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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 5 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Bethenny's dress reminds me of this wedding dress at Norstrom that I've been getting ads for for months (I'm not getting married and have no idea what in my browsing history has made this happen).  Maybe it even is the dress, I didn't pay enough attention.  I was just like "That dress is haunting me!"



    I loved her dress & this may be it, it’s gorgeous

    • Love 11
  2. 1 minute ago, kicksave said:

    A lot of people are rich...doesn't make them any better or worse than anyone else. PS...I don't care how much money she has...all the money in the world can't make her a nicer, kinder and better person. 

    Aw, hell no. I'm for SURE not saying she's nice or kind. I'm just saying she turned that swill into $100million. She's fucking miserable.

    • Love 9
  3. 26 minutes ago, kicksave said:

    No...I refuse to buy her any of her stuff. When I saw she had SG facial wipes and stevia sweetener selling at Walmart, I thought how cheesy. Products she would surely ridicule Ramona or any other Housewife for especially selling them at Walmart. SG is not high end boutique type stuff. 

    I am NOT a Beth fan, but we all have to acknowledge: she's rich, bitch. (Not calling @kicksave  a bitch!!!)

    • Love 1
  4. 11 hours ago, bosawks said:

    Oddly, for being such a feral, bombastic  creature of darkness Ramona doesn’t seem to keen on sustaining prolonged grudges.

    Creating and recreating ones, sure, but sustaining not so much.

    I snorted! Oatmeal almost came out my nose!!

    Regarding B's awful boobs, she's got so much money, why not have them redone? (Aside from having to be put under & then the recovery period!) She needs to get a referral from Ramoaner's dr bc nutty as R is, her face & skin look pretty damn good.

    Regarding B's fortune, I just re-watched seasons 1-3 recently & picked up on something (that most of you already know/remember)... I think it was when she & Jill went to the racetrack & that weird dude gave her that inappropriate bday gift of lingerie & in her TH she said something about him being in the liquor distribution/development biz. It occurred to me that maybe that's where she got that particular connection?? However it happened, she parlayed that into an enviable fortune. I am NO FAN of Bethany, but she has always been a hustler & it paid off for her. Happiness? Not so much.

    • Love 10
  5. SO! Reading these posts made me want to go back & watch seasons 1-3...

    The very first scene is Ramona 'dancing'!!! Seasons 1 & 2 really explain a lot about these women's personalities...

    Season 3 is where Bethany was perched to make her $100million deal & where Jill seriously misread the room. I don't know why she thought Andy was ride or die for her, but she really overestimated their relationship (& underestimated his w Beth).

    There is definitely something going on w Kelly. I do think she's on the spectrum just bc she doesn't 'get' a lot of the play on words & other cultural references (Al Sharpton!). I thought it might also be bc she doesn't pay attention when other people talk (or at least, when people that aren't on 'her level' (e.g., Beth) talk).

    Bethany really did look beautiful when she was pregnant. And she seemed so happy with Jason #1, I feel bad for her.

    LuAnn... I forgot how twisted she was in season 2-3; I do think Jacques could have been her next great love, but it didn't work out (why I don't remember?).

    Alex alex alex, ugh, they have set her up to take the fall. I'm not sure I'm gonna rewatch season 4 or 5; is that when B left & then Alex was left there for the wolves (i.e., Jill)?

    Jill is one of those people who thinks they can SAY certain things about themselves (e.g., I'm a nice person!!) & it's true. Reminds me of a certain mango Mussolini...

    That turtle time dancing will always be amaaaazing. And that house they stayed at in St John, did anyone ever google that??? I'd stay there!  :)

    Finally, it really is sad how far Sonja has fallen & how sad she makes me feel.

    • Love 7
  6. On 11/2/2016 at 10:00 AM, The Mighty Peanut said:

    I am still very affected by this episode. I've never been incarcerated but I've experienced significant isolation and loneliness throughout my life, and I keep thinking about the statement about the profundity of losing one's sense of self. "Losing the psychic glue that holds your entire notion of existence...becoming unglued." I don't know. It struck a deep chord.


  7. 9 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    I watch some pretty question able stuff, but the Shaw's of Sunset, and MJ in particular are too awful for me to watch regular. Puhleeze.

    I still watch mainly bc of the food porn. They also take some cool trips. AND I think there are some real friendships there, so when they fight, the feelings are real.

    • Love 3
  8. On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 1:49 AM, Sun-Bun said:

    Indeed! I’ve often heard that in LA/BH, it’s almost considered chic and a sign of wealth to look “done”, whereas in the fashionable circles of Manhattan, the ideal is to look as natural and untouched as humanly possible. I agree that these gals all maintain an overall natural look(Carole is the only one who looks overworked a bit) in comparison to most of the other franchises...and excluding Atlanta and Potomac because those ladies(sans wax figure Kim Z) are further proof that black don’t crack.

    Well, mission accomplished IMO.

    • Love 4
  9. I'm very tardy to this party. I've watched seasons 1-3 over the past 2 weekends & read all of the comments (bc I get confused :)). I'm going to watch Season 4 this week, but I *have* to know (and feel free to PM me the response): do we find out who killed Hanna? If so, I don't want to know WHO did it but I do want to know if we get resolution on this. TY in advance :)

  10. That candy store?! Whut???

    MJ exercising! Good on her! I know it’s bc she’s getting married but I’m sure Reza’s newfound slimness is also motivational.

    There is something wrong w Vida. She can be kind to everyone except her daughter.

    New guy being honest is somehow wrong in Mike & Reza’s eyes. pathetic. ALS, #5: it was recorded & will be on tv.

    congrats to Mike & MJ on their new homes!

    I am side-eyeing the exclusion of GG & Adam (?) from the bridal party. Especially the way it was announced.

    Did they say another of Shalom’s wives was there??? TEAM  GG  on this one. I need GG’s long necklace. 

    And yay! Shahs food porn!

    • Love 3
  11. 4 hours ago, Jel said:

    Yes, definitely.  But the addition of the "I only drink tea now", with what I thought was a nod and a wink between them, and in light of the recent Blind Item, made me wonder if there was another level of meaning.  If it weren't for the Blind Item I probably wouldn't have noticed it. 

    This is confusing to me. Why would Carol need to be in the closet, or otherwise coy about her sexual preferences? She lives in NYC, it's 2018, she's Carol (! sarcasm).

    • Love 11
  12. On 7/27/2018 at 2:04 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I like Rosanna Arquette.  In fact, I like the Arquette family. I actually like Patricia, her sister even more.  Most of them were or are in the entertainment field.  I'd like to know more about their family, upbringing, etc.  Entertainment and the arts, seem to run in her family, even with her parents and grandparents, from what I have read.  She was born in NY, but, seems to have strong CA connections. 



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