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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 10/27/2016 at 5:01 PM, riverheightsnancy said:

    Great episode. Blue continues to be the cutest cutey ever. I think that Darla should be given a chance. It does seem like she is turning things around and she does appear to love Blue. I though Charley was really pig-headed when she overruled the men about keeping the workers. I mean come on, it could be dangerous.  Send the workers home. What would she be feeling if she let them out late and one of them died in the storm trying to get home? These are low paid workers, sometimes you have to look at the big picture. 

    This REALLY pissed me off. Send. The. Workers. HOME!!!

    • Love 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

    I took the original comment to be a joke about some guests from a previous charter (not sure if it was BD or BDM) where the guest said that chicken was unacceptable and low class food.

    Oh that's right! I remember now 😉  I wasn't butt hurt tho  😉  In fact, I can be a snob when I need/want to.

    • LOL 5
  3. It took me a minute, but I noticed Maxine Shaw, Esq., too! Weeeeee! I love her.

    I agree that the woman is his mistress (of course, I’m a few years behind on this show! 🤣).

    Mother Jones has done some incredible reporting recently about the shitty for-profit prison industry & some of it focused on LA.

    ETA: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/06/cca-private-prisons-corrections-corporation-inmates-investigation-bauer/?sfns=mo

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  4. On 6/12/2019 at 12:43 AM, lucindabelle said:


    re mom and the reading and the walking partner: come ON show. Gilead is only a few years old. Every adult in the world grew up in in time before Gilead. There’s no way those men could possibly believe June has forgotten how to read, what was the point of that? Serena having a mother who is all in on Gilead  only makes sense if this show takes place about 70 years from now.  the thing with the walking partner. Even if she’s young, she went to high school and everything else in the world before Gilead. We know Gilead can’t have gone on that long because her daughter still a child.


    THANK  YOU!! I don’t get it?!

    Also, can someone remind me what happened to Serena’s finger(s)?

    • Love 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, jmcd44 said:

    I was annoyed during the gossip scenes last night but not because people were gossiping.  I would be at the front of the line.  But that they didn't know the full story.  It wasn't just that she didn't want to see two men kiss (and I hate PDA but pecks, holding hands, and the like don't bother me for anyone to anyone), but that she compared it to bestiality and then praised a government oppressing people for who they are.  What if her precious Putin had outlawed women working?  Or leaving Russia?  (We wouldn't have her train wreck so...that is actually nice)  She's a hateful shit of a person.  And if I'm going to smack talk and gossip (and I am going to), I need the full list of reasons to dislike you.  I don't even feel bad because she sucks and her "Oh but I have a gay friend..."  I've seen your hair Mila-he's not your friend.

    Also I now love Travis.  I might have to cheat on my BD boyfriend Ashton with him.

    PREACH!!! I also agree w another poster, I do NOT tolerate this bullshit at all. 

    ETA: “crab salad, no claws!” {dead}

    • Love 9
  6. On 9/16/2016 at 10:47 AM, Clanstarling said:

    This is what I've been loving about the show - this feeling that much of what we see is based on old grudges and arguments. The sense of family history. I don't know that I've seen any show that seemed as richly drawn by the second episode. There are still questions, but it all feels very genuine.

    I wouldn't necessarily retract that. I've never received food when I was bereaved (mother, father, sister, brother), even when I was part of a congregation. When my mother died and we held the funeral at the church, the church ladies did indeed put on a little bit of a feed - and then billed me. If I'd known  (which was not mentioned during the arrangements), I would have made my own food - and some of my mother's recipes. Clearly I picked the wrong congregations.

    Shut up! I am agnostic but my fam is southern baptist. I think I have several aunties rolling in their graves right now at the thought of a BILL  FOR  CHURCH  FOOD!

    • Love 1
  7. All of the people that died from AIDS in the late 80s were probably infected ~10 years earlier. At the time, the progression from dx to death was/seemed fast bc people were diagnosed late. In South FL, the same thing happened re: collecting meds from the recently deceased.

    Damn, I wish I still had my ACT UP tee shirt! I love Sandra B, I think she’s perfect for this role. Hart Island gutted me, god damn. What I also talk about is, think about how different this country might be if we hadn’t lost so many artists & other creative people. Tragedy.

    what building was the model casting call supposed to be? Library? Also, Kaposi’s sarcoma, you bitch. That protest is what we need to be doing NOW. That photographer was a cunt & they had way too much makeup on Angel. Her session was FIERCE!

    Billy Porter w Colbert was EVERYTHING! 

    • Love 7
  8. On 7/9/2018 at 6:31 PM, Red Bridey said:

    Why do I put myself through this every week?  I am just a regular woman who lived through the AIDS years.  I lost four people I knew, young beautiful men and I just cry and cry and cry remembering them and missing them.

    Girl, same.

    • Love 1
  9. 2 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    As a huge fan of the book, I'm not at all happy with how this season is unfurling. As most of my comments about this episode, and indeed about the season itself, are very book spoiler-y, I've taken my post to the "Big Little Book Talk" thread. 

    While I'm not thrilled with the introduction of the character, I do think that Meryl Streep is doing a great job as the antagonist though.

    IMO, Madeline is thoroughly unlikeable, but I don't believe it's too much of a stretch for Reese Witherspoon to play such a character.

    I have believed since the movie came out, thar Reese is 💯 her character in Election.

     How is Celeste splitting up Perry’s  money without the mama or anyone else knowing? 

