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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 5 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    And this episode demonstrates exactly what is so very wrong with the CO$ at its core level.  CO$ is the mean kid, the bully at school.  If you don't agree with them, they will pick on you endlessly.  Just for kicks.  If you are friends with someone they don't like, they tease and bully you mercilessly.  Just because they can.  Some of the "adults" in charge turn a blind eye because they don't want to deal with it, deal with the bully's parents and/or want to keep their job.

    Tailing someone for 20+ years is a whole new level of batshit crazy.  If the CO$ members know about this, they're okay with their money being spent this way?   Does someone like Tom Cruise, who has given a shit ton of money to the CO$ over the years, okay with his hard-earned money being spent to on PIs to follow someone who has simply left the CO$?  Or is everyone in the "church" so brainwashed by Davey, they don't have a clue what's going on and/or are okay with absolutely everything? 

    I think Cierra, the female PI, was so grateful to have a job fresh out of school - - and I assume a well-paying job -- from the CO$, that she ignored what she was doing to people.

    I remember reading about the female journalist in the 1970s that the CO$ stalked and harassed for years, including legally, when she dared to write a piece that was critical about them.  I am just amazed that the CO$ - - or ANYBODY - - could flat out harass someone for YEARS and get away with it.  What they did to her, and to her family, was criminal.  

    I had to laugh over Mike telling how he would put ringer trash in his bins and even throw dog poop in there, knowing the CO$ minions would still go through it.  He's definitely got their number.  And those PIs/trash diggers must be paid well, since Mike caught one on tape, putting the trash in his newish-looking Corvette.  

    agree with everything except the bolded...

    • Love 4
  2. 2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    I'm always struck when they show footage of Mike from before that he truly has crazy eyes.  It's hard to explain what I mean but when they cut from old footage to him sitting next to Leah his eyes look so different to me.  It's disturbing.  And, as you've all noted, kudos to him for facing up to what he's done in the past. 

    Yes! Not only that, but they look BROWN in the old footage!!!

    • Love 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Blindfox said:

    Those horrible, frou-frou women would have had kittens if they had had a big ugly sea slug in the middle of their dinner table. These are some of my least favorite kind of people: there is drama to be found in everything, and nothing ever lives up to expectations. Can you imagine the hysteria over a giant sea slug? Btw, I hope that hideous primary gets the life she deserves. Ross, I’ve lost all respect for you. No wonder you’re embarrassed Rylie posted those pictures of you together. If you’re ashamed of your girlfriend, that should tell you something.

    As for Tyler, there is nothing less sexy than a man who can’t handle his booze. Then he had the nerve to ask Rhylie for another random hook-up if they ever bump into each other again. Such class.

    Turns out Adrian isn’t a unicorn; he’s just a plain old horse with a horn taped to his head. What a dumb idea for the final night, and it wasn’t at all his job, anyway. Also, Mr. Whiny, you would have had plenty of time to prepare dinner if you hadn’t been so busy tormenting local sea life. I didn’t see a cake for that party, either. Finding the ugliest coral and sea animal took priority. He heard the term passive-aggressive somewhere and only has a vague concept of what it might mean. Adrian, passive-aggressive is not when a co-worker tries to have a mature, adult conversation with you. Passive-aggressive is more like walking off during that conversation, so that you know the other person has been effectively cut off by you. 

    This is the first year that I have unequivocally liked Kate. She put up with a lot, and only lost her cool once (and made a fool out of herself playing music outside Carolyn’s door, but I guess everyone has their breaking point). I loved her telling that worthless primary to go live her best life. She made this season worthwhile.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing this whole crew back next year. Even Rhylie if she can manage to calm down a little. Even Tyler. But definitely Josiah and Kate, and especially Captain Lee.

    I am bowing down.

    And seconding your first paragraph.

    • Love 9
  4. 2 hours ago, dosodog said:

    I agree, Katie is trying, but she has a long way to go.  A very long way to go.

    Twitter can be incredibly nasty and I really do think we missed out on a huge chunk of why there was so much anger and hurt and bitterness from everyone involved in Billiegate.

    Right now, Katie can't post anything without being dragged all over the place.  People defending James, call her fat, ugly, nasty, etc.  Tell her to get off the show, get a life. I wonder how bad it was in real time.  Because it's really nasty right now.

    A fellow poster came up with Herman because it sounded weird for us to call him Myman when he wasn't Ourman.

    I'm sad for myself that I understand this sentence.

    • Love 22
  5. 1 hour ago, DeeReynolds said:

    I think Sandoval's hat and stripped shirt outfit was part of his "Cuban" costume since they went to the cigar bar. I mean, if you don't dress to the occasion, did it really even happen?

    Oh my god, you are so right 🤣🤣🤣

    • Love 6
  6. 3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Honestly, 45 minutes is optimistic.  I have to go to MDR tomorrow and I don't have to go "South of SUR forever and ever" because I'm already down by the 10 and I'm giving myself an hour because traffic.  If I was going at a better time of day I might be able to do it in 30 minutes, but I'd give myself 45 -- and I wouldn't take the 10 to the 405 to the 90, because I don't hate myself.  La Cienega to the 90 is usually faster.  For reference, on Stassi's map I'm a smidge up and right of where Washington meets the 10 and I'm going to just below the D in Lincoln Blvd.  I could just take Washington all the way through, but that usually takes a year, but I might take it home so I can go to In-N-Out.  

    Maybe in the 80s or 90s.  I remember traffic not being as bad once upon a time, but now it's like everywhere in LA takes an hour.  There're so many people and everything is always under construction.

    I can't be bothered to do any checking on this, but based on how sweaty everyone was I'm assuming this was filmed in early July.  July was miserable last year. 

    James in his 70s wig was hilarious to me.  

    I loved when Lisa called to tell the Toms not to come that you can hear Katie say "but he flat ironed his hair" and that FI was sad because he'd already picked out his outfit.

    Lala was actually fairly mellow for Lala, Billie was the first to raise her voice and Billie was the one to chase after Lala yelling about her not being better than anyone.  Lala took it to 100 when Billie brought in MyMan, but she's right that no one wants to include Billie because she's shown her ass.  

    See also: Atlanta, So Fla, etc. I live 10 miles from where I work (purposefully, it’s the closest I could afford). Used to (5 years ago) take 20 minutes for a 6.30am commute & 25 for a 4.30pm commute. Now, the am commute is the same, but the evening commute is FUBAR. I leave at 4.10 & it takes 45 minutes to an hour. Waaaahhhhh. Fucking forget about going to see friends in other parts of Atlanta, unless it’s organized & planned like the invasion of Mars!

    How long ago was this Ariana/Lala sex? Damn it, I’m agreeing w Ariana at the bar fight w FI! That death glare was a thing of beauty! Stassi’s reaction: 💯 Stassi!!

    I laughed until I cried at the TT kissing photo & Sandoval’s subsequent tears.

    • Love 4
  7. 17 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    If Vanderpump Rules had any actual real interest in queer people, they'd give Billie (or another queer person) the A-plot of an episode to showcase what she's doing and let her share her story. Like many other trans women, she did have to turn to sex work to be able to afford her hormone treatments. It's only a weird bit of confluences brought Billie Lee into actress Leighton Meester's orbit. Billie became Leighton's hairstylist and makeup artist.  Leighton actually paid for Billie's reassignment surgery. But as it stands, this show only seems to be interested in queer people as window dressing and nothing more.

    Fascinating!! TYVM!!!

    • Love 4
  8. 9 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    Yeah, Nene doesn’t have to be on time for the other girls.


    Their Host/Guide in Japan asked them to be on time.  Show some respect.


    It is important to stay on schedule because the Host has prearranged all the activities. 


    Things that run on a prearranged tight schedule like buses and airplanes don’t wait for people that are 2 minutes late! 


    Who is Nene to make all of Tokyo wait for her????  


    Nene  needs to say I am sorry and be the first one on the bus the following day. 

    Never ever ever NEVER gonna happen.

    • Love 8
  9. 2 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    Have any of you ever read or seen something that hits you like a ton of bricks, leaving you so emotionally impacted that you struggle to find the words to express how you feel? Well, I feel that way every week after watching another installment of this show. Just when I think that the antics of the Co$ can't get any more outrageous and downright evil, Leah and Mike peel back yet another layer of that foul, rotten onion. I was totally ignorant of that organization's goal of taking over an entire town let alone all of the methods used to bully and terrorize anyone who got in their way.

    Please someone tell me how in the Hell they have not been successfully sued for libel? They were publicly putting out outright lies about the mayor and the police lieutenant.

    I have so much more to say but, as I I already said, I struggle to put into words my feelings of disgust and loathing for what is, IMHO, nothing more than an ongoing criminal enterprise no different from the Mafia, outlaw biker gangs or MS-13, albeit with even way less integrity than those groups.

    Since TCo$ openly engages in libel, slander, stalking, etc. and behind the scenes beatings, imprisonment--which is really kidnapping (hello Feds, are you even trying to pay attention?)--and scamming their members out of millions of dollars, is it too far fetched to wonder if some in their organization have actually killed people? I for one wouldn't be surprised.

    ME. This is ME every week too. My friend who watches this with me, all we can say at breaks or afterward is "damn" or "what the HELL?" or "WHAT????"

    • Love 8
  10. On 1/22/2019 at 9:44 AM, Cupid Stunt said:

    Brandon Truaxe, the controversial founder of the skin care company Deciem, has died

    "According to a report in Canada’s National Post, “it is understood he fell from a condominium building near Toronto’s downtown.” Riyadh Sweedan, a Deciem employee who also said he lived with Truaxe and had been his boyfriend, told the paper, “I don’t think he jumped. I think he fell.” A spokesperson for the Toronto Police Service would not confirm to Vox any information about the incident, beyond that they had been called to Truaxe’s neighborhood of the Distillery District and found no evidence of criminal activity."

    Holy crap. How sad. RIP.

    • Love 1
  11. 13 hours ago, queenjen said:

    Oh Scheana. Why does it not surprise me that you've been faking orgasms for the last decade? The way she told Lala this, that sex felt. .good..but she only had her first orgasm last year still left her looking like she could be talked out of it (like most of Scheana's interactions actually ). It wouldn't surprise me at all if Scheana hadn't experienced an orgasm at all. These girls are really sexless. They dress, talk and act the part but seem very removed from sensuality. I'm glad the topic comes up via Arianna next week. I mean, I get it, I cannot imagine Schwartz having much of a clue, Jax would go at whatever like a jackhammer and with visions of his own face in mind and Sandoval is probably out of luck and out of his depth with Arianna. Tho I'd bet Sandoval would commit to getting educated. These girls are all about 'girl power ' and 'pussy power ' - I'd like to see them sitting in a circle with mirrors, getting acquainted with their own anatomy and needs. We kind of leap from this generation to the Housewives and somewhere during this transition girls become women who talk about sex with their partners like old hands. It would truly be a boon for the 'pussy power' kids if these  girls could find a way to open up about getting acquainted with intimacy and learning to be a lover. Someone upthread said Hollywood is one of the most conformist places to live (with respect to Stassi's OOTD where you are supposed to show your individuality ). Scheana is the poster child for conformity in this group and the terror of being different outside of certain sanctioned limits. Faking orgasms in acting class and buying penis themed paraphernalia for bachelorette parties is the limit for sexual conformity. Faking orgasms for a decade is the price you pay to live in this world. It's just sad. 

    I can only add WORD to this entire post. TY.

    • Love 2
  12. On 1/19/2019 at 4:48 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

    After the show I was still laughing at Stassi saying she was an "erect" dick.  Like no reason to add the adjective but I thought it was so funny and so Stassi.  Her mom shaped who she is but Stassi still has a sense of humor. Her mom just comes across as shitty. 

    The cast looked fucking TERRIBLE the day after the birthday party.  They are going to look so haggard in 10 years. 

    Meh, I used to party like that, possibly harder. Drink lots of water, moisturize 🤣

    They can’t keep it up much longer tho.

    • Love 2
  13. On 1/19/2019 at 11:39 PM, ivygirl said:

    Maybe it’s because I’ve been cooped up inside all day, but dare I say it—even though the article reads like a PR piece, this looks like it was fun:

    Vanderpump Rules’ Brittany, Katie Celebrate Birthdays in Vegas: Pics

    The part I find the funniest is this:

    It sounds skeptical when they put it that way. The so-called “delicious” food at Ramsay’s joint. 

    Is Lala in sweat pants? Where are Tom & Boreiana?

    • LOL 1
  14. On 1/14/2019 at 6:34 AM, walnutqueen said:

    I assumed almost everyone had their own version of a Dirty John experience.  I was wrong.

    A very long time ago, in a Lifetime I barely recognize as my own,  a shrink told me she'd be bringing me flowers - either to my hospital room (with my jaw wired shut) or to my grave.  She then proceeded to conspire with me on an elaborate exit strategy, which cost me my financial future, but saved my life.

    It was long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.  But I still have a purse Ulu, car console hatchet, recliner machete, front door baseball bat, backdoor ball peen hammer and other weapons of (mass) destruction strewn about the house.

    Just in case.

    Holy shit @walnutqueen. So glad you got away. ETA: is your DJ still walking the earth?

    • Love 2
  15. 13 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    ...I think he thought Terra was most vulnerable. Veronica, Debra's son, and Debra's nephew were openly suspicious and antagonistic towards him. I think he knew that there was a decent chance that the guys might kill him if he attacked them. Veronica, while small, HATED him. She was going to go honey badger on him and there was a solid chance that she'd beat him off of her. If he attacked Debra, Veronica was never ever ever going to let it go and she was going to hunt him to the ends of the earth. I think he went after Terra because he thought she'd be docile and easy to subdue. I believe all of the Newells and the LA times writer think John was hoping to ransom Terra back to Debra...

    DAMN! Ransom her, but also kill her? Bc he dug that grave in the desert?!

    • Love 4
  16. 3 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    This really disgusted me also. I was in an abusive marriage. No, he didn’t hit me, but he choked me so hard he popped a blood vessel in my eye, shoved me so hard I had bruises on my back and when I finally moved out I found a gun between the mattresses on his side of the bed. So no, he didn’t hit me (only because I got out of there). When I fled out of the house he jumped on the hood of my car to keep me from leaving, but I kept going. I was getting out of there one way or another - either dead or alive, but I wasn’t staying.

    So technically I did something that could harm him in self defense.

    Mariah and Toya are assholes, especially Mariah. Your dislike of another person shouldnt lead you to defending the person who abused her. 

    Damn. Glad you got out. Hope you ran over him. J/k (not really tho). LOVED Quad’s cobalt eyeliner!

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