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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 4/4/2019 at 2:54 PM, Nancybeth said:

    My dad was military. We moved all the time, including in the middle of 7th grade and again right before I started high school. Did it suck? Yeah, kinda.  Did I survive and in fact thrive? Yes. Moving makes kids resilient and I'm sure they would rather relocate than have their parents divorce or have Randall constantly driving back and forth to Philly and missing all the little things in their lives. 

    My post above more appropriately should have quoted Nancybeth. Sorry @Maximona.

  2. On 4/3/2019 at 9:51 AM, Maximona said:

    It does for kids who are in or entering high school. And have a strong set of friends.

    Deja will probably benefit being around kids who have something other than a suburban upbringing; Tess is ready to reinvent herself, and Annie is still young enough to relate primarily to her family.  So, I think this is a smart move for Randall & Beth.

    Actually, you know, in my experience as an RN, the patients who do the best are almost always the ones that have a support team that are taking notes and asking questions for them.  When a medical catastrophe takes place, it is generally so overwhelming on a personal level that it is extremely hard for the person most directly involved to focus on what's being said to them by healthcare providers.  At my hospital, teaching like, This is what apnea means; this is what bradycardia means, is typically done by the primary nurse who doesn't have another bedside to scurry off to.  So questions like Rebecca's are welcomed and answered.

    I laugh & laugh about the grabbing of pearls about kids moving/changing schools, both on tv & IRL. My dad was a 20-year Navy veteran. I went to EIGHT schools before I hit middle school/6th grade. These weren’t across-town moves either. We were scheduled for one last cross-country move when I was ~14 & my mom said hell naw. I was in HS, brother 3.5 years younger, & most significantly, my mom had moved way up in the hospital she worked at. So my dad commuted back & forth for 2 years IIRC. The thought that my dad would have considered my feelings about these moves for one microsecond... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. No.

    Anyway, the blockbuster comment made me lol & I floved Kevin’s ‘pieces’ talk w his neice.

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  3. 2 hours ago, sATL said:


    If one is looking for work/life balance, to me the possession arrow would point to Orlando, in favor of a better personal time. Even if that means every so often she has to work nights/weekends, as many in the medical field do.

    Signing up for LA traffic at this stage of the game??? Not me.

    I guess I thought anathesialogists were salaried employees of the hospital. And it's been a while since I've heard of someone going under( non emerg)  that wasn't at the crack of dawn.

    Orlando's traffic is so ridiculous. Especially for a city its size. Think about all those damn tourists (sorry y'all!!). 

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  4. 5 hours ago, renatae said:

    Seeing Andy blowing smoke up NeNe's butt on WWHL tonight was the last straw for me. He had a montage supposedly showing one of our "favorite" housewives doing "wonderful" takes. I think Andy is half of NeNe's problem as he affirms her delusions of grandeur. Not sure what universe either of them is living in.

    There isn't enough WORD in the world for this post. God damn. Andy sucks for encouraging her ass.

    ETA: I had to get that ^^ out of my system! Nene is so ugly (inside). What an awful person. Much as I like my trashy reality TV, it has really given some non-special people the idea that they are super special (& has also given them a lot of $$; see: Nene, nasty Kim Z). With Eva, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Were Kenya's (also NOT my favorite) boobs always that big??? I know pregnancy makes them bigger, but DAG. Also that red dress really accentuated her weird square ass. Cynthia, RUN. You are a star, you don't need mean ole Nene any more, if you ever did. RUN. I also think Mike is weird & based on Cynthia's non-Leon taste in men... he's probably a mess. I want to go to the OLG, but damn if I'm giving mama Joyce any coin of mine. I have GOT to stumble onto/into one of these 'events' one day!!!!

    • LOL 4
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  5. On 3/29/2019 at 4:31 PM, GoldaVining said:

    I love the name Hester. However, it brings to (my) mind the character named Hester in John Irving's book "A Prayer for Owen Meany" who is called "Hester the molester".

    I just reread PfOM for the first time in 20 years. One of my favorite books of all time! 

    Hester& Tessa can be auf’d ASAP.

    • Love 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Sterling said:

    Oooooh, Dale couldn't hold the smallest candle next to Patricia Altschul.  Patricia is the bomb.  

