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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 8/26/2019 at 9:54 PM, Pop Tart said:

    That was my first thought as well but then I thought about how much some senators and representatives are willing to allow from Trump because of what they’re getting in return. Geri and Frank and the others in Logan’s circle have unimaginable levels of power over many, many other people’s lives and they are probably millionaires themselves because of their proximity to the top of Waystar. So that’s the trade off they’re willing to make, taking Logan’s abuse in exchange for massive power and wealth for themselves.

    That’s the bargain that every one in that room made.

    Yes. But I can tell you, there isn’t enough money or power in the world for me to abandon my morals & beliefs. 

  2. On 8/19/2019 at 11:09 PM, ProudMary said:

    I was very surprised that Shiv quit/pushed Gil to the point of firing her. I really thought she was going to play both sides for as long as possible especially since she told no one that Gil had basically given her the WH Chief of Staff position should he win the election. It seemed the smart move and I honestly thought she (like many of us here) was wary of Logan even giving up power and was looking to protect herself. This will not end well for Shiv.

    I do hope the writers let us in on why Shiv is with Tom at all, let alone why she married him. She doesn't love him; most of the time I don't even think she likes him. For Tom it makes sense. Shiv's his meal ticket. There's a big piece of the puzzle that we're missing and I'm hoping they don't hold out from us much longer.

    Kendall seemed ticked off that the convenience store attendant didn't take his eyes off the television he was watching while ringing up Kendall's purchase. I think he stole the batteries on his way out as a way of saying, "How dare he treat me that way?" just to put the guy in his place, so to speak. 

    Did we know that Roman was in a relationship with Tabitha? That seemed to be out of the blue to me. I didn't know who she was until she made the "You might want to swallow something for that throat" crack to Tom. Her comment and Tom's reaction told me who she was, but I was still surprised that she's Roman's (evidently live-in) girlfriend. 

    Off topic: Kieran Culkin often reminds me of a young Robert Downey, Jr. I see a resemblance in certain mannerisms and facial expressions 

    Yes! I’ve thought that about RDJr since the first episode!!!!!! 

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  3. On 10/16/2019 at 10:00 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    I'm just starting this series and am unsure if I'm enjoying it or not, but will stick with it.  When Ken went out to LI and his helicopter was unable to fly because the air space was on lock down....did Logan set that up with the President?  I kind of think he did.  anyone else? 

    Yay! I just started last night!

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  4. 14 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

    I must admit that it crossed my mind too, but I quickly tried to dismiss it from my thoughts.   I always wondered if were essentially supposed to fill in the blanks and assume that it happened when Jesse was a prisoner. 

    Even if Todd had never done anything like that to Jesse, I wondered if his uncle and the gang had done it.  Or, if Jack didn't assault Jesse himself or order anyone else to, there might have been some rogue member of the gang who decided to do it when Jack wasn't looking.

    I hate even considering such a disgusting, sickening scenario, but any sort of prisoner/hostage scenario can easily lead to sexual assault too, and it is a conclusion some viewers might come to.

    But I hope NOT!  I hope we are not supposed to believe that Jesse was enduring rape as well as the other torture he had to endure.  I hope it's not what Vince Gilligan wants us to believe.

    That's EXACTLY what I've been thinking. Dear god. Poor Jesse.

    Anyway, no Marie, Finn :), or Skyler. I did miss Marie!!

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  5. On 10/12/2019 at 7:02 PM, ByTor said:

    I really thought when Todd told Jesse he needed something from him & they ended up in Todd's apartment, I thought for sure Todd was going to rape him.  Glad I was wrong.

    There were SEVERAL times I thought they were going the way of 'the gimp'/raping him. I was sick to my stomach.

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  6. On 10/13/2019 at 1:23 AM, CrystalBlue said:

    Everyone who went to Nam paid a price one way or the other.  The way our boys were treated if they came home didn't help either.

    💯  See: my dad.

  7. On 10/8/2019 at 10:20 PM, mtlchick said:

    Much love for Galavant and Timothy was amazing in it.  So glad he's doing better.

    This episode was...odd.  At least we knew that Kevin has always been there when Randall has his freakouts like in season 1.  But there was something about it I didn't like and I can't figure out what. 

    I don't think I like the show any more. Meh.

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  8. 16 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

     Courtney is a waitress. Waitresses are supposed to smile and be pleasant to their customers.

    However she certainly doesn’t have to smile or be pleasant on her free time. She should continue to bitch and moan about spending time on a tropical beach in Paradise. That is the best way to win friends and influence people.  

    Meh. Waitresses only need to be pleasant IMO (spoken as an ex-waitress).

    • Love 3
  9. I liked this episode; I appreciate Black’ish tackling these topics. I’m a proud feminist & this is definitely a critical issue for feminism! Jack continues to be my favorite.


    • Love 13
  10. On 10/4/2019 at 6:19 PM, Kiddvideo said:

    I’ve never seen the lead actor in another show. I understand from reading here that he’s been in a popular horror show before. I don’t have that previous affinity or goodwill, so I’m going to say this: his smile is horrible. He looks like he has really bad veneers, and I can’t focus on the show. I think the story has 2-3 seasons in it, and I like the other adult characters, but I can’t watch him.

