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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 3/11/2019 at 2:00 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I'm not sure if Dorinda is still doing something, but, I've heard the term "angry or sober drunk, before.  It's supposed to apply to alcoholics who are sober, but, they are not in treatment or AA and are not dealing with their issues. This can make them anger and hard to deal with, even though, they are no longer drinking.  I've also heard the term "white knuckling it," meaning the person is sober, but, are not dealing well/not addressing issues and are hanging on the sobriety by the skin of their teeth.  

    See: George W Bush

    • LOL 1
  2. 10 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

    I FF thru most of the Dungeon show stuff so didn’t take me long to watch the episode. Just not my thing. Also, I think that reception dress was unflattering on top.

    At first I was verklempt bc I didn't hear about it at the time (as if my ass would be out after dark). But as the show went on...TYBJ. The crowd seemed to enjoy it tho, so... MMV!!!

    • Love 4
  3. On 3/7/2019 at 4:46 PM, chitowngirl said:

    They are only showing part 2 of the finale. 😡

    Thank you! I’ve been cursing my DVR for days! What also strikes me is how many of these people have died 😢 

    The first few seasons of this show were THE  BEST. it’s also amazing IMO, how damn talented Christian was. 

    • Love 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    I just watched Devil's Bathtub. It was shocking but ultimately really unsatisfying because I feel there must have been so many more layers to the story that we never got. Why would a well off mother of 7 children suddenly decide to divorce her husband and then kill him over custody? What happened to her new boyfriends first wife? Is he really innocent? Why on earth would her son help in the murder? We're just left with giant question marks.

    Right?! She did it & new bf killed his wife!!!

    I understand divorce bc people fall out of love. The murder is re: wanting to move to NC.

    i think the mom maybe lied to the sons that maybe the dad abused her? Was the a life ins policy???

    She’s clearly a sociopath.

    • Love 7
  5. 13 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    It’s all about the spin off apparently.....she did do the same thing with Brandi .... she used the show to purposely put Brandi and whoever that waitress working for her  was together just to fight. And look poof Vanderpump spin-offs show gets free publicity during its first season to boost ratings  ....now puppygate and the Johns are suddenly maybe getting a spin-off after Lisa tells John to tell Teddi about dorit in hopes of you guessed it show drama at vanderpimp dogs. to purposely manufacture drama just to get interest in a spin-off is kinda fucked if it’s true I mean claiming these girls are your friends then throwing them under the bus to show bravo if there is enough interest to give you another show is low and adds a really fucked up layer to Lisa V that was hidden .... 


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  6. 13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I thought the same about that fuzzy, pink phone case....what was that?  If someone gave me one like that, I would have thought it was a gag gift. 

    Well, I gagged.

    I am loving Denise Richards; I feel like her time w Charlie led to some real growth & maturity.

    ETA: Note to self: evidently LVP is above reproach.

    • LOL 3
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  7. 12 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Danielle has slept with Carl. I find Danielle to be unappealing, along with tennis girl, Hanna. Lindsey is mean girl trash, in my opinion. The new girl, Paige, is cute. But, I wonder how many of these chics will hook up with Carl? Gag. Probably all of them. And I have seen in previews that we will be treated to an appearance by Carl's mother again. Why in the world would she want to be on this show? The new anorexic looking guy. I was sure he would be looking for a boyfriend. I  was surprised to hear he is interested in women. Just my take on him.


    • Love 7
  8. 12 hours ago, KLJ said:

    Can't stand Lindsay. But will still take her over any Wirkus twin.

    Danielle seems completely different than last year, meaning much more bitchy. Trying to guarantee a spot for next summer? Unless she always was but I couldn't tell because of the Wirkus twins and their annoying ways.

    About 45 minutes in, I realized & said TY black jesus, no twin!!

    these are some boring, predictable drunks.

    • Love 4
  9. Oh Ariana, you’re so special. “What you just said to me is so progressive.”


    I did find it interesting and all of their Talking Heads about the reptilial brain, that at least these people are listening and understanding and processing what that woman said. Other shows they would just deny they had a problem and that anything apply to them. Looking at you Atlanta housewives.

    ETA: I’m sorry, I love Stassi.

    • Love 7
  10. 17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    What don't I know about Decatur? Is it bougie, upper class, or in the hood or way out in timbuktoo? Some of you Atlanta folks fill me in cause they sure were making a big deal about Decatur at the party. 

    I live around the way from Decatur, been here for 13 looooooong years.

    IMO, people in Decatur think it’s the most special special that’s ever specialed. It’s inside of 285 & some areas are super pricey. There are also some iffy areas as well. There are some great restaurants but it’s not all that AFAIC.

    • Love 5
  11. 13 hours ago, sATL said:

    from ( link ) ...

    " Dr. Contessa's arrival shifts the balance of the regular cast to four actual doctors and two wives of doctors.. She already knew Dr. Simone and Toya Bush-Harris before joining the show. Randomly, her son and Toya's son met at a park and became friends. "


    I don't think Simone knew Dr. Britten background... some people you just don't mess with as you never know when they will reach deep/back and open up that can of whoop-ass with or without cuss-out. Kinda like Tina Campbell from Mary Mary and NeNe Leaks from RHOA.  Sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut, stay out of their way, only speak when spoken to, and pick very carefully your battles.

    Dr. Britten ,  raised in the Englewood neighborhood of s. Chicago ( Englewood consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city ( link2) ) , saw her mom work hard at 2 jobs, had ignorant folks making fun of skin-tone her as a child, follower of Tupac/Biggie, as a young woman served (IE had firearms/martial arts training) in a combat zone/war treating soldiers who were blown up from IEDs, and  got on a x-way in a jeep with no doors and Simone makes a unnecessary ugly comment in her home? I personally would have been kissing the ground and would have been happy to sit anywhere she told me to.  

    Then later Simone has the nerve to dis her healthy breakfast meal.. 

    Dr. Britten - your a better woman than I would have been.

    Actually the same is true for Dr. Imani -wrong one to mess with.. I can't believe someone tried to rub her head....

    Word to everything you said about Dr Britten & hell no re: touching Dr Imani’s head! Lucky they didn’t draw back a bloody stump!

    • Love 1
  12. On 2/25/2019 at 10:07 PM, ghoulina said:

    Can I just take a shallow moment to remark on how BAD Scheana's hair is? I mean, it's really bad. There's just no excuse for that. If they're extensions, toss 'em out and start over!

    This episode was pretty heavy. Kristen and Carter are clearly unhappy. But he's taken care of; and she's afraid of being alone. They need to just cut their losses and move on. Stassi's pep talk was really sweet. It isn't going to be a fairy tale every day. But it shouldn't be a nightmare either. 

    Then there's Lala's stuff. I actually started crying when she was talking about her Dad. I think Lala is pretty awful a lot of the time, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's so sad.

    And Rand. The bloom is off the rose. He not only broke their pact, but he then tried to blame it on her. Dude sounds like a real douche. Oh well, when you date for money....you earn every penny!

    I felt a rush of relief when the mixologist approved of the Toms' drinks. I know they aren't college trained or anything,but they're not compete noobs either. They put a lot of thought and effort into that menu. I'm glad they got the payoff.

    Oy, I cringed when Lala was talking about her one skill. UGH. Sad IMO.

    Kristen is also sad. Why is it so tragic (for these people) to be single???

    Lisa V is letting her meanness shine & I'm glad. She is a mean, horrible woman.

    • Love 6
  13. On 2/4/2019 at 2:27 PM, Rlb8031 said:

    I kept saying to myself "it was a different time...it was a different time", but I'm still not understanding how those parents found themselves that enmeshed with a psychopath. Clearly they had a host of other issues and some pretty big tells that caused him to identify and exploit them. It was especially difficult to understand when they disclosed that at least two other families had identified that there was something strange going on with their daughters and took the issue to the church elders. Not clear why no one in the church pulled the dad to the side to say "keep your kids away from that dude". 

    Also, I'm going to side eye whomever it was in Mexico that married the two of them - she was TWELVE!!!

    And then the fact that he basically had sex with more than half of the family? It just kept getting weirder and weirder...

    It was 1974! Not 1774.

    She’s about my age & if the first HINT of this bullshit had happened w me, my dad would have killed him w his bare hands. Her fucking parents!!!

    also, I just read Educated & I’m realllllly giving Idaho a side eye right now.

    • Love 16
  14. 13 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

    Things that made me laugh at the grand opening: 

    • The Toms touching all their body parts with jalapeño juice on their hands.
    • Schwatz scrubbing the toilets and opining thatthat will be his main job - to which I was nodding my head in agreement
    • The Toms in their matching purple suits with orange shoes (truly the pan down to their shoes as they strutted out made me laugh out loud)
    • Schwartz on quest to find aquafava (like wth?) and then on the floor in the kitchen opening cans of chickpeas and reassuring everyone (who didn’t seem to care one whit) that he’d brought more aquafava and all is well
    • James sitting on toilet paper in a closet with occasional breaks to fix the fan and wave his hands in the window while all below completely ignored him
    • That the sign on the outside lit in neon, looks like the name of the restaurant is TT.

    There are probably a few others that I’m forgetting.

    Oh and on another note: Who’s going to tell Billie that she’s not been invited on Lala’s GIRLS TRIP? 

    Those matching alphets, I DIED. They almost held hands walking in!!

    Lisa is a stone cold bitch.

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