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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 4/22/2019 at 8:48 AM, DrSparkles said:

    So, I'm guessing next week (8.3) is the big battle w white walkers, etc. That leaves 3 more episodes, at least one of which will deal with Cersei? And then do we think that the finale will end with a battle or with what/how everyone is doing??

    I copied this list from another thread to make it easier 🙂  I have NOT read the books nor am I spoiled in any way!!! These are my guesses; (3) = dies next week/epi 3:

    Jon Snow: Dead
    Sansa Stark: Alive
    Arya Stark: Alive
    Bran Stark: dead (3)— nope
    Ghost & Nymeria: alive

    Cersei Lannister: Dead
    Jaime Lannister: Dead
    Tyrion Lannister: alive

    Daenerys Targaryen: Dead
    Missandie: Alive
    Grey Worm: Dead
    Drogon: Dead (again) (3) yep
    Viserion (gold): Dead  
    Rhaegal (green): Dead

    Yara Greyjoy: dead
    Theon Greyjoy: Dead (3) yep
    Euron Greyjoy: Dead

    Brienne of Tarth: Alive
    Podrick Payne: Dead
    Davos Seaworh: Alive 
    Melisandre: (red witch?) dead (3) yep
    Tormund Gigantsbane: Dead

    The hound & brother: Dead

    Samwell Tarly: Alive
    Gilly: Alive
    Baby Sam: Alive

    Varys: dead
    Qyburn: Dead

    Edmund Tully: Dead

    Dolorous Edd: Alive
    Bronn: Dead
    Jorah Mormont: Dead
    Daario Naharis: Dead
    Gendry: Alive
    Hot Pie: Alive

    The white walkers: Dead (3) yep
    The wall: gone
    The iron throne: Sansa & Tyrion

    We’ll see how I do in the next battle!

    • Love 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Conan Troutman said:

    I just don't see how he could be even harder to bring down and he needs to have one weakness. I can't imagine there's going to be three episodes worth of fighting Cersei either. We'll get one transitional episode next week, one battle episode where Cersei goes down and then one hour of hugging (and boy are we going to need that). 


  3. 20 hours ago, millennium said:

    I missed the first few seasons so I don't know much about Wendy Pepper except that, according to Wikipedia, she subsequently appeared on many reality-type shows and is dead.

    Seasons 1 & 2 were some incredible tv in terms of talent. Except! Can you IMAGINE Santino’s half-ass raggedy shite standing up to the up close examination ?!?? 😅😅😅😅😅

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  4. 23 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

    I have a feeling that Hester isn't in this to become a working designer.  She doesn't have the imagination or the chops.  Now that I've seen Tom Ford sent models in pasties down the catwalk, my spidey sense is on red alert. 

    I think that Hester is in this to become a 'personality' either on television or social media.  She's looking for a career in being 'kooky' and different. 

    Hester's problem is that her idea of what's 'different' is suburban.  There's nothing new about her look; it's come and gone several time in the last few decades.  All those hats and outfits reminds me of the late 70s and early 80s.  Toni Basil, Cindy Lauper, it's all been done before! 

    The idea of Hester having the discipline and the ability to put together a line for fashion week makes me laugh.  When would she have time to work on a line when she spends so much time putting together her own outfits every day?


    • Love 6
  5. On 4/16/2019 at 4:28 PM, nexxie said:

    The preview of Jax telling Brittany’s dad and other relatives that he’s always going to look out for #1 (himself) first was chilling - Brittany’s dad must be terrified for her cuz Jax seems unstable, as well as selfish.

    The BIL w the big eyes was awesome. His reactions were all of us!

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, DarkRaichu said:

    In the other thread I speculated that Arya, Cersei and HotPie were the only ones survive with Arya taking care of Jon and Danny's daughter.

    I am changing part of it.  The 3 still survive BUT Arya is taking care of her OWN child who has the rightful claim to the Iron Throne.

    Which other thread?! TY 🙂

  7. 12 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

    Rhaegar may not be a rapist, but he's still a jerk for annulling his marriage and bastardizing his children by Elia Martell

    By the way, how you get a unilateral annulment, i.e., without notifying your spouse, and what were the grounds?

    Well, I'll be damned. I never put it together that Elia Martell (wife of Rhaegar) was the sister that Oberyn was so distraught about dying. TY!!!!!!

    • Love 10
  8. 2 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

    I have been thinking this since 9:59 last night. I am mentally preparing myself that we will futz around KL and the Iron Islands for the entire episode next week. 

    Not that likely, but frustratingly possible

    I worry about this too, but didn't the previews show a battle?

  9. On 3/15/2019 at 3:28 PM, OoohMaggie said:

    S8 showtimes, it’s such a mixed blessing, I want it to come so much but knowing it’s the last of ‘the original’ is pretty devastating.

    Season 8, episode 1
    Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 14 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 0:54

    Season 8, episode 2
    Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 21 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 0:58

    Season 8, episode 3
    Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 28 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 1:22

    Season 8, episode 4
    Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 5 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 1:18

    Season 8, episode 5
    Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 12 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 1:20

    Season 8, episode 6
    Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 19 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
    Estimated running time: 1:20



    So, I'm guessing next week (8.3) is the big battle w white walkers, etc. That leaves 3 more episodes, at least one of which will deal with Cersei? And then do we think that the finale will end with a battle or with what/how everyone is doing??

