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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 17 hours ago, queenjen said:

    I came over here to post after seeing it yesterday and no thread! Props to you for starting this one, I'm in Australia too, but the action is definitely waning on RHOA. 

    Cynthia got to hide amidst the other couples who ceased to be couples for the couples trip. I did feel sorry for Greg. But. How the hell does this even happen? I doubt we will see Cynthia's latest boo ever. Again, so why is she here?  Dennis looked like he was faking that boot to me. Nene looked pissed about the whole thing and I couldn't really understand the destination. Is it on the water? And a 5 hour bus ride to get there. Hmmm. 

    Marlo looked PISSED. Apart from clutching a labelled dustbag, she was wearing a dull kaftan and a bandanna. She looked sulky and angry the whole time. Maybe they had to drag her in last minute when the couples faded away and she couldn't rent her labels fast enough? Because we did not get the usual sequence of Marlo setting up her room like a pop up boutique. 

    Pregnancy is softening Porsha's face. She does look really pretty. Still, she is never compelling enough to anchor an episode. 

    The vibe between Nene and Greg is definitely off. She seems fed up and phoning it in. 

    Well, it's rained nonstop here the last 2 weekends, but I am still enjoying this shade!!!!!

    13 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

    Yessssss, sis. Like, when her stylist brought over those see-through/sparkly numbers, I thought it was 2001 all over again. In terms of style, Marlo and Shamari are two extremes on the same spectrum. Shamari dresses like she's still in high school with clothes that may be expensive, but look cheap, and Marlo wears unflattering outfits, but since they're high end, she thinks she's the bee's knees. Both need makeovers.

    Can we talk about Mama Dennis asking Porsha about prenup details? I'm glad Porsha shut her down. I did find it curious that he didn't tell his mother about the pregnancy. At least that's the way it came across.

    The games these ladies play are so damn cringeworthy!  

    See, I thought it seemed like he DID tell her about the pregnancy, hence the sit-down & prenup talk.

    11 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

    Dear Greg and Nene, this holistic treatment is not going to cure the cancer.  Ask Steve Jobs about holistic treatment. Oh, you can't. He's dead.  I read that Steve had a curable type of pancreatic cancer, but tried holistic treatment first, causing it to get out of control.  Greg looks as bad as someone who is currently on chemotherapy.  Either they are lying and he is getting chemo, or he is seriously ill.  Nene acts like she is tired of taking care of him. If she even did much to take care of him anyway.

    WORD. WORD. WORD. This was the most disturbing part of his bio, IMO. Finding this out. Pancreatic cancer does not play.

    • Love 5
  2. On 12/10/2018 at 3:00 PM, glowbug said:

    Psychopath. Technically they mean the same thing. Sociopath is an outdated term for a psychopath. Sociopath is still used sometimes to refer to low level psychopaths (poor, unintelligent, blue collar, etc.) from higher level psychopaths (sophisticated, wealthy, educated, white collar such as politicians, CEOs, etc.) but its sort of an unofficial term. 

    I also am calling Jax a psychopath literally because I truly believe he doesn’t have empathy and has no moral attachment to right and wrong, which are the two defining characteristics of a psychopath. However, psychopathy cannot be diagnosed because it is not in the Diagnostic and Statiatical Manual. The DSM 5, which psychologists use to diagnose people with disorders is behavior based while the concept of psychopathy has more to do with thoughts and though processes. Many psychopaths also qualify for antisocial personality disorder which is an Axis II disorder in the DSM. I think Jax meets the criteria but not all psychopaths have antisocial personality disorder and not all people who meet the criteria for antisocial personality disorder are psychopaths, thought they is a large overlap. 

    Hmm. A few years ago, while dealing with some real assholes at work, I read a few books on Psychopaths (I linked to ONE of them, NOT that this makes me a SME by any stretch!!!). I always think of a psychopath as someone who is willing to kill for what they want. This is probably incorrect, but it's how I think about it...

  3. On 12/14/2018 at 5:30 PM, psychoticstate said:

    What exactly do Stassi and Kristen do for income - - besides this show - - that allows them to hang out and drink during the day?  I mean, is Kristen making money doing her P.I. and investigative work?  Does she have a deal with Delta or frequent flier miles for these chicks she flies in from out of state to do the "Cheaters" scenes with?  What was the point of sneaking in the back way with Hope?  I thought she was going to confront James, not Raquel.  Or, I don't know - - maybe confront them at the same time so she (and we) can watch James' reaction.  I will say, though, she is reality gold.  

