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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. I’m watching some marathon (well, I caught 2 episodes), & I have questions. Ashley, the non-crew gf of some english dude, she’s having major body makeover surgery” - honest Q: is she having gender reassignment surgery?

  2. On 8/2/2019 at 3:59 PM, smores said:

    I have lived in both the north and the south and southern manners are not all they are cracked up to be.  They are, for the most part, a very surface thing, something designed to be a point of pride for the person who "has" them.  In my experience, good manners in the "north" are more about functionality in living around other people, you learn to move about in and among other people in a way that doesn't intrude on others.  In a dr's office, you keep your voice down while sitting in a waiting room, you don't talk loudly in a restaurant, in a store, you try to keep your cart out of the way of others, say excuse me and if you are considering 2 items, you try to be sure you're not blocking things someone else might want to get while you are standing there.  

    In the south, on the other hand, manners tend to be more a function of "not noticing" other people's bad behavior.  It doesn't matter if you block the aisle at the grocery store, it's rude of the other person to notice.  If you are having a loud conversation in a dr's office waiting room, the other people eavesdropping are rude, not you for disturbing the room.  You wouldn't dream of noticing that someone was having a loud conversation, you'd sit there and read away, so therefore, you're the one with better manners.  

    This isn't to say that everyone in the south is like this and everyone in the north isn't.  But that's generally my experience.  It likely has a lot to do with cities and population, too, as you have to be more aware of how you interact with those around you when you are in a denser area.  

    But if you look at the way the whole weed dinner went down, it's a good example of it.  Shep and Austen were way over the line with their behavior.  Everyone else was sitting there uncomfortable, but no one was going to say, listen, I think you've had enough and it's time to stop.  They're all just uneasily pretending that it didn't happen.  The next morning, Shep is laughing his ass off at it and no one is like, you know, it was a bit much.  Shep has tried to kiss Chelsea, Austen won't confront him.  He called Madison white trash, Austen really won't confront him.  It's ridiculous.  We just saw footage last night of all of the women talking about how Shep has made them cry, yet when he acts up, none of them say anything, they all pretend it isn't happening.  


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  3. 10 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

    I generally have mixed feelings about the Personal Space box interviews (sometimes funny, while most of the time I start thinking about how some folks could really use a good facial scrub), but the one with Ricky Gervais... I was literally holding my stomach from laughing so hard. RG's utter discomfort was palpable through the screen and I could not stop cracking up.

    I’ve never seen Ricky speechless. It was hysterical!

    Maude Apatow’s nervousness was endearing. Perry Ferrell is god but his wife bores me. Now I understand Beatles’ fans 😑.

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  4. On 8/5/2018 at 4:33 PM, rippleintime17 said:

    Yeesh, imagine spending 30+ years in prison with your sister, for killing your sister, only to end up... killed by your sister. 

    Karma. Or... Kha-ma 😉

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  5. So, this series is set in a time period when I was in my 20s & a semi-professional club goer in south beach. Granted, the clubs I was at were playing the Smiths, Cure, etc (w the exception of Sunday night Disco Inferno at the Cameo!!). Point being, I never heard of Vogue'ing classes?! Was it a NYC thing??

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  6. 11 hours ago, jcbrown said:

    If they really wanted this story never to come to light, they should have had second thoughts about raising a herd of feral children in a patriarchal cult with throwback misogynist repressive beliefs about gender and sexuality and then maybe it would not have happened.

    WELP!!! 💯

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  7. Lawd. My dog died unexpectedly a year ago today, so I’ve been all in my feelings for a week, and then this episode?? Literal sobbing at the end. 😭😭😭

    Also, the crowds for the balls are incredible!

    ETA: if Billy Porter doesn’t get an Emmy for this episode, heads will roll!

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  8. On 6/27/2019 at 3:53 PM, Umbelina said:

    Oh I agree.  I'm in it for the duration of this season at least though.

    If my guess is correct, Switzerland/Canada are just playing Gilead for a peek inside their power structure, which I'm HOPING means that WE will get a peek as well, and/or that this means the "world" is united with wanting Gilead to end.

    If not, fuck them all to hell, in spite of the excellent acting and lovely camera work?  I'm done too.

    IF they manage to show us next episode that this was all a sham, and stop the cock teasing with Nick and actually begin to show us him spying (for the world, for what is left of the USA, for the UK, or hell, for anyone?)  I will stay in.

    I'm sick of coitus-interruptus with this show.  Show us the damn world reaction, show us the actual revolution, show us the USA side of things, or I'm out.