    I copied this list from another thread to make it easier 🙂  I have NOT read the books nor am I spoiled in any way!!! These are my guesses; (3) = dies next week/epi 3:

    Jon Snow: Dead
    Sansa Stark: Alive
    Arya Stark: Alive
    Bran Stark: dead (3)
    Ghost & Nymeria: alive

    Cersei Lannister: Dead
    Jaime Lannister: Dead
    Tyrion Lannister: alive

    Daenerys Targaryen: Dead
    Missandie: Alive
    Grey Worm: Dead
    Drogon: Dead (again) (3)
    Viserion (gold): Dead
    Rhaegal (green): Dead

    Yara Greyjoy: dead
    Theon Greyjoy: Dead (3)
    Euron Greyjoy: Dead

    Brienne of Tarth: Alive
    Podrick Payne: Dead
    Davos Seaworh: Alive 
    Melisandre: (red witch?) dead (3)
    Tormund Gigantsbane: Dead

    The hound & brother: Dead

    Samwell Tarly: Alive
    Gilly: Alive
    Baby Sam: Alive

    Varys: dead
    Qyburn: Dead

    Edmund Tully: Dead

    Dolorous Edd: Alive
    Bronn: Dead
    Jorah Mormont: Dead
    Daario Naharis: Dead
    Gendry: Alive
    Hot Pie: Alive

    The white walkers: Dead (3)
    The wall: gone
    The iron throne: Sansa & Tyrion

    • Love 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Traveller519 said:


    I LOVE that Brienne has gone from the reviled daughter of a Lord who was subject to outright bullying from her male peers and unintentional bullying from her own father, to a respected member of the seven Kingdoms. Holding the utmost respect not only the like of the Stark women, but three very different men for very different reasons, only one of which is truly sexual (though his respect is of her total offering). She has the acceptance she always craved but could never admit to.

    YES!!!!!!!! I cried big tears!

    • Love 6
  11. 8 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    It makes me ragey because I'm currently watching one about a little white girl who went missing and the town, the cops, everyone was moving heaven and earth to find who took her (eventually killed her). I feel like these kids didn't get that and it makes me sad. 

    Hell no they didn't. The grief of the families almost 40 years later is gutting me.

  12. On 3/31/2018 at 3:47 AM, vb68 said:

    There's gotta be a Guest Actor Emmy nomination right there. That was sheer perfection. 

    I also appreciated having a straight up humorous episode. It was a nice change of pace.

    I used to go to a salon called Shear Perfection 🤣

    I’ve been going to the same stylist for 30 years & he will occasionally pull a Bibby on me, but what can you do?!

    • Love 1
  13. Sorry, they all missed an obvious opportunity to be LEGEND!!! As Venny was describing his thing, all I could think was “((I’m not) Captain Save-a-ho!”

    • LOL 4
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  14. On 4/12/2019 at 12:34 PM, meep.meep said:

    Interesting that Mimi, the shivering model from last week, was complaining about being cold when Garo was taking the pictures.  Maybe she is just always cold.

    I noticed this too, I wonder if something is going to come of it? 

  15. On 4/12/2019 at 12:02 AM, mightysparrow said:

    Dapper Dan is one of the most influential designers alive.  He combined designer and hip-hop fashion and is STILL being copied. 

    If you don't know Dapper Dan, you don't know fashion.

    I didn’t know him either,  & the argument could probably be made that I don’t know fashion. But seeing how excited the designers that knew him were, I realized what a big deal he was immediately. 

    • Love 4
  16. 21 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Last year was the 30th anniversary of the white party (dinner) in Paris, France. 

    No, not that. 🙂  This is where I went to my first white party, many 🌙 s  ago


    3 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

    I’m really not opposed to a puppy shower, per se, but I do agree with Stassi that Raquel doesn’t quite get what “shower” means- since she and James have had their dog for awhile. Besides James sucking, Raquel needs to learn how to brand her parties a bit better.

    I have a friend who, like me, doesn’t plan to have kids. She’s in a long-term partnership, but she also doesn’t plan to have a wedding. A few years ago she texted me because she and her partner were approved by a rescue to adopt their first dog. I texted her back: “You’re expecting!” Unfortunately, she and I live thousands of miles away from each other now, but I told her if I lived closer I would host a doggie shower for her (we’ve both been to a lot of baby and wedding showers and bought a lot of gifts) and have everyone show up with presents for her future dog.


    I identified so hard with this episode!

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  17. 17 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

    I'm pretty sure Stassi only thought it was a dumb idea because it came from James and Raquel. If Stassi had thought of it first then it would be the best most fun idea ever.

    Especially if you've been to a bunch of baby showers! Turnabout is fair play.

    This reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Elaine described a date "We went to a restaurant. I had the lobster bisque. Yada, yada, yada. He never called." (where she yada's out the sex.) Then Seinfeld says "You yada'd the best part!" And Elaine replies "I mentioned the bisque." 


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  18. 14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Imagine having Jax think you’re vapid and stupid and it’s true!

    My god, this is tragic.

    ETA:  One of the things I really like about their beach trips is that most of the time the girls don’t have their make up spackled on and you can see how pretty they all are without it. Also, white parties pre-date Puffy... 😑

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  19. 15 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

    Oh and I’ve hosted two puppy showers, one for my aunt and one at work for a good friend. Both were way, way more fun than any baby shower I’ve been to - because there was a puppy there!

    As a 55 yo single woman w no kids who has rescued 12 pets over my adult life, all but one being a puppy or kitten, I am mad at myself for not having numerous critter showers!!!!

    15 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

    When LvP was getting after Lala about wearing stripper clothes to host. I realized that I couldn't remember when they stopped wearing the season 1 handkerchiefs that tried to pass as dresses. 

    WORD!!!! The whole tootie & boobs showing too!

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