    She certainly has a boner for James.  Why does she care so much what he does or doesn't do?  Jax insulting Brittany is for Brittany (and maybe Jax) to take care of.  When did it become Kristen's responsibility?   Should we add P.C. Police to her resume?  

    I had to laugh and snort when Kristen - -KRISTEN - - talked about how terrible it was for James to be banging Hope while Raquel slept in the other room.  Short term memory, Doute?  Last I recall, you were banging Jax while Flat Iron slept in the other room.  You might want to take a seat. 

    The most egregious thing James did in this episode, besides take off his shirt, was body shame Tequila Katie.  Not cool, Muppet.  

    Why were all the SUR-vers sitting on the curb?  Did they take away their random chairs from the alley?

    Loved Jax' wisdom on James.  Plenty of women said the same thing about Jax and they were all right.  Ha ha.  OF COURSE James is cheating.  Has anyone on this show been faithful?

    Schwartz drinking a random beer was gross.

    Maybe my black heart of goo is softening but I did find Brittany to be glowing and Jax seems happy.  I know the Nugget is "tepid" and Flat Iron seems jealous.  I really hope Jax & Brit are happy.

    Flat Iron jonesing for James and Raquel's washer/dryer and rise-up coffee table is hilarious.  It gives me flashbacks to first season "mactician" Sandoval.  Never change, Flat Iron.  

    Thank u. I just spit ChikFilA chix tortilla soup on my keyboard!!! (I know CFA is the debbil, but this soup...)

    • Love 3
  4. On 12/14/2018 at 11:09 AM, SailorGirl said:

    I am not saying this to be nasty -- there is just no other way to say this. You have absolutely no understanding of how boat lines work. They in NO WAY played up the danger he was in.

    I  could barely watch it because it scared me so badly -- there is no way I could go back and watch it again to try to explain it to you. What happened is every sailor's worst nightmare. 
    Getting tangled in a line moving that fast with that much tension on them -- you have NO chance to get yourself out of it.  Ashton himself said he shouldn't have been standing where he was. 

    There was literally thousands of pounds of tension pulling on his ankle and dragging him under-- it was a 100% accurate assessment that he would have lost his foot and his life.

    I couldn't believe that Rhylee just stood there -- I was mentally screaming, "uncleat that line! uncleat that line! Where is your knife? Cut the fucking line!!!" That scene was terrifying for anyone who has spent any amount of time on boats. How do deck hands not have a knife with them at all times? It is one of the first questions I always ask when I get on a boat -- who has a knife -- in addition to the one I always have in my pocket. Why did it take a camera man to come uncleat the line? If I were her crewmates, I would no longer feel safe crewing with her. I wouldn't trust her to know what to do -- when you crew a boat with people, you are literally putting your life in their hands, just as they are with you, and trust in ability is paramount, and ultimately, it does fall to the skipper or captain, because you have to trust that they made the right judgment call about who to have on their boat. 

    I know someone who lost a finger because they got a line wrapped around their hand when they popped a clutch (which releases the line) and a finger got pulled into the clutch. I myself have gotten severe rope burn (even with sailing gloves on) because I put my arm down in the wrong place and the line ran against my wrist. 

    Especially in sailboat racing, you are always running lines to ensure they run smooth, checking where your feet are if you are standing on a line, moving lines out of the way if you are standing on them, making sure your feet are always on the correct side of the line so you don't get caught up in them, etc. Line awareness is one of the primary safety rules on a sailboat. 

    It upsets me to even talk about it here because it causes me to think about what happened and how terrifying and dangerous it was. I hope for your sake that if you ever set foot on a boat of any kind, you have someone on that boat who has full awareness about all of the risks, including from lines, because you are making an incorrect assessment about literally one of the most dangerous scenarios that could happen on a boat.

    I watched the afer-show videos & got choked up. IMO, they should’ve shown more of this on the show,  or better yet, do you a special episode about this whole accident. So scary.