    • LOL 1
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  10. On 6/4/2019 at 11:28 PM, ParadoxLost said:

    Same.  Because its owed to the State.  I could see how to get there with Federal pretty fast,  But how did he end up owing the state 80K especially if this was before owning a house.  He must be withholding practically nothing for multiple years or he makes more than I would have guessed.

    I'm guessing on the stuff he inherited? 

    • Love 2
  11. On 6/17/2018 at 10:52 PM, SimoneS said:

    The acting was better this episode although the standards are low. Nice to get more Pray Tell. I like how they portrayed the neglect at the hospital. It was realistic. It is too easy to forget how people with AIDS/HIV were treated in the early days when so many people including medical personnel thought the disease was contagious. 

    The christmas exchange was sweet. It is nice to see how Blanca has formed this family full of love and generosity. Ricky really seems moved to be a part of Blanca's family, let's see how long that lasts.

    I loved Elektra and her girls stealing the kettle full of money. I was rolling, very slick. Of course, she takes all the money and uses it for her surgery. Can't say I blame her, but she should have been honest with her children.

    AIDS in  the 80s & early 90s was hell. Damn Reagan to hell.

  12. On 6/17/2018 at 12:40 AM, TrininisaScorp said:

    Man, I'm INTO this show.  Love the setting, era, subculture, and people.

    Simple things we take for granted like cell phones, have an such an impact.

    Blanca and Angel are my favorites.  From moment one, I found both compelling.

    As usual with Ryan Murphy period shows, the music is ON. POINT.  Love it!

    Blanca having her mother-son "talk" with sweet Damon was lovely to watch.  Damon isn't the strongest actor, but he certainly has a natural vulnerability.  I just want to hug him, keep him safe, and feed him good meals.

    Ricky is super cute, but I'm a little concerned for inexperienced, innocent Damon.

    Since we are aware of Blanca's diagnosis, I wonder what she's doing (if anything for treatment).  I don't recall AZT and the like being available until the 90s, so what treatments (if any) are available to trans woman without health insurance in the late 80s.  I worry about Blanca.  Her treatment at Boy Lounge made my blood boil and it is a great reminder of the lesson that people like to have someone to look down on. 

    I adore Evan Peters from all his turns on AHS, and this is no different.  He's a creepy dick, and the continued juxtaposition of his kindness (the conversation with Angel about being a real woman was well done) and his utter dick-ishness (being jealous of other men watching Angel, living a double life, being fucking creepy) makes for good tv.  He had better not hurt Angel.  It occurred to me this episode that I'm probably just a little bit older than Stan's oldest child.  That's weird. LOL. 

    The character painted with the broadest stroke is James Vander Beek's.  The guy is a Wolf of Wall Street, Donald Trump wannabe with all the garish me me me 80s excess to go with it.  I think that caricature is quick purposeful, and James is doing well with it.

    AZT has been around since the late 80s, but it was used in much higher doses then, with awful side-effects.

  13. I finally found this on netflix!! The 80s...

    such great music (alternative, not pop, imo). Such greedy assholes tho. Fuck Reagan. I have so many friends that got the dx & died during this time 😓

    • Love 1
  14. 14 hours ago, Violet Penner said:


    I had seen this story in my twitter feed before I watched the episode this evening so I was on the lookout. I rewound and played in slow mo. She. Licked. A. Steak. 

    With her tongue. After being sick. I cannot. 


    So, after reading earlier posts, I thought it looked like she kissed it, which could be some weird chef thing... No. LICKED?!?!? Sweet satan.

    • Love 9
  15. 10 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

    I agree with all of this. I get why they did the dog thing because the world is full of dog lovers and this would have a monumental effect. But for me, the big story was the human robots and the horror of facing that gaping exploded reactor. That 90 second scene was intense, but it was somehow overshadowed in this post-apocalyptic episode.

    Not for me & Im a huge animal lover/rescuer. I’m rewatching epi 1 after listening to the 4 podcasts (so far) & IMO head of the plant guy KNEW what had happened as soon as he walked down that hallway w the broken windows & saw the GRAPHITE.

    Podcasts are incredible!!!

    • Useful 1
  16. On 5/26/2019 at 4:51 PM, One Imaginary Girl said:

    The tweets of @SlavaMalamud are a good accompaniment to watching Chernobyl. He grew up in the USSR in the '80s and is astounded about the details that the series gets right.

    YES! Fascinating!!

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  17. I’m So glad I finally found this thread! This show is freaking me out!!!

    When they emptied out Pripyt (?), I’m thinking those people never came back? So their one suitcase is all they had.

    no way in hell did those guys that went in survive, no way.

  18. On 5/3/2019 at 11:30 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

    Yeah, All the Young Dudes seemed random, but I love the song, so I just went with it. I noticed Little Steven up there and realized that they never showed us the singles that were inducted this year. Last year was the first year that they inducted singles that "changed rock history" (done by groups that have not gotten into the HOF, like Louie Louie) and Steven Van Zandt inducted them. Seeing him up there for All the Young Dudes makes me think that he once again inducted the singles, but they cut it from the final edit. I read that the actual ceremony was five hours long, and they had to cut it to two hours for HBO. 

    Maybe there was something cut from the final broadcast that explained Ian Hunter being there, and the connection with the song? Sounded good, though.

    Question: Stevie Nick's hair. Real thing, or extensions? And I saw that Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and I THINK I saw Christine McVie in the audience. Lindsey Buckingham was noticeably absent. The one person from FM who is most closely associated with Nicks, and he didn't show? I know he left the group in a snit last year, and Mike Campbell from Tom Petty's surviving band, the Heartbreakers, replaced him on the most recent tour. He must still be pissed. 

    I for one would watch all 5 hours.

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