    The difference between Dale and Patricia is, Dale seeks out the camera and tries to be included, whereas Patricia is included because the cast follows her.

    And Patricia doesn't say these mean, snarky things like Dale does.  I can't imagine Patricia glowing about her son's ex-girlfriends like Dale does about Topper's wife.  Girlfriend got too much class for that.

    Patricia is rude & hateful as fuck. IMO.

    • Love 6
  7. 21 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Going up the stairs from Sonja’s basement (getting fresh curtains).

    Dorinda: I think I’m in a porn flick.

    Sonya: That sounds like fun. 

    I think Sonja is sexually fluid. Especially after the stranger kiss scene earlier that she clearly enjoyed. 

    I think Sonja is sexually sloppy. Would sleep w anyone who steals a crustacean.

    Tins’ family seems to have REAL money. And OLD money. I mean, her name is TINSLEY!!

    • Love 16
  8. I believe Jordan’s losing his virginity story if you change it to “HE stuck HIS tongue in my butt hole & I kicked HIM off the bunk bed.”

    Also, that 3-way?? Mmm  hmmmm.

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  9. 19 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

    Jax and Brittany need to go away. Jax (in the most monotone voice) Should we really be going on vacation when we are planning our wedding?

    I can't wait for Brittany's stomach to explode in Mexico with her drinking alcohol logic.

    And I'm guessing the Santa "danging" dream is actually a repressed memory.

    What? What’s this??

    • Useful 1
  10. Jordan is nowhere near as cute as he thinks he is. TY black jesus that I am not 20-something living in NYC & this is the type of guy to have as an option!

    it was bad enough being in South Beach in the early 90s when the models first started to hit town! 🤣

    • LOL 1
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  11. 2 minutes ago, DrSparkles said:

    They all looked pretty, I loved Nene’s dress. They all need to dial the highlighter back to about 8 (from 10,000). I did lol at the draaaaama, Ms Eva was going for the Oscar!!

    shots at the beginning of the reception... doesn’t bode well. I did like Shamari’s sincere apology. 

    Got damn, that wedding was all👏🏽About👏🏽Nene👏🏽

    • Love 1
  12. They all looked pretty, I loved Nene’s dress. They all need to dial the highlighter back to about 8 (from 10,000).

    shots at the beginning of the reception... doesn’t bode well. I did like Shamari’s sincere apology. 

    Got damn, that wedding was all👏🏽About👏🏽Nene👏🏽

    • LOL 3
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  13. 5 hours ago, politichick said:

    I don't think they were making fun of Tyler Perry but were just humorously surprised that he was the source of the quoute because it sounds like something Ghandi would say, and really, who quotes Tyler Perry?

    EXACTLY! Don’t get me wrong, I live in Atlanta & love him & his career is inspirational, but a source for life quotes? No.

    I’m sure B doesn’t decorate her own homes. But that rental is FABULOUS.

    • Love 5
  14. 16 minutes ago, Jets4274 said:

    The drama on this show is what I like to call “some Saved By The Bell shit.”  Don’t know who Jordan thinks he is with his bird chest.  Not sexy at all.  A part of me thinks that he’s not completely straight.  The guys that tend to act the most macho I always feel are compensating for something.


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  15. On 3/13/2019 at 1:11 PM, RHJunkie said:

    Andy says he follows each and every housewife on IG, even former ones. Nene is not on that list. Both of them can't be telling the truth here. Either he unfollowed and is making it seem like Nene blocked him (hence why she's not showing up on his list) or she did in fact block and unfollowed.

    Nene is always falling in and out of friendships. The idea that she's never part of the problem is laughable. I don't think I've seen Cynthia demonstrate sneaky behaviour. She often avoids confrontation, she keeps her temper in check and she probably gossips the least among the women. I mean, often times she just seems to be 'there' as an HW option that isn't always stirred in drama. Maybe Cynthia did do something to hurt Nene, but I'm less inclined to believe that she would behave unprovoked. Nene has always thrown shade when Cynthia keeps friendships outside of her approval. With the rumours about how the reunion went down, I'm going to guess that Nene expected Cynthia to take sides and she probably didn't (which is not a Cynthia thing to do anyway) and that pissed Nene off. 

    Maybe NeNe needs to be on a friendship contract... 😑

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