    • Love 6
  5. On 12/6/2018 at 8:17 AM, Jaded said:

    The only Four Horsemen I've ever known of were the group of wrestlers in the WCW (World Championship Wrestling) that I saw on TV. I don't think the JWs would have been very pleased with that answer though. A couple of them came to my home in the middle of last month. It was two older women one was white and the other black. They were talking about grief, the holidays and left me with a little booklet about grief. The black woman never spoke and let the white woman do all the talking. One weird thing the speaking woman kept doing was stopping what she was saying every so often to tell me I was really pretty which freaked me out. I know what I look like and pretty isn't a word I would use. They didn't try to convert me or really ask me anything and haven't been back as of yet. As someone else mentioned the white woman that spoke had what looked like really glassy crazy eyes and it was the first thing I noticed about her after opening the door. The booklet about grief had things one normally reads and hears about it, then in each bottom corner of the pages there were what I guess were bible quotes which I didn't pay much attention to. 

    You let them in your house?!?!?! Lort! ;)

    On 12/10/2018 at 3:13 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

    Mormons, too, but isn't every faith's version of the scripture THEIR version? I guess I don't understand then why so many different bibles exist. I don't want to get into further trouble on this thread, but I would offer that every faith needs to take a good look at themselves through the outsider's test of faith (google it if interested, or PM me and I can discuss, I really just don't want to offend the good people in here, I know it's a sensitive subject). From outside, when enough questions get asked, ALL faiths start to seem weird. It's just that some have more adherents than others. Generally cults are similar to religions, except they don't have the same number of members, and they're younger. This is a stones / glass houses situation. It's one of the few things about this program, in fact, that I don't understand, how people can suddenly be so aghast by their former practice, but then are totally comfortable, as Leah is, going to a building on sunday and eating the LITERAL FLESH of a 2000 year old man

    Let me just say, agreed!

  6. 6 hours ago, Boofish said:

    When I tell you I took my panties off just in case by some miracle he came to my house. In my Jay Z voice *he aint got no time to take the drawers off*  Let me go take this pregnancy test right real quick .. whew child I would loan him my grandbaby pamper money.


    I came here specifically to comment on Leon’s foine behind & leave my digits, just in case.

    But this... I hollered so loud they heard me up at Lake Bailey.

    & then @ZaldamoWilder‘s Celica shade!! I have to go lie down.

    ETA: Destin is part of the redneck riviera...

    • Love 15
  7. On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 3:49 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

    Tyra is more strange and crazy than Myriah to me.  Like she's really excited about Life Size 2.  Everything she does she thinks is incredible and ground breaking. I kind of expect Myriah to be a little off or self centered as she is constantly pampered.   

    This is true.

    • Love 2
  8. 15 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    Jax is a psychopath, and I mean that literally. If he went to a real shrink (instead of the bullshit therapists in LA who are willing to dispense therapy on TV) she’d probably make that diagnosis. He has no empathy for others and doesn’t understand emotions. You can SEE him doing and saying things that he THINKS “normal” people do, but it’s not genuine. He interacts with people in a “paint-by-numbers” fashion. “If I say this and do this, then that makes me a nice person. And if I say X, then people are supposed to respond Y.” I think in an earlier season he even made the comment that he told the truth to someone so they were supposed to forgive him and give him what he wants. He doesn’t understand that people and life don’t work that way and you can’t just do certain things to get people to like you. I actually feel sorry for him, because I think he wants to be better, but he’s not developing the tools to make better choices. He’s doing an impression of what he thinks a “good guy” would do.  

    Psychopath or sociopath?

  9. 13 hours ago, smores said:

    My parents had me when they were really young and the only married people in their circle, so my early birthday parties were the stuff of legends.  All night keg parties for my second birthday, etc.  How they managed to keep me alive and safe during them, I'll never know, but, I made it.  LOL!  

    That cake woman was super slick with Shemari, they picked out the design for the cake and then she paused . . . You have twins?  Yes.  Oh, you need 2 cakes then.  Pause.  Shemari totally bites and says Yep, perfect.  THEN she says, ok, that's $900.  Totally doubled her sales without even trying.

    Nene really did seem to believe that everyone is walking around with some level of cancer cells in their blood.  I'm not sure how she arrived at that, but, I guess she's trying to make Greg's decision not to do the chemo ok for herself?  Though she did say she probably wouldn't have chemo if it were her.  There are a lot of people who have some strange . . . not quite sure what the right word is, superstitions? maybe? about cancer and chemo.  They'll know someone who was totally fine, then cancer was diagnosed and they started treatment and they got sick, so they blame the chemo.  Not that chemo is a walk in the park or doesn't have side effects, but, it's kind of a misdirected belief.  For example, my grandfather died of stage 4 liver cancer.  It was found and he was given 4-6 months and they said they COULD do chemo and radiation if he wanted, but, he would still have 4-6 months, maybe a bit more.  He did do the chemo and radiation, but prior to those treatments, he'd just had some random stomachaches, so it sort of appeared that the chemo and radiation are what "actually" made him sick and that he was fine until he started them.  That's totally not the case, he would gone downhill and had a whole barrage of symptoms and died regardless, but, it just looks on the surface like he was fine until he had the chemo and radiation and they made him sick and killed him.  But, there are people who have witnessed this with their family and that's the impression that sticks with them and I'm afraid that Greg may be one of those people and that's why he's avoiding chemo.

    Regarding the cake woman, for some reason I thought the ONE cake was $900 & then she smoothly said you need TWO cakes (for $1800 total)? But I was also playing spider solitaire...

    Re: your 3rd para on cancer... Yep. Cancer & its treatments (& here I mean just dealing with the decisions) fuck up everybody's brain.  :(

    • Love 3
  10. On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 6:26 PM, Maelstrom said:

    I figured that Valerie's demeanor when recounting her story may have been something like leftover adrenaline - undoubtedly she was in such a heightened state of stress and adrenaline while living through the events she discussed, and that emotional or physiological response came back to her as she spoke. I don't know if I'm explaining myself properly, but maybe reliving those experiences tapped back into the "fight or flight" response. Or maybe she's just so damn euphoric to be out that her happiness came through. Earlier this fall I left an extremely stressful work situation - I was so upset that I was practically non-functional and crying nonstop in the period leading up to my walking out. Now when I recount the absurd BS that went down, I can laugh about it. Everyone handles bad situations differently. And the CO$ would have to rate higher on the bad situations list than most things.

    Also, it may be worth mentioning that even former CO$ members agree that their emotions are stunted by their time in the cult - for someone like Valerie who grew up in it, she probably has a lot of emotional learning to do now that she's out.

    Yes, this really hit me in the 'Emo Aftermath' epi last week, Leah's mama & younger sister weren't all that emotional, but the older sister (who 'got out') was way more so & they all acknowledged that it was due to her not being as involved in $ciento.


    Also,  WHERE'S  SHELLEY?!

  11. 3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

    I had a Tempur Peda once and absolutely hated it.  You know how the coyote is chasing Road Runner and fall off the cliff and is embeded into the cliff on the other side and then has to peel himself out of it?  That's exactly how I felt with that mattress.

    Damn, that's a pretty vivid description!!! ;)

    • Love 6
  12. 13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Why do people have huge parties for babies and pretend the party is for the babies?  The kids are not going to remember the party, it's all for the parents.  And, Sharmari?  You're head is shaped like a triangle.  You could be a visual aid in a geometry class.  A makeover can't fix that.

    I commented on Twitter last night that she was funny looking, buuuuut, ROFL!!! Visual aid in geometry class?! DEAD. I agree w @ZaldamoWilder's most recent post re: a makeUNDER. yes. Fix it black jesus. I also do not find Ronnie attractive AT  ALL. Even a little. NONE.

    Kandi is mean as hell. And yes, poor Gregg & FUCK  CANCER.

    • Love 9
  13. On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:19 AM, Skycatcher said:

    Life vests - aside from the safety issue, in an earlier episode, when the family first boarded, Captain Lee gave CLEAR and EMPHATIC orders that the kids were not to EVER, EVER, EVER be outside without the vests.  The order was definitive, absolute and left no doubt, except maybe to Chandler?

     It probably had to do with taking the vans to the dock.  Kids don't need life vesfs in vans.  IF the lack of vests was noticed at the dock, "somebody" (ahem)  probably decided it was too much trouble to go back to the dinner area to pick them up.

    Just my speculation.

    You know who has the ultimate responsibility to make sure their kids have on the life jackets??...


    Yes, the parents. {this isn't directly at you skycatcher, just in response to the various comments about lack of lifejackets}

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