    His teefs are played fir a joke several times in Justified, which is one of my top 5 series.

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  11. 3 hours ago, albarino said:

    I don't know where Contessa is studying but I guess it is Vanderbilt and didn't she say she was gone 2 or 4 days a week?  None of this seems unreasonable to me.  Mr. Contessa seems unreasonable; is it women's work to know how to do laundry/feed kids/dress them for school?  If he isn't up for it, why don't they hire a maid/nanny?

    Also Vanderbilt has a certain cachet that Emory and GA State don't have.  Good for Contessa to have a goal.  I think she is one up for her military background, race and gender.  They only thing riding against her is her appearing on this dumb show.

    Ain’t no way a Vandy MPH > Emory. Emory is a pipeline to CDC.

    OH  NO  SHE  DID  NOT  keep someone waiting 45 minutes & not apologize profusely?!!! Hell noo! I would have left after 10, filming or not. Fuck that. I don’t wait for my drs but 15 minutes.

    34 minutes ago, albarino said:

    Understandable but not for a political appointee like the Surgeon General.

    Have to agree to disagree.

    Fun fact: I work w David Satcher’s niece.

  12. 2 hours ago, albarino said:

    I don't know where Contessa is studying but I guess it is Vanderbilt and didn't she say she was gone 2 or 4 days a week?  None of this seems unreasonable to me.  Mr. Contessa seems unreasonable; is it women's work to know how to do laundry/feed kids/dress them for school?  If he isn't up for it, why don't they hire a maid/nanny?

    Also Vanderbilt has a certain cachet that Emory and GA State don't have.  Good for Contessa to have a goal.  I think she is one up for her military background, race and gender.  They only thing riding against her is her appearing on this dumb show.

    Ain’t no way a Vandy MPH > Emory. Emory is a pipeline to CDC.

    OH  NO  SHE  DID  NOT  keep someone waiting 45 minutes & not apologize profusely?!!! Hell noo! I would have left after 10, filming or not. Fuck that. I don’t wait for my drs but 15 minutes.

    • Love 6
  13. 12 hours ago, Irritable said:

    Karen's vague answers to specific questions are maddening, and probably the thing that I like least about her, because she has always done it.  Not only will she not come out with a real answer, she says shit like, "we are considering all options" and "we are still adjusting" with her nose in the air and this act of superiority as if anyone is going to just say, "Well, I guess the grande dame hath spoken!" and consider their questions answered.  She is unable to be truthful about herself and her life.  When she feels threatened and exposed, she bares her teeth in a crazed "smile" that looks more like the grimace of a wild animal who just bumped up against a predator, and then tosses her hair and adjusts her skirt to imply she is unbothered, but she is VERY BOTHERED.  


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  14. On 9/7/2019 at 3:07 PM, bichonblitz said:

    From what he said on WWHL, Steve and his girlfriend are not married yet and he implied he is in no rush. How is she able to stay in the country? What type of a VISA did she have to apply for to be able to come here so quickly. It just doesn't add up. Maybe it depends on the country you are coming from? 

    Maybe it's the 'genius visa'  😑

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  15. On 9/7/2019 at 4:57 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    It is interesting that they don't film a lot in Potomac, they seem to film everywhere else like Ashburn, (the Top Golf driving range), Alexandria, Rockville, Silver Spring,  Pimlico Race Track last Black Eye Susan Day race and even a not so great neighborhood in Baltimore where Robin flipped a house.

    Would it safe to say only one of the HW's live in Potomac?

    Side note, every time I am at Arundel Mills Mall I am constantly scanning the crowd for Robin...no sitings so far. I know she lives in one of those townhomes around that mall.

    Like the Atlanta housewives, not a damn one IN Atlanta.

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  16. On 8/29/2019 at 9:38 AM, red12 said:

    The fact that anyone allows Shep to refer to them as trash is mind boggling to me. He is the patron saint of 21st century "white trash". He has had every advantage and managed to accomplish the sum total of nothing. He is unemployable other than a reality show. He is useless in every practical way and contributes nothing to his community or humanity in general.  

    Guys like him have to stay in insulated Southern cities like Charleston because they cannot survive in an larger environment with uncontrolled competition. A first generation college graduate would cut Shep down to the bone in almost any competition (academic or otherwise). He knows that if the playing field were to be truly level, he would be stampeded. That's why he is so vested in trying to enforce gender and class norms from 1931. He is a young Thomas without a drug problem or senate seat and that ain't good.

    I am also disgusted at the enablers around him who allow him to coast on "charm" and what some categorize as good looks. They need to stop tiptoeing around him and listening to this asshole. All of these people are too old for this bullshit and I can't wait for the rest of the US to completely pass them by as they stand on the porches of broken down mansions with no more workers to do all of the maintenance work for them.

    I can’t love this post enough!! 💯 

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