza, and MJ having a good laugh over this. Not so much Asa because she seemed to try to be happy for them. But Mike and Jessica were such huge assholes leading up to the wedding that I can't feel sorry for either of them.
  8. I really hope Cynthia takes control of her life and divorces Peter. When she moved from NYC to Atlanta and realized Peter was selling her a pipe dream with his restaurant she should've dumped him then and focused on her daughter and her career. He takes zero responsibility for his own foolishness and places it solely at Cynthia's feet. He's an emotionally abusive manipulator. I don't care for Cynthia but she deserves better than Peter's grifter ass. Kim Fields looks great! Her skin is absolutely beautiful.
  9. I used to love that show! Kim Woodburn would totally call Leah a filthy beggar.
  10. I hope she wins. Taraji makes the show for me.
  11. Well, with Nene gone the rest of these bitches can't use her as a reason for all the turmoil in the group.
  12. I think Trina is finding any reason to be pissed at Tamar. From what I saw, Tamar did nothing at the bowling alley to warrant Trina's reaction. I think Trina feels like a dumb ass for taking Gabe back after he embarrassed her a few times and she's taking all of her frustrations out on Tamar. If the other sisters say something to her, she'll at least listen. I'm also not buying that everything is ALWAYS Tamar's fault. The other sisters take zero accountability for their part in the dysfunction. I don't think Tamar is without fault, but they're turning her into the whipping boy and it's getting old. Traci is a drunk. She should just admit it and get help. She's a mess.
  13. So, she gives Evelyn and her forehead her own show, but Love in the City probably won't get a second season? I actually liked that show.
  14. Arzo definitely put her hands on Geneva first and Geneva told Arzo more than once not to touch her.
  15. Yeah, Melyssa doesn't get my sympathy for what happened. Both her and Arzo should have minded their own business and left it alone. I guess Melyssa got her wish with Geneva not being at the wedding. Melyssa and Arzo are shallow mean girls. I appreciate Geneva taking ownership of her part in the altercation, even though I don't condone violence. I hope this was a learning experience for her and she'll walk away in the future. Glad Daisy is in remission. I had to fast-forward all things Demetria because I could really care less about her and Greg.
  16. I think Towanda and Trina are in cahoots to gaslight Tamar. Yes, Tamar is more often than not loud, annoying, and extra, but the other sisters like to act as if everything is always Tamar's fault. I don't buy it. They all have some culpability in their strained sisterhood. I fast-forward through Traci's scenes. She irritates me. Gee-ob might be a whack job, but I doubt Trina is telling the whole truth.
  17. Neurochick, I don't remember if GG's sister dated Mike or his (older?)brother, but she dated one of the Shouhed brothers.
  18. Reza, Golnessa, and MJ are huge hot messes, but for me that doesn't make Mike or Asa that much better. Mike lies just as much, if not more, than the rest of them. Golnessa sure as hell threw her sister under the bus, but the look on Mike's face told me she was telling the truth. He went "suit shopping" with GG's sister the night of his engagement. Why wasn't he with Jessica celebrating? Mike is a mess. Mike wants, and probably needs, this paycheck more than anyone on those sofas. As big of assholes as they are, I think Mike misses their friendship. Mike allowed himself to be isolated to be with Jessica and I think he's regretting it now. Jessica will cause him to lose a lot of friendships because she has this "us against the world" mentality. She wanted to be a wife so bad and now she has a cheat for a husband. They have to live in that marriage and deal with the consequences. Good luck. MJ is a lying bitch, but I think Asa is mad that even after Reza talked about her like a dog a few seasons ago, Reza and MJ are still close enough that MJ would be his maid of honor and not Asa. MJ and Asa compete for Reza's friendship and I don't understand it. These women are in their late 30's/early 40's, competing for his friendship is stupid and makes them look desperate. Also, Asa knows good and well she would've been the Debbie Downer at Reza's bachelor party. That party was disgusting and Reza should be embarrassed, but Asa is the Fun Police. Sometimes she's too serious and overly sensitive. I hope this is a one and done season for Asifa. She's a dramatic liar just like the rest of them, but somehow she irritates me the most. I look forward to Jessica next week, lol.
  19. I read on another site that the series about Jay and his plethora of baby mamas and kids was cancelled due to the backlash against the Duggars. OWN didn't want viewers associating Jay and his fuckery with the Duggar scandal because of all the kids. I'd link the story but I don't know how.
  20. Eric's hair looks like Kate Gosselin's hair when she was still married to Jon. I really didn't need to see the chitterling(chitlin') cleaning. I don't know why anyone would want to eat something that's full of shit. I know Trina wasn't eating it but just the thought makes my stomach turn.
  21. Towanda is using her THs to claim she was the only one who was consistently there for Trina. I don't know if Trina realizes what a snake Towanda is. I'm also baffled that she makes a conscious effort to keep Tamar out of the loop, but Towanda is her confidant. I don't get it. Traci is annoying me this season. She's trying too hard.
  22. The best part of this episode was Mike's adorable puppy. Everything else was meh.
  23. I've always felt Demetria was an asshole and this episode solidified it for me. She's condescending and dismissive. I think one of the reasons why Geneva doesn't stand up to Demetria is because Demetria has a domineering personality. There's a difference between being confident and arrogant. I think Demetria is arrogant. She also has the typical only child syndrome where everything is about her and only her opinion matters. I don't like her. She's a pretentious asshole. Melyssa is securely lodged up Demetria's ass. I think Melyssa is intimidated by Demetria and is desperate for her friendship. Why? I have no idea, but she gives me that vibe. I think Daisy should have addressed Demetria privately first, but if Daisy knows that Demetria is unwilling to hear her side, who can Daisy talk to about it? When they showed the flashback of Daisy trying to understand why Demetria had a problem with her and Demetria never told her, what else is she to do? Daisy should just leave that alone. Demetria isn't even worth it. I've been lukewarm toward Chantelle since the season started but she won me over this episode. She has no problem addressing bullshit head on and I appreciate that. Arzo was so unnecessary this season. If someone else's actions can cause you to possibly be disinvited from a friend's wedding because the fiancé felt you should've spoken up, then in my opinion, that person was never your friend. Geneva is a mess and a half but she can do better than Demetria and Greg as friends. I wonder if Melyssa telling Demetria about what Geneva said will be the catalyst to Geneva going up side Melyssa's head with a bottle? Hmmm...
  24. The editors are dead ass wrong for the back shot of MJ entering the room when she was in her bathing suit. That cover-up didn't quite cover up. Bobby and Asifa are BOTH terrible. His need to have an audience to argue is annoying and immature, and she's a grudge holding banshee. I agree with Asa that they enjoy the fights. Asifa constantly belittling him about being a man has to be frustrating, but he can leave at any time. There's no need to argue until they're blue in the face. They're like a black cloud on a sunny day. I think Mike always knew he tried to sleep with GG but wanted to save face with Jessica and the rest of the group by denying it. I never want to hear about this again. Shervin being fed up with the arguing cracked me up. I can only imagine how annoying it was to listen to Bobby and Asifa argue during a 19 hour plane ride, probably during the layover, during the first night at the dinner table, after the relaxing massages, and then to have to hear about it when Bobby wasn't at the 2nd night's dinner. I'd be fed up, too. They act like teenagers. I can understand why Adam wouldn't want to go on the trip and face everyone questioning him, but I wouldn't miss Thailand for anything. Bobby's face looks weird without facial hair.
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