    Unlike some, I don't really care about the individual stories of handmaids/escapees/children at this point.  Those points have been made for long enough.  WE GET IT!  There was absolutely no need whatsoever in having the ridiculous rings in the mouths of handmaids, who obviously could not function that way.  Stupid shock value torture has been demonstrated enough, and that was frankly, utter nonsense, for reasons already mentioned.  Eating?  Pregnancy morning sickness?  Mouth health which can lead to major other health issues?  BULLSHIT, EXPLOITATIVE NONSENSE. 

    I'm thrilled we have such fine actors on this show, but I'm not here just for that.  I'm here, or have been here, for answers to the questions the book left out, a book I read decades ago when it was first published.

    I want to know what brings Gilead down, how long did it take, what was the world doing in the meantime, and yes, whether or not June

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    actually got out or was it only her tapes? 

    I'm OVER the people in Canada doing nothing to help Gilead, it's more bullshit, and completely unrealistic.  It is frankly, the only thing I actually care about.  While adjustment stories are nice and all, I, for at least one, am sick of absolutely no world interaction! 

    Why did Luke harangue the relatively powerless Canadian government?  He has the WORLD at his fingertips!  Why isn't he in contact with the USA?  Why isn't his plea for his wife and daughter all over TV in every country in the world?

    WHY isn't Moira telling or selling her story?  SEX SELLS.  She was a SEX slave in pious Gilead for God's sake!  She could have all the press she wanted to help expose Gilead and rally support for the US resisters and for the trapped handmaids and children.  Oprah would be on that in an instant!  It's utter nonsense that the writers have avoided the entire topic of the "world" reaction, and now to bring in "Swiss negotiators" to send a girl child back to this hell?

    It ONLY makes sense if the Swiss are simply operating a spy mission to "get a peek inside the power structure" of Gilead, for a proposed attack or assassinations or for the best ways to support the rebels?  Because sanctions already exist.  If they are honestly playing that the Swiss and Canadians are even considering sending Holly back (which I honestly doubt, but then again I've lost most of my trust in these writers/showrunner.) then oh hell no, I'm done too.

    I see this as endless delaying to keep the show running.  They don't WANT to address how the system works (too hard, more closeups on all the actors instead, more horror, more bait and switch) let alone on the world reaction (I doubt they have a clue, and it shows.)

    OK, rant over, for now.

    It's not about the actors, it's about the story.  They don't have one, and it shows.  Well, they can do all the personal relationships stuff, but I DO NOT CARE if they aren't addressing the entire reason I was looking forward to this show.



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  9. On 6/26/2019 at 10:13 PM, ParadoxLost said:

    Cameron needs to stop making excuses for Shep.  Its not ok that Shep is an elitist asshole to everyone around him because he might be angry about something deep down inside.

    I don't care about how he is feeling deep down inside.  I care that he is a lazy asshole that thinks he's superior to everyone around him because his parents had money and couldn't figure out how to raise him to be a decent human being.

    Also, I noticed this episode that he laughs like either Beavus or Butthead.

    Every time he talks about naming his dog Craig it makes me think he's going to abuse it.

    My friend was in a HORRIBLE boating accident Memorial Day. Ever since then, I've been putting together a list of people who needs their asses kicked by me. If Shep abuses that dog, he will move up to #2 (right after the drunk guy driving the boat my friend was in).

    On 6/26/2019 at 10:49 PM, Hockey Addict said:

    Dani also was sitting with Cam and her friend last season and acted surprised to find out that alcohol could get into breast milk. 

    The RV trip was boring. Disappointed in this episode.

    Abstinence-only ed? No idea on how the human body works; even your own???

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  10. 3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Yes, she is transgender, and a tight tuck is undetectable from most angles.

    Do you think the people at W&W know that she's transgender?

  11. On 6/22/2019 at 9:09 PM, RealReality said:

    It's hard, I love this show for exposing me to a world that is fabulous and fashionable and has campy villains and fun shade throwing.  I also love this show for the more serious undertones.  Angel island and the various casket scenes have been sad....watching pray tells ex boyfriend (costa?) And the former dance student suffer the indignities of the disease was hard enough. 

    I'm not sure if I could handle watching pray tell or Blanca go through that, and not get better.

    Question - if going from HIV to AIDS is based mostly on lab results can a person ever go back if they have aggressive treatment?  Can you never get your t-cell count up enough to qualify as having HIV instead of AIDS?

    I don't know if this has changed, but used to be once you had an AIDS dx, it was permanent. The positive side of that is that a person qualifies for disability & other resources. You can certainly get those T cells back up nowadays so that your health is better.

    USCF info: https://www.ucsfhealth.org/conditions/aids/diagnosis.html

    Mayo clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hiv-aids/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20373531

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  12. On 11/26/2016 at 2:32 PM, Trace said:

    Don't judge me, but if the mac and cheese had not spilled out all over the place (it seemed she had the tin foil on pretty tightly)?  I would have taken it out and eat it.

    Ok George Costanza! 